ITECH 5500 Professional Research and Communication

Aim of assessment

Professionals required a portfolio to demonstrate their experience their on going  professionals development and their reflection  of those  experience and activities . portfolio have a variety of uses including. applying for employment or promotion, supporting performance review requirement, career planning and applying for credit or enrolment in postgraduation. one important reason for nurses to commence a portfolio is to demonstrate compliance with the continuing professional. development requirement of their registering body(NMBA). this assessment aims to enhance student understanding of professional obligation of nurse to keep a portfolio. it provides students with an opportunity to commence  a portfolio that they can revisit and develop. both during   their degree and throughout their professional career.


students will develop an electronic through an appropriate organisation or internet based site such as google site. a minimum of four sections/webpages is required at this  stage. but students may add more if they desire.

  1. profile snapshot of the student ; personal articles ; academic and employment achievements brief career, stages to achieve compliance with NMBA guidelines.
  2. circulam vitae personal details ; academic and employment history; references; interest.
  3. continuing professional development ; (cpd) past and planned short courses workshops remains conferences , working groups or relevant professionals development activities.
  4. based on the gabs cycle for each other reflection framework critical reflection on a specific  recent event in either or education context not the critical reflection from assessment.

student will commence inserting inform on the each section/webpages (200 words for each of the four mandated section / webpages. nothing that information is about the individual student. students event in either a work or education context.

as this assessment is professionals portfolio presentation and academic writing style are important sections 1 and 4 must be written narratively no dot point for bullets section 2 or 3 may incorporate dot points or bullets.

there is a weird limit of 8000 words. use your computer to total the number of words used in your assignment however . do not include list of the end of your assignment in the world more than 10 % of the marker will stop marking 800 word plus 10%.

for student who be repeating this limit. please note the it is not appropiable to resubmit work previously submitting for marking. previously submitted work will require amedement.

Special instruction for the submission of the portfolio

for tuition checking purpose. student are to cut and paste the text from their document., together with the URL for their e- portfolio, for submission through tumitin via the vUWS site. the portfolio itself will be marked, not the pasted text so the formating within the text document is not important.


  1. Examples may be available on the vUWS site.
  2. there are number of textbooks and resources available through the western Sydney university library that may assist you. please refer to the unit vUWS site for the specific unit resources.