Cross-Cultural Management Sample Question
A Marxist Reading of How the Steel was Tempered
The main argument of the paper is to prove that the novel reflects a Marxist ideology
The structure of the paper:
1-Abstract: at the end there should be 5 keywords
a-Marxism in literature
b-Summary of the novel
c-Declaration that the novel could be read from a Marxist point of view depending on ?the application of all Marxist theories on the novel
3- Main text:
Application of Marxism on the novel, including the following points:
Inequality between classes and demonstration of that from the novel itself with
direct quotations from the novel and indirect quotations from secondary sources about inequality as a tenet of Marxism
B-Anti- capitalism anti- capitalistic attitude and demonstration of that from the novel itself with direct quotations from the novel and indirect quotations from secondary sources about anti-capitalism?
c-Historical materialism with its definition and how that is demonstrated in the novel -c
d-Class conflict and how is that demonstrated in the novel -d
e-Dialectical materialism with its definition and how is that demonstrated in the novel -e
e-Revolution against the upper class how is that demonstrated in the novel -f The idea of alienation in Marxism with its definition and how it is demonstrated -g
f-Exploitation of the lower class and how it is demonstrated in the novel -h Each point should be given example from the novel itself with direct quotation

4- conclusion
Summary of the findings