CAP203 Care of the person with an acute illness

Please write a short paragraph in response to each question. The total assignment should be no more than a page.

Task 1: What element of the play have you decided to expand upon? (1 point) Explain the main theme and aspect of the narrative that you will focus on.

Task 2: What is the setting for your scene and why have you chosen it (1 point) Explain whether your setting is an existing or new setting, and how it will be important to your scene.

Task 3: What will the main action of the scene be? (1 point) What are the characters doing in the scene (both physically and psychologically)?

Task 4: How will our understanding of the character/s be enhanced (1 point) What are the objectives of your characters in this scene and do they achieve their goal?

Task 5: What will be the significant elements of staging in your scene (1 point) Explain how you will use music, light, costume etc.

To submit your assignment: Submit print copy for marking to Arts 1 Reception with cover page attached.