Contemporary Issues in Project Management

Question I

One of the reasons is that knowing how to study for an exam can make a big difference in performance. Apart from making a big difference during exams, knowing how to study also increases the confidence of a learner during the exam. The student will also be able to retain a lot of information that will come in handy when answering questions. Developing effective studying skills requires consistency and commitment. A student must also be organised at all
times. For students to study effectively, they need to develop a study plan that will guide them on what to study and when to study. Lastly, they also need to pay a lot of attention in their class. Knowing how to study effectively ensures a student can study smarter and not harder.

Question 2

Onchocerciasis, also called river blindness is a condition that impacts on both the skin and the eyes. A warm called the Filaria is what causes the disease. The disease is mainly described as river blindness because the back fly which normally spreads it is mainly found along the rivers. The disease has over the years been classified under neglected tropical disease (Colebunders, et al., 2018). The disease is still common in various parts of Africa. Currently,
it is estimated that in Africa more than 18 million individuals have the disease. It is also reported that more than two hundred million people are at the risk of contracting the disease. A lot of non-government organizations have been working hard to stop the spread of disease which most governments have not been taking seriously. River blindness occurs as a result of a bite from the back fly. Immediately, an individual is bitten, the larvae get into the human body which later develops into an adult female worm (Winthrop, Furtado, Silva, Resnikoff, & Lansingh, 2011). While inside the human body, the worms produce larvae that migrate to other body organs such as the eyes and the skin. It is worth noting that the disease can be passed to others. The disease causes a lot of irritation, itching and inflammation. The disease mainly affects individuals who live in sub-Sahara Africa where the back fly is commonly found. Ninety per cent of cases are found in Africa. However, cases have also been identified in other places like Yemen. The signs and symptom of river blindness occur in various stages of the infection. In the early stages of the infection and individual might not have any symptoms and it may take up to a year for the first symptoms to occur. A lot of symptoms normally appear when the disease becomes severe. The common symptoms include skin rashes, itching, light sensitivity and eyes itching. In some cases, the lymph glands swell. The WHO recommends that the disease can be treated using ivermectin that is taken once a year for 10 to 15 years. However, treatment can also be adjusted depending on the nature of the disease (Basáñez, Pion, Churcher, Breitling, Little, & Boussinesq, 2006). Medication helps prevent the disease from spreading further. Treatment does not cure blindness but it
helps an individual from experiencing further loss of sight. The other treatment of river blindness is by using doxycycline. All these medications are effective and help in stopping the spread of the disease.

In conclusion, river blindness is still a common disease in Africa and African countries should be concerned about it. The common symptoms are itching, skin rashes and many others. The two medications that have been approved by the WHO include doxycycline and ivermectin. A lot more should be done to help curb the further spread of the disease. The world should be united in the fight against this disease and come up with a vaccine.

Question 3

Hanging is a short story that was written by George Orwell. The story talks about executing a person that occurred in Burma where George Orwell was a police officer. Burma was one of the most violent places in Asia. The author describes the event candidly and bluntly. He talks about the event form the behaviour of the individual being hanged and all the happenings that occurred. George Orwell begins the story by painting the picture on the atmosphere of the prisons where individuals were being held waiting for execution. A man is brought out to be executed and he is closely guarded even though he was not resisting. He goes ahead to describe the person that was about to be executed as an under human who had lost the qualities that makes him a human. When being taken to the gallows, a dog appears and after several minutes the dog is contained. Before reaching the gallows Orwell realises that a man’s life was about to be destroyed. They reach the gallows and a guard put a rope around the neck of the individual. However, the prisoner begins to pray while chanting Ram! Ram! Ram! And he does not appear to falter for
even a second (Orwell, 2014). As the chanting continues the superintendent makes up his mind and orders for the execution by shouting ‘Chalo’. This is followed by a dead silence as the prisoner gasps for his last breath. After the prisoner dying, the prison warders inspect the body after which they go back inside to take breakfast. While serving breakfast the guards discuss some of the tough killings they have had to do over the years. In a certain instance a guard describes a scenario where a medic had to confirm if a prisoner had died. The warders later go out for drinks where they talk have some fun about the incidents they have seen while doing their work.