MIS710 – Machine Learning in Business - Trimester

Employer Branding

Branding will always be a key platform for marketers to win over customers‘ minds and hearts; the reality that it became a critical component of the talent management equation demonstrates the impact marketing is making on recruitment. Its employer brand influences people’s perceptions of a firm’s performance and work atmosphere. One of the primary reasons employer branding seems to be so essential is that it serves the firm’s business image. It distinguishes the organization as a decent employer and attracts job seekers (Theurer et al., 2018). Despite addressing any significant PR difficulties, effective employer branding will have a long-term favorable influence on recruitment. The grade of applicants also will increase considerably; those who would have never imagined enrolling in the past will begin to apply. Employer brand benefits include profession, appealing goal terms, reasonable salary, and remittance. Common benefits include remarks about the famous business, and the professional support candidates expect to receive while operating for the company (Dabirian et al., 2019).

Prospective participants are drawn to companies with needed representative-related attributes and highly value such values. Connecting Employer Branding and Corporate Identity, One of the fundamental concepts of employer branding is that certain aspects of the organization’s image be shown alongside potential and existing employees. As a result, it is clear that firms still have work to do to build their employer branding digitally. That’s a highly disciplined, fast-paced workplace where users must service various clients from various enterprises and sectors. Most forward-thinking companies seek to have a more diversified staff. A recruiting agency, for instance, should be well-balanced in terms of the fundamentals of the company and the demands of the applicant (Arasanmi et al., 2019).


Human resource management relies heavily on recruitment. That’s the appointment’s preliminary stage. The procedure of finding, evaluating, and hiring qualified applicants for work inside a company is recruitment. A recruiting process is an organization-specific approach to applicant sourcing used to discover and hire new employees. Recruitment is also the method of recruiting as many applicants as possible to seek positions inside the business. Recruitment includes efforts that allow competent people to apply for open positions in any company. An organization can gain employment internally or through hiring from outside the organization. Recruitment refers to identifying sources of human resources staffing to meet the workforce schedule’s necessities and implementing effective strategies to encourage sufficient workforce numbers to ensure the smooth choice of an efficient operating workforce. Regardless of the obstacles, an organization may face in attracting potential candidates, the long-term commodity they could generate as staff members will revert to work toward the corporation. Organizations have benefited from innovation by enabling their adverts to be seen by thousands of individuals every day. However, the surge of candidates may impede the method of choosing suitable applicants from those who are not (Abbasi et al., 2020). The intricacy of each firm’s selection mechanism varies. Some firms make the deliberate choice to fill vacancies fast and cheaply by screening application forms and employing candidates solely based on information. Several businesses, on the other hand, make the strategic choice to pick the finest individual possible by implementing a complex and, at times, expensive selection mechanism.

Recruitment needs both, the appointment of the utmost qualified workers and the success of other administrative targets. For example, it can be stated that there is a requirement to meet the essentials for workers in numerous zones, to simplify multiplicity positively. It also helps to allocate the employees consistently between several sections. Each of the extents may contain several opinions of view, counting the local point of view of each candidate-position blends. Apart from that, the administrative or supervisory section and the positional point of view are equally essential. In the case of this multi-objective situation, there is a requirement to maintain the trade-offs as there are necessities from various stakeholders of the firm.


If an organization and a candidate are conscious of each other they have become each other’s attributes. That will also help them to generate early decisions on whether or not to put each other on a selection of possible scenarios. This specific phase generally does not last long as it just involves the job searchers; the selection to implement and the administration’s preliminary elimination of applicants by focusing on the basic job necessities. This can also be observed as an initial recruitment selection procedure in that persons and administrations select which individuals and administrations will be comprised in the initial pools of replacements. This is importantly resolute by the person’s and administration’s insights of fit, which leads to initial desirability (Reis and Braga, 2016).

Most importantly, the theory of reasoned action reflects that several attitudes, as well as subjective norms, put straight impacts on purposes, that effectively forecast behavior. The positive or negative opinions possible candidates have on the job prospect makeup arrogances in the employment and job search ranges. So, it can be highlighted that the subjective norms are tries to effect purposes to perform positively in the TRA as individuals are likely to be concerned about what the importance is others will think of the focused demeanor. Subjective norms signify the thoughts of individuals while generating job decisions (Figurska, and Matuska, 2018).

Apart from that, the subjective norms are assumed to affect purposes to act in convinced methods in the TRA as individuals are mainly thinking about what their effective skills others will think on the attentive behavior. Subjective norms reflect the thoughts of others concerning looking for service with the potential company when it comes to service-related decisions. As per TRA, all the attitudes, as well as subjective standards, require to provide an effect on how serious a person is about applying for the job (Kaiser, and Regjepaj, 2019).


Abbasi, S.G., Tahir, M.S., Abbas, M. and Shabbir, M.S., 2020. Examining the relationship between recruitment & selection practices and business growth: An exploratory study. Journal of Public Affairs, p.e2438.https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/pa.2438

Arasanmi, C.N. and Krishna, A., 2019. Employer branding: perceived organizational support and employee retention–the mediating role of organizational commitment. Industrial and Commercial Training.https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/ICT-10-2018-0086/full/html

Dabirian, A., Paschen, J. and Kietzmann, J., 2019. Employer branding: Understanding employer attractiveness of IT companies. IT Professional, 21(1), pp.82-89.https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/8657389/

Figurska, I. and Matuska, E., 2018. Employer branding as a human resources management strategy. Human resources management & Ergonomics7(2). https://frcatel.fri.uniza.sk/hrme/files/2013/2013_2_03.pdf

Kaiser, M. and Regjepaj, A., 2019. Impact of Employer Branding on Employee Commitment and Satisfaction. Management13(2), pp.49-70. https://www.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:1335302/ATTACHMENT01.pdf

Reis, G.G. and Braga, B.M., 2016. Employer attractiveness from a generational perspective: Implications for employer branding. Revista de Administração (São Paulo)51, pp.103-116. https://www.scielo.br/j/rausp/a/gyp3fNh5bnCTxWprDZYwPgr/?format=html

Theurer, C.P., Tumasjan, A., Welpe, I.M. and Lievens, F., 2018. Employer branding: a brand equity‐based literature review and research agenda. International Journal of Management Reviews, 20(1), pp.155-179.https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/ijmr.12121