Strategic Information System


The term employee relation has been identified as the substitute term for the industrial relations. In earlier times, it was a major concern of the Royal Dutch shell but now the emphasis has been shifted to some other part of the organization (Noe, R.A., Hollenbeck, J.R., Gerhart, B. and Wright, P.M., 2003). Now-a-days business needs a lot of motivation and to maintain a healthy relation with the employee. The relation between the employee and its employer is an important and integrated part of the business environment. The human resource management plays a crucial part in molding the business environment. A manager of an organization must have to maintain a good relationship with its employee so as to produce a better business output. It is important to maintain a good relation because it increases the work output and helps in the growth of company’s profit margin to a higher level. In order to maintain a good relation with his employee a manager follows a lot of theoretical and practical knowledge that will help to build the Royal Dutch shell and even helps it to grow (Addison, J.T. and Belfield, C.R., 2001).

Task 1

1.1 Explain the unitary and pluralistic frames of reference

Arnason, J.P in 2001 described that a healthy relationship between the employee and its mangers has been alternatively regarded as the ‘frames of references’. A frame of reference helps to check the relationship between the employee and its manager. He described that there are three ideals that helps to maintain employment relationship known as are pluralist, unitary and radical.   

Unitary- The unitary form of governance has the ability to recognize the faithfulness of employee and thus helps in maintaining a good and healthy team work environment. It is important that a team I who is working an organization must work jointly and in a collaborate manner which has a common goals and objectives (Muzzio, I.A., Kentros, C. and Kandel, E., 2009). It is important that the role assigned to each of the employee must be gladly accepted by the one and follow the instruction and guidelines of the assigned leader. There must not be other rival groups that will hinder the work performance of the team. The members must follow the instruction of its own leader and not others. 

Pluralism- In an organization like Royal Dutch shell, it has been observed that the growth of the organization and its team is entirely dependent upon the loyalty of the employee and a single focus on the work attention but it is most likely to be accepted that a rival group is also present in the Royal Dutch shell and the team must have to accept the source of rival leadership and its attachment to the organization (Denis, J.L., Langley, A. and Rouleau, L., 2007). It is equally important to accept the plural group and answer the quarries and problem of this group also. The two most important subgroups in the pluralistic frames are the management and the trade union. 

1.2 Assess how changes in trade unionism have affected employee relations

In the 20th century, it is most likely to be accepted that the growth of trade union has become extremely powerful and dominating. In the year 1901, the court of UK decided that the trade union is responsible for the damage and the loss of Royal Dutch shell and must be sued by the government if they continue to held strike in most parts of the country. But in the year 1923-1929, it has been observed that the British government faced a very conservative type where general strikes were common among the trade unions (Allan, J.P. and Scruggs, L., 2004)

It was in the year 1920s when the coal mines of United Kingdom were declining rapidly. In the next year the wages of the employee was cut down to a much extent. In the year 1926, the wage again goes down and the working hours of the employee were increased. The minors working under the group went for help to the other trade unions and a general strike was started from 3rd May onwards in the same year. In that strike some of the workers also lost their lives and thus we celebrate May Day on behalf on them. In later year, a new trade union was recognized and thus the relationship of the employees was drastically affected. At first the relationship between the employee and its employer was not a better one but it soon developed and grown. 

1.3 Explain the role of the main players in the employee relations

Some of the most important employee that plays a very crucial role in managing the relationship between the employee and its organization are HR Manager, Employee Trainee, Financial Manager and the CEO of the Royal Dutch shell (Scullion, H. and Starkey, K., 2000).   

Role of HR in maintaining employee relation- The Human Resource Manager plays a very important role in maintaining the employee relation. The HR Manager of Royal Dutch shell has the responsibility to maintain the assigning of jobs to the individual, planning of the work place and various others. All these plans have been designed to increase the sincerity, truthfulness and responsibility to the employee so that a better relation may develop. 

Role of Employee Trainee in maintaining employee relation- A proper training employee is being employed in the Royal Dutch shell so as to maintain a good relationship between the employee and its employers and yield the best output for the organization.

Role of Financial Manager in maintain employee relationship- The financial manager also plays a key role in maintaining a good relationship with the employee. He has the ability to recognize the need of the employee in a financial position and thus help to maintain proper employee relationship. 

Role of CEO in maintaining employee relationship- The role of CEO is most important to maintain a good relationship between the employee and its management. The skill and he philosophy of the CEO is very important to achieve the higher performance of the employee as well as the organization. Thus the CEO maintains a good competitive relationship between the employee and its organization. 

Task 2

2.1 Explain the procedures an organization should follow when dealing with different conflict situations

A lot of conflict situations arise when dealing with a large corporation. But the most important part is to recognize the cause of the conflict and find the various ways to solve the given situation (Rahim, M.A., 2010).  

A lot of conflict may arise in an organization because of some of the following reasons:

  • The inefficiency among the management of the training.
  • Inadequate means of treatment with the employee
  • A degraded communication system
  • Risk worthy environment
  • Previous unsolved problems
  • Management issues 
  • Aggravation in the working group of the organization

Managerial action is taken in a regular basis to solve conflicts in a given situations. A lot of action has been derived by the manager so as to remove the chances of arising conflict among the Royal Dutch shell. The most important cause to solve any conflict is negotiation. Some of the ways by which the conflict can be resolved are:

  • A customary analysis of the descriptions of job. 
  • Providing an option to give their regards and views.
  • Use of safety measures within the organization
  •  Paying attention to the problem of the employee
  • Acquiring recommendation of the employee
  • Developing proper job opportunity.
  • Avoiding harassment within the organization.

A lot of ways have been implemented in order to solve the problem of the Royal Dutch shell. These procedures can be implemented in various ways:

  • Making proper communication between the HR Manager, Manager and the employee
  • Taking adequate advise from the representative of the employee about their terms and conditions
  • Keeping the record of important events, dates deadline handy. It is equally important to keep track of all the important notes, mails and letter in an adequate manner.

2.2 Explain the key features of employee relations in the real life conflict situation of Ford Motors

Employee relation refers to the concerning authorities of the organization Royal Dutch shell who manages the relationship between the employee and its employer. In order to maintain a progressive environment around the organization it is equally important to maintain a satisfactory relation between the employee and the organizational management and help solve the conflict if arises in a given situation (Blyton, P. and Turnbull, P., 2004). The Ford Motors maintains a good relation with the employee with the help of Pluralist approach i.e., divide the firm into smaller group and work with an exceptional identify. The employee relationship of an organization is dependent among the following factors:

  • Organizing the work in an adequate manner.
  • Recognize the skill of the employee and think about his growth and development.
  • Compensating the employee in case of any misshapen
  • A separate management for the labor issue

These features are maintained by the Ford Motors appropriately in order to maintain the employee relation management.   

 2.3 Evaluate the effectiveness of procedures used in a selected conflict situation

In an organization, the conflict or the fight is only arises due to the lack of the understandings and the communication between the employee and the employers. Due to this fight the relation between the employee and the employee and the employers and the employee is destroying or getting hampered day by day. This conflict or fight is not good or it is a very harmful for the Royal Dutch shell. By this conflict or fight, the relationship or the communication is going decreased amongst the employee day by day; due to this the production level of the company is also decreased due to the improper communication amongst the employees (Rossi, P.H., Lipsey, M.W. and Freeman, H.E., 2003). And this professional fight is converting into personal fight. The fight or the conflict is a type of mental problem; in this the person does not understand any profit or loss of the organization Royal Dutch shell, in this situation he or she just want to jealous or the bad or improper things to the other party. Due to the conflict, the organization cannot achieve their goal. So for the increment of the organization, it is very important that the conflict must be solving rapidly amongst the conflictions so that the work does not suffers. In the daily or the real life there are so many ways to solve the conflict between the two or more parties. There are some ways by which we can solve the conflict. They are as follow:-

  • See the description of the job in a regular basis.
  • Increase the option of the open opinion.
  • Make sure that the place of the workers must be safe for them.
  • Firstly listen the problem of the employees.
  • Must take the recommendation of the employees.
  • Must remove or delete the harassment problem from the organization.
  • Must create the proper opportunity and chance to development of the employee, by this the industry will also develop.

Task 3

3.1 Explain the role of negotiation in collective Bargaining

The process of the gather of the bargain is a native process of the negotiation, and this deal implies between the employee and the employer means the owner and the workers or staffs union. This negotiation is a type of deal which has been done between the employee and the employer for their monthly payments called wages, safety of the place where the workers and the employees do their work and the time which they spend in the office to do their work (Elvander, N., 2002). The term negotiation is plays a very vital role in the field of any gather bargaining like-

The negotiation means the conciliation increase or develop the relation between the employee and the employer, by sign the deal about the workers or the employees and by this they relation between them is developed day by day and due to this the Royal Dutch shell will be proceed to their success and able to achieve their goals.

The negotiation is helps to increase the production and the output of the workers because when the relation and the surrounding of the office is very familiar then all the workers and the employee do their work in the office like their own so that they do their work very carefully and in very responsible way.

Due to the negotiation the freedom or the autonomy of the worker will be decreases because he or she has to do their work according to the deal and terms and condition of the deal.

The effective of the helpful machines of the gather or collective bargaining is like strength or the power of the movement of the trade union.

For the employer it will be easy to do any solute the problem of the company Royal Dutch shell by bargaining, and without this is quite difficult to resolve the issues of the organization.

It is very important for the criteria or the settings and stopping the dispute or the argument or problem of the organization or the corporation.

3.2 Assess the impact of negotiation strategy for a given situation

There is a situation- fight amongst the ACAS Company and their workers. There are some reasons so that the fight is arises. They are as follow-

  • Bad behavior with the employee
  • Absence of the equal opportunity amongst employees
  • No source of good opportunity
  • Lack of communication between the employees.
  • And the load of the work is increases day by day.

But the above problem can be solved by the techniques of the negotiation. Through the negotiation the company negotiates and manage the listen carefully the problems of the employees and the workers (Van Weele, A.J., 2009). They took the suggestions to resolve the problems of the organization Royal Dutch shell. 

Then the negotiation talks with the managers, HR manager and the representatives of the employee of the Royal Dutch shell. In this meeting the manager talk about the problem and try to find out the solution so that the workers feel comfortable over there and their work positively.

Task 4

4.1 Assess the influence of the EU on industrial democracy in the UK

The EU means the European Union, who controls their organization through different and also successful policies and their internal functions also. Like the trade policy, conscripting policy, maintain the environment policy, management of human resource policy, employee training policy, health and safety of workplace policy and maintain the relationship of employee policy (Michalowitz, I., 2007)

These are the policies through which people can control the social equality of the workers. If there is an anti-harassment policy is drawn for the women safety in their workplace. Then the women went any work place and do their work freely and without any fear of the harassment. 

The trade policy is another imitative of UN which point to the rate of the freedom in the organization. The surrounding must be free for the worker because if there is no freedom then they may not do their work in the positive way. So due to this policy, the organization indulge in the international or the overseas trade business.

The safety and health policy is a very important policy because in this the safety of the workers has been done which is the most important thing for any company. If the place is safe for the workers then they may do their work in an extra careful way.

4.2 Compare methods used to gain employee participation and involvement in the decision making process in organizations

There are so many process which is used in the employee involvement and participation between them designation, communication, education or preparation and inducement, giving influence and more important (Allen, D.G., Shore, L.M. and Griffeth, R.W., 2003)

Designation- In this process the supervisor or the owner hand over the responsibility to the subsidiary to do any work of the office with the proper and the right authority and without any mistake also so that the goodwill of the company will not going to hamper. This method is the best amongst others.

Giving methods of authority:

Everyone wants to be the superior amongst all, he she have the power or the right to take all the important decisions alone, so that other members give more importance to that person. By giving the power can be increases the involvement of the employee. This is also an effective and important method in the field of Royal Dutch shell.

Training- Through training the involvement or the indulging of the employees can be increased. This is done by manually or in other words it is done by a person who trains the other in a particular field also that the trainee does the work in the office without any mistake or according to the wants. 

4.3 Assess the impact of human resource management on employee relations

The management of the human resource is an important part of Royal Dutch shell. It is also considered as the internal part of the employee relation. If the proper or correct human resource of the human management is absent then the employee relation program is quite not possible to do. The employee relation and the organizational behavior both are depend on the management of Royal Dutch shell because without this they cannot work properly (Meyer, J.P., Stanley, D.J., Herscovitch, L. and Topolnytsky, L., 2002). The management of the human resource development is always focuses on the employee and the organizational development so that they can work carefully and create their goodwill in better way. There are some major functions of the human resource management recruitment, training and development, planning of the work place, management of the performance, assurance of the good or the best quality of the output and designs of the job etc.

All the above functions create a huge impact in the development of the employee functions. Because of the use of the above functions, company reaches their goals and creates their own position in the economic market.


By the above argument it is concluded that the relationship of the employee is very important and create a huge impact for Royal Dutch shell. If the organization manages these impacts then definitely they can reach their aim. For maintain this relation, an organization must know and understand the whole criteria of the human resource management, employee engagement, employee performance management etc.


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