Hospitality and Tourism Management

Health and safety management are significant for any organization; thus, employers should consider every employee’s health and safety very cautiously. There are several elements to maintain health and safety rules in any organization which is as follows:

Organization policies for employee’s safety and health:

Health and safety policies are very important to run an organization for a very long time. A job seekers foremost priority is safety and health when they apply for any job through an online portal. At first everyone goes through organizations’ health and safety policies because none of the people want to compromise with their health. Any organization’s top most priority should be employee’s health and safety. 

Women safety:

Women are as efficient as men nowadays. They do job with same professionalism in every sector. This is the reason the organization should be very careful with women employees in their organization. It is management’s duty to check whether their women employees facing any issue to do their job in the organization, such as- harassment, health problem etc. In that case something happen management should take action immediately.

Proper supervision within Organization:

It is stated that a good working environment can make a good project; therefore it will automatically help in organizations growth. Everyone needs to cooperate with each other for their own betterment. If that doesn’t happen in any case then the management of the organization should take action against that person who is violating the rules of the organization. First higher authority needs to warn that person for their ill-behavior and if it happens several times after warning also then the company should terminate that person without a second thought (Shekari, 2020).

Training and Induction regarding safety management in organization:

A training period is necessary for everyone when they are joining as a beginner and it is not only about the work but management should inform their safety and health policies to the new joiners. It is one of the primary key points for any organization. Those who are not trained properly can put the organization in a risky situation but a well trained employee will be very accurate about what they are doing. So, a compliant employee is more beneficial for any company than a poorly trained employee.

Unwanted situations management in an organization:

It is obvious that an accident can happen anytime with an employee or several employees in the organization. So, management should also take care of this part attentively. If something major happens in the organization management should take immediate action to serve that employee as soon as possible. Other than that any hazard situations which can be solved with the help of the organization’s management should be resolved (Subramaniam, et al. 2016). 

Motivating employees for their good work:

This component is last but not the least. Organizations’ management should give extra reward for their good behavior in the workplace. It is important not only for them but also motivated other employees to do the same. It may sound lame but little changes make a big difference in the long run.

Reporting about the safety management of organization to the employees:

Organizations should build a transparent relationship with their employees. Employees are putting their hard work to make the organization better. Thus, it is important to inform them about the organization’s current conditions. The current condition is not only based on financial benefits of the organization but also about the safety management of their workplace. Giving them reports about previous incidents happen related to health and safety management in organization and how the organization overcomes it. A good connection between company and employee is very needed for making a good workplace (Shekari, 2020).


Subramaniam, C., Faridahwati, M. S., Md Lazim, M. Z., Subramaniam, S. R., & Hassan, Z. (2016). Safety management practices and safety compliance in small medium enterprises. Asia – Pacific Journal of Business Administration, 8(3), 226-244. 

Shekari, A.M., 2020. Safety Management Systems Standards & Guidelines: A Comparative Analysis. Professional safety, 65(9), pp. 32-37.