AVA20010 Aviation Legal Framework


E-business or e-commerce is an advanced form of traditional business that includes the purchase and even sales of the products. The sales and purchase of these products are carried out with equal efficiency over the internet. The day-to-day business functions are carried out over electronic networks like EDI (Electronic Data Interchange). Conduction of joint research with the partners and collaboration with distributors for promotion of sales and providing services to the customer are all the functions that are carried out through e-business. A number of business firms review their business continuously in terms of the internet where they specifically look upon the availability, broad access and changing capabilities. The securities that are developed and implemented today in the browsers and the availability of digital certificates from various certificate issuers has diminished threats and early concerns that were related to e-business or e-commerce (Jovarauskienė & Pilinkienė, 2015). The concept of e-business is explained in this report through two distinguished tasks involving two different organizations that capture the segments describing the key areas of e-business. In the first task comprehending the scope of e-business and its working is described whereas the second task focuses on defining the utilization of various models that are associated with the models of e-business and the characteristics of a secured design website are analyzed. 

1.1 Environment of E-business and Types of Transactions

The environment of e-business or e-commerce refers to the business in a broader context i.e. the macro environment. The macro-environment consists of political, economical, social and technological elements. If these elements are organized virtually then it might be a piece of the microenvironment in which the organization, its market and the industry are included. A virtual organization is the adoption of an organizational approach which might be called an e-business.  The firms that aim to shine in the competitive market in these days will have to implement the techniques and methodologies of e-business as this utilizes the brand new technological advantages of internet for the development of business. Internet facilitates in successful exertion of distinguished ideas of business and so many huge firms are dazing due to developments that are taking place in the technologies of internet (Kundi et al.,2014). The macro-environment of e-business consists of political, economical, social and technological factors. The influence of perceptions of customers determines the various activities that are associated with the internet is the social factor of e-business. Determination of various ways for promotion and sale of products over the internet covers up the legal factors. For the society, the government has to protect the privacy rights of every individual. The international trade and expenditure patterns are affected due to fluctuations in the economic performances in various countries. The crucial role is played by the national government and transactional organizations for deciding the future control over the internet and the rules and norms that abide them. The changes in technology are determined by the factors associated with the technology which provide various chances for product marketing (Soto-Acosta et al.,2015). There are various business transactions related to e-commerce. If spoken in a general sense then e-commerce is considered as commercial online transactions among a client and a supplier. This idea is true and correct but going into the depth of e-business or e-commerce this can get much more specific and these transactions are divided into various types, there are six kinds of transactions include the following:

  1. Business to Business or B2B
  2. Business to Consumer or B2C
  3. Commerce to Commerce or C2C
  4. Consumer to Business or C2B
  5. Business to Administration B2A
  6. Consumer to Administration C2A

In business to business encloses all the transactions of goods and services electronically that takes place between various organizations and this is used by the wholesalers on a regular basis. The founding of the relationship in e-business between the final consumers and businesses is known as Business to consumer or B2C. In consumer to consumer or C2C variation of e-business the transaction among the consumers are involved that are organized by a third party providing an online platform for carrying out the actual transactions (Turban et al., 2015). The reverse sense of traditional exchange of goods and services is called consumer to business or C2B. This is commonly found in the projects that are based on crowdsourcing where the availability of products for purchasing is done by individuals for the organizations that exactly look for such kinds of products and services. In business administration or B2A, the transactions are carried out among the organizations and public administration. This involves an area that is largely based on fiscal, employment, social security, registers etc (Torres, Gomes & Yasin, 2014). Consumers to administration are the model that comprises of all the transactions that are done electronically among the individuals and public administrations like education (distant learning), filling up tax returns, health appointments etc.

1.2 Barriers in e-business: 

The challenges to e-business are often underrated to deriving out the benefits that are introduced by e-business or e-commerce. The availability of personal computers, cell phones and the internet challenges an individual to access the web and in some places in the world, these technologies are scarce. Moreover, due to the improvement in the speed of the internet, the cost of the internet is increasing in both the absolute term and per capita income (Yang, Flynn & Anderson, 2014). The divergence in the ingression of the, with internet across the various regions, s quite significant that challenges the costing of human capital for installation, operation and maintenance are beyond the reach of the enterprises. The following figure depicts the various barriers to e-business.

E-Business Sample 3

There are some barriers that specific to infrastructure and is a challenge for taking up e-business in countries. The barriers, in this case, include the absence of easy means of payments like credit or debit cards, presence of logistics with poor performance in delivering and returning of the products and services to intended consumers and merchants respectively, lack of specialization and availability of merchants that can be trusted with reasonable price and size of the product. Internet security is another barrier to the e-business along with the deficiency of feel and touch that are associated with online purchases (Wiengarten et al.,2013). The limitations in infrastructure also include accessing the technology like computers, gateway to internet and connectivity, bandwidth limitations etc. All these obstacles reduce the capability for handling data that audio and graphical and unreliability in the supply of electricity.

Advantages of E-business:

  1. This helps in elasticity in operating hours of business as the availability of internet for each and every day and minute throughout the year.
  2. The marketing associated with e-business is drastically cost-effective because the efforts associated with online marketing and promotion is limited o free of cost in a few cases.
  3. The decline in the transaction cost is carried out by e-business this is because the cost for each transaction in minimum as least manpower is utilized for finishing up a transaction online.
  4. The main advantage of e-business is that it diminishes the boundaries geographically that facilitates in easy access to consumers residing overseas and within the nation.

1.3) Legislative Issues and Security Faced By E-Business Organization:

There are various issues that relate to the security of e-business. All of these issues are categorized into three relevant ones:

  • Identification and verification of the person with whom the business is carried out.
  • Tampering of messages that are sent and received by the user.
  • Evidence of date, time and place where the contract was made.

The legal issues that are faced by IDS are:

  1. Trademarking the name of the product and logo can help in protecting and securing their legal status.
  2. Using appropriate web addresses or domain names for every organization is essential and it has to be unique and must never be claimed by any other firm.
  3. The company that fails to pay the internet-based tax will lead taking legal actions against the organization.
  4. The business of e-commerce is associated with a major level of danger in a financial way than any other typical business.
  • Methods of Communication for e-business:


Email: This is one of the most usual and typical forms of communication electrically. The mails that have good visual features can be used for sending to consumers for sharing information regarding their products

Social Networking: The idea of making business simpler easy and fast has been enhanced by the use of a common platform of social networking which attracts and grasps the attention of a number of viewers by offering discounts and policies (Wagner, Hassanein &  Head, 2014).

Mobile Devices: In sophisticated days like today dell phones are used for making short emails and text messages. Implementing this will help in reaching out to a number of business associates as well as connecting with the consumers.


2.1 Importance of Internet and Technologies in Making E-Business Successful:

The Internet plays a major and crucial role in bringing about success to e-business. Internet is nothing but a platform and e-business utilizes this platform to carry out each and every activity relating to the business and its various transactions. Internet is a guide for inculcating methodologies and strategies that are included in marketing. The applications of internet and internet facilities are utilized by the organizations that are internet-based and depend on these for their growth and development (Wiengarten et al.,2013). Internet facilitates in determining the fluctuations in the prices and extension of market size. The popularity of online business increases due to the internet as it helps in the fast transaction of funds for purchasing and selling of the products.

2.2 HTML and its Features:

HyperText Markup Language or in short HTML is used for designing the base of the web pages and even very basic web pages that can be easily understood and modified. The formatting tags in HTML facilitate making presentations that are effective and efficient. It even facilitates the inclusion of sound and graphics as well as videos that can be added to the pages thus providing elasticity in designing one (Torres, Gomes & Yasin, 2014). The documents of HTML are independent of the platforms and can be viewed in any operating system.

2.3 Client Servers Function:

  1. The server enables the storage and retrieving of the files that are sent to various computers that are connected and operated by a network.
  2. The server has the ability to reply automatically to a received mail in the absence of the operator or user of the system.
  3. The traffic that is generated by the server can be analyzed in a precise manner and keeps a count of files that are downloaded and types of browsers that were used to access the site along with the IP addresses.
  4. With the help of a password, it encrypts the accessibility to the website, files or even directories. 

Functions of Web Browsers:

The inputs of the users in the form of URLs (Uniform Resource Locator) are processed by the browser which enables the user to easily access the required websites and pages. The correct information and resources are provided by the web browsers whenever it is necessary. It enables a user to interact with the pages of the website and at the same time by secure means and methods, it provides security to the resources that are present on the current page of a logged-in website (Kundi et al.,2014).

Search Engines and their Roles:

These are the foundations of the internet and it is used by every user because it provides the quickest means for finding information or product. The capability of the search engines is that is searches for the keyword on every website (Turban et al., 2015). This is a technique that is used by many search engines and is called crawling, after which it allows the user to search using a particular query thus enabling the search of the user’s suitable resources by matching up with the keywords that are input in the search bar. This even facilitates storing the contents of web pages within its database.

2.4 Intranets and Extranets and their use for business communication:

The restricted network of computers that are generally utilized in a single organization is known as intranet and is also a form of the private network. It enables the connection from thousand people from any location within an organization. Intranets facilitate in providing a secure place for storage, accessing and developing the materials for business. It helps in enhancing the efficiency of the business as it speeds up the execution of the job and at the same time reduces the production of error (Torres, Gomes & Yasin, 2014). Intranet is applicable for storing facts and information by including the folders so that the employees can have access to different files and their databases.

The computer network enables connection between two or more intranets and it is also a restricted computer network. This allows cooperation between various organizations as it facilitates in connecting various intranets for taking up combined initiatives and projects (Youngblood & Mackiewicz, 2012). Communication is controlled and carried out efficiently thus allowing access to several other organizations to use the network services.

Task 2

3.1) Models of E-Business that can Facilitate in Generating Revenue of Don’s Lumber

  1. Digital Content Revenue Model
  2. Advertising-supported Business Model
  3. Web Catalogue Business Model
  4. Fee For Service Revenue Model
  5. Fee For Transaction Revenue Model
  6. Advertisement and Subscription Combined Revenue MoDE

3.2) Analysis of the Business Models


Digital Content Revenue Model:

The details such as news, legal information, corporate information, resources etc can be provided to its consumers if they agree to pay up a certain amount to the organization as subscription fees. These fees will be having lower amounts but when multiple subscriptions will be generated, it will help in adding up to revenue in terms of e-business.

Advertising Supported Business Model:

In this model, the information is shared with the consumers without any subscription fees but it will charge for the display of advertisements over the internet. Thus, the revenue that is generated is adequate for providing aid to the cost that meets the operations of the business.

Web Catalogue Revenue Model:

The main objective of each and every online business organization is that it must generate revenue and profits. The model prescribed enables the access of customers from around the world by making the utilization of an electronic catalogue and shopping cart which will contain the products and products that are selected by the customer respectively. Updating of price sheet can be enhanced if Don’s Lumber implements such model.

Fee-for-service Revenue Model:

The model here does not consist of the services that are provided to the brokers or any agent for finishing a transaction but a certain amount of fees are charged for the rendered services to the customer (Soto-Acosta et al.,2015). Revenue can be generated by any kind of professional service that is provided to the customers. This can help Don’s Lumber to charge fees for providing products in the form of doorstep service or in faster delivery options.

Fee-for- Transaction revenue Model:

The model of fee-for-transaction refers to charging a certain amount that will be based on the size and frequency of transactions that is processed by Don’s Lumber. The information is rendered to the customer who requires to complete a transaction, thus in this way it facilitates in generating revenue for Don’s Lumber.

Advertising & Subscription Combined Revenue Model:

This is the model that combines both the subscription fees and advertisement fees for obtaining it revenue that gets generated every once in a while.

3.3) Future Developments in the Business Models

The main advantage of these models are that it is elastic and flexible; there is every chance of making changes to these models for the benefit of the organization. This can be done by taking a keen observation over the functionality of each model discussed and suggested. The observation enables to review of the regulations that are associated with the models in future. According to the feedback received from various users of the website, Don’s Lumber can enhance the process in the catalogue model by adding videos relating to demos and graphics for the use of the product effectively (Wiengarten et al.,2013). These services can be added and the catalogue can be made more users friendly so that the customers can make their choices effectively. The model of digital content distribution mechanism for the contents can be applied so that the viewers of the website can easily find the suitable resources that are essential for the customers.  

4.1) Key Elements of Good Web Design:


Enhanced Content: Content is the most essential part of the description of a product in a materialistic way as the users are unable to feel and touch the product. Therefore, the content consisting of the products’ description has to be of good and enhanced quality to provide the idea of the product efficiently. 

Good Visual Design: The visual elements present in a webpage is the most important as these tiny bits of images and animation attracts the customers and it at times simplify the visual appearance of the website and the improved GUI (Graphical User Interface) enables the customer to browse through the contents easily and making orders effectively.

Mobile App: Now a day, there are numerous apps available for each and everything. Therefore, Don’s Lumber can even approach for a mobile and portable website for the customers so that they can have access to the products anywhere and at any time. The mobile app is an effective and efficient way to carry out the e-business online as it is hassle-free and creates less confusion as the user of the cell phone is already acquainted with the device its various functionalities. 

4.2) Impact of Well Designed Website


Many customers can be gained if the website is well designed and attractive visually. This even results in gathering potential customers and the website must always meet the requirement of the design that is specific to user friendly.

Proper steps must be taken so that the website can drive the customer from the initial procedure of logging in to the website to the final one i.e. checking out successfully by making payment. The utilization of proper graphical elements will help in supporting the above-mentioned operation.

A well-designed website has an effective search rank by maintaining a proper site code. Malformed site codes can destroy any web page and increase the chances of getting attacked.

An enhanced design ensures in gathering maximum trust from its customers (Wiengarten et al.,2013). This is the perception of maximum people as a well-designed website is the one to be trusted with. Therefore placing the badges, secured checking out options in a strategic way will help in winning the trust of the customers. 

4.3) Issues Related to Usability of the Website


Information Overload: It is difficult to present the information in a user-friendly way. The website designer faces difficulties in deciding the information to be important and the location to place them. Overloading of web pages must be avoided as this would lead the page to crash during a transaction.

Time is taken by the websites for analyzing its functionality over various kinds of browsers. Therefore, the website must be designed on the most common basis of all the browsers i.e. HTML based as this exists in every platform of systems and web browsers associated with it.

The most typical issue relating to the design is that people get confused with similar websites therefore proper navigation methods must be provided to the users for confusion-free internet browsing.


The focus of this assignment is on the concepts that underline e-business. This kind of business faces numerous obstacles starting from people’s perception to secure website development. The success of e-business relies on the framework of proper practices of technology and maintaining hassle-free techniques for making any updates to the e-business websites.



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