HI6028 Taxation, Theory, Practice & Law Sample

Question 1

A network of computer is a grouping of computers utilising a series of popular communication protocols through digital interconnections to share network node-based resources. Interconnections between nodes include a wide range of telecommunication network architectures focused on wired, optical and wireless approaches of frequency of radio organised in a selection of several network topologies. The computer network may by be categorised as private computers, servers, network hardware or host for broad determinations. Hostnames function as memorable node labels, never modified after original model. Networking devices are used for networking pr

otocols such as the Internet Protocol to find and classify nodes. Computer networks may be classed in compliance with a variety of requirements, including the signal propagation medium, frequency, network traffic organisational exchange protocols, the complexity of the network, the topology, the traffic management system and the organisational purpose (Academy, 2014).

It is helpful to begin with real-world examples to explain the distinction between the two. The conventional postal service sends mail to subscribers via postman. The Post determines exactly what kinds of letters (size, weight, etc.) are compatible in the Regular Postal service. The envelope format is also defined (sender and receiver address location, stamp position). Anyone who wishes to send a letter must put the letter at a post office or in one of the mailboxes. The letter is then compiled and forwarded to its ultimate receiver. Note that the Post does not generally guarantee the delivery of each specific letter for the regular service, letters may be lost and some letters are forwarded to the wrong mailbox. If a letter is significant, the sender should make sure that the letter is sent to his receiver through the registered service. Many postal systems often provide a known service or an express mail that is quicker than the normal service (Academy, 2014).

Many users can be connected to the same provider of services. Each consumer must be able to share messages with every other user via this provider. In order to deliver these communications, the service provider must be willing to recognise each customer confidently. Each user is associated with a unique address on the computer networks, and it will discuss how these addresses are developed and used. At this point, the key feature of these addresses is that they are special as you consider unicast transmission. The same address cannot be used by two different users attached to the network.

Question 2


A modular network design splits the network into different usable network units, each of which targets for a particular network position or purpose. The modules are regions with various physical or conceptual communications (Csitcloud, 2020). They define where various tasks take place in the network. There are many advantages of a modular strategy, including

  • Failures in the module may be separated from the rest of the network, rendering failure identification easier and device availability greater.
  • Managed and staged network improvements, enhancements and the incorporation of new services may be rendered such that the repair and function of the campus network can be expanded flexibly.
  • If a single module does not have enough control or a new feature or operation is absent, it may be modified or substituted by another module with the same systemic position within the overall hierarchical architecture (Csitcloud, 2020).
  • Protection may be modularly applied to enable more granular safety monitoring.
  • The usage of network architecture modules allows consistency which makes it easier to incorporate and fix issues.

A functional approach to network architecture further splits the hierarchical design with three layers by eliminating some blocks or standardised regions. The centre of the network integrates these simple components.

Access-distribution- This is the most common and basic component of a campus design, also known as the distribution block.

Services– the Lightweight Access Protocol (LWAPP) is a standardised bundle that defines utilities such as wireless controllers, centralised networking services, regulation gateways, and more.

Data centre: The server farm was initially renamed. This block operates and retains several data structures that are central to modern business operations. The data and services in the data centre are used by staff, collaborators and consumers to develop, communicate and connect efficiently.


Campus network

A campus network is classically known to be the component of the corporate network arrangement which supplies admittance to services of system communication and assets for end-users and devices spread across one physical area. It may be a solitary structure or a building community distributed over a large geographical region. Normally, the corporation which operates the campus network normally owns the actual wires on the campus. Consequently, network designers usually aim to build a campus component of the business network with the fastest working architecture operating on a large speed infrastructure (Press, 2016). In addition, businesses may even have further campus block in the same geographical area dependent on the number of customers, company priorities and business character. The architecture of modern converged business campus networks can, where appropriate, use the following standard collection of architectural and engineering principles

Enterprise campus: Hierarchical design models

The hierarchical architecture paradigm of the network splits the composite smooth network into many minor and more practicable networks. A category or level of hierarchy concentrates on a particular group of functions. This architecture methodology helps network designers to customise and choose the best network infrastructure, applications and functionality to fulfil unique roles for the multiple network layers. The following three layers deliver an old-style tiered business campus network design:

Core Layer: It compromises maximum transport and high efficiency steering between locations. Because of the suppression of the core layer, the core architecture concepts should have the required stability standard, allowing the core block to recover rapidly and efficiently after any network failure occurrence (Press, 2016).

Layer of distribution: offers policy connectivity and border protection across entry and core levels.

Connection Layer: It provides network contact to workgroup / user. The three-tier and two-tier structures are the two chief and characteristic categorized design architectures for business campus networks.

Enterprise campus: modularity

A flexible and standardised campus design (normally referred to as building blocks) can be accomplished by extending the hierarchical paradigm across various functional blocks of the company’s campus network. This flexible corporate campus architecture enables a high degree of architectural versatility to satisfy changing market needs. As previously pointed out in this book, modular architecture strengthens the network by encouraging fault region separation and deterministic patterns of traffic. The outcome is a managed and staged network adjustments and improvements that enable for greater reliability and versatility in the management and operation of the campus network. Below displays the standard campus network as part of modular business infrastructure design together with various functional modules (Shingote, 2019).

Two-tier model

The mode of two tier is best adapted for lesser to medium-sized campus networks (preferably not bigger than three integrated functional disrupting blocks), where the central and delivery tasks can be merged into a single layer often known as the distorted core distribution framework. The word functional circulation block implies a block of the campus network which has its own circulation layer such as a block of user access, a block of WAN or a block of the data centre (Shingote, 2019).

A single core delivers the capacity to gauge the scope of the corporate campus network in a coordinated manner which reduces overall complexity by raising the network size (Multiple campus delivery blocks) and increasing significantly the interconnections between multiple enterprise campus functional blocks.

Internet Model

TCP / IP protocol set, also known as Internet suite, is utilised across the Internet. The Internet model that comprises four layers of architecture is described. OSI Model is the general model of communication however internet model is used by the internet for the whole communication. Internet is so its software, regardless of its actual network infrastructure. The following layers are in this model: (Geeks, 2020)

Question 3


During the designing of the network architecture, the network has different technological and operational specifications. These specifications are laid down in view of QOS for public and private network utilities

Technical Requirements

  • There are wired and wireless interfaces for various devices. The internal network and external data exchange would be provided to all users.
  • The whole network is protected by the provision of firewall systems that monitor incoming and outgoing traffic.
  • Error free connectivity limited service: less error-free connection for building connections, and moreover more effective data exchange in the built-in connection (Tiffany McDowell, Agarwal , Miller, & Okamoto, 2016).

Organizational requirements

There are three departments which are connected to each other. There are sensitive data in all places and even non-sensitive data are also present in these locations. All the departments have three personnel groups. There is an owner on the first floor and there are corporate owners, administrators on the second level. On the third level, agents are often appointed as members of corporations.

Each office has wired and wireless links. Every office site is linked to the POS system and six machines are attached to the customer lobby. They should look into and access policy problems


There are various metrics used for network links. These metrics are used to assess network efficiency. The network efficiency is also calculated by network metrics.

Path reliability: Path is the line of development from source to destination. This route may be link-oriented or less service-oriented. This path. The type of link depends on the type of network is being used. There are numerous routers and gateways on the designed path from source to destination. The complete developed route can be used effectively for data exchange. The transmitting data would be travelled effectively along the constructed road. Way faith tests the cumulative number of occasions the path is lost. The consequence is that whole data packets are destroyed. This means that a highly secure link is required. This would promote the improvement of throughput and thus increase the possibility of using the network for critical services (Hein, 2019).

Measuring link utilization– It is the most significant parameters that signify the consistency of the network set up for the sender. Various connections for the network connections are created. This network links are used to transmit and receive data. The cumulative data sent through the link is calculated. The sum of data transmitted per unit interval is the measurement unit for the use of the connection. The higher the data transmission, the higher the connection efficiency

Throughput: The efficiency of the data transmission is calculated by the metrics. The cumulative data collected per unit interval of time at the destination is computed throughout. The greater the reliability, the better the performance. This is because often, due to the long path selection, the data arrival is late. This decreases the efficiency. The narrower the route is, the higher the throughput of the route (Hein, 2019).

Packet Loss– Packet loss appears when one or more data packets through a computer network fail to reach their target. The loss of packets is either attributed to data transfer failures, commonly by cellular networks or network congestion. The loss of packets is calculated as a proportion of packets missing in comparison to the packets sent. The Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) senses the failure of packets and transmits secure messages. Packet loss in a TCP network is often used to prevent interference and therefore actively decreases connection output.

Question 4

Hierarchical Structure

The organisational model is the most common form of organisation. There are a couple of models from this model. In a hierarchical organisational system, each employee has a direct boss. The classification is based on certain variables, thus several models (Business, 2018). Below are only a couple of the reasons

Function – The workers are classified according to their purpose. The accompanying picture demonstrates a functional org chart of financial, technological, human resources and managerial groups.

Geography – workers are divided by country. In the United States, for example, workers could be classified by state. As this is a multinational business, the classification could be performed by region.

Product – Whether a business manufactures several goods or sells several services, the product or service may be grouped.

This is the prevailing method of organising vast organisations. Corporation, government and organised religions, for example, are bureaucratic institutions with varying tiers of administration, control or authority

Network Structure

The network hierarchical framework helps envision both internal and external management ties. They are more autonomous and agile than most systems, but still less hierarchical. The philosophy behindhand the network is attentive on social networks. Its framework depends on transparent and efficient collaboration associates, internally as well as externally. The network system is supposed as being more agile than other systems, since it has less tyres, more control and a lower decision-making mechanism (Business, 2018). The usage of a corporate network system is often an undesirable consideration owing to its sophistication. The following example illustrates the fast contact between individuals.

Line Organizational Structure

One of the easiest forms of organisational systems is the line organisational system. Its strength flows from top to bottom. Unlike other systems, these organisations do not have advanced and supporting programmes. The command chain and any head of department have power over their divisions. The layout of the self-contained department can be seen as its principal function. Because of the cohesive nature, line officers may take individual decisions. A successful interaction that gives cohesion to the organisation can be described as the key benefit of a line organisational framework (Business, 2018)

The suitable model for the company Allstate would be the Network structure organizational structure. This structure will allow the company to improve its overall productivity and efficiency.

Question 5

The modular architecture collection for the Allstated insurance firm that aims to split its activities into three sites. For many factors, the chosen network is ideal for the current infrastructure

High throughput: An appropriate degree of safe link building will be given by the chosen network model. The link established would also be shortest and has a minimal number of hops. This would improve the network throughput

Load- There is minimal pressure on the road or network equipment. This indicates that the link building mechanism allows the packet to waste least network time.

High Security- The entire network would have a higher degree of network feature protection. Two internal and external elements are well differentiated

Packet Loss– The built-in link is safe and the consequence is that no packets are lost on the network. Packet loss in a TCP network is often used to prevent interference and therefore actively decreases connection output

High quality connection- The stable communication is designed using the chosen network model. The built-in link is broken at least on times. This increases the distribution ratio for packets. The whole network would have improved data transfers (Geeks, 2020).


Academy, C. N. (2014, Mar). Introduction to Routing Dynamically. Retrieved from Cisco Press: https://www.ciscopress.com/articles/article.asp?p=2180210&seqNum=7

Business, A. (2018, Feb). 4 Types of Organizational Structures. Retrieved from Point Park: https://online.pointpark.edu/business/types-of-organizational-structures/

Csitcloud. (2020, Feb). Modular Network Design, Designing a Campus Network Design Topology. Retrieved from Csitcloud: https://csitcloud.pk/blog/modular-network-design-designing-a-campus-network-design-topology-lecture12/

Geeks. (2020, Sept). TCP/IP Model. Retrieved from Geeksforgeeks: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/tcp-ip-model/

Hein, D. (2019, June). Network Performance Metrics: 7 Essential Network Metrics to Monitor. Retrieved from Solutions Review: https://solutionsreview.com/network-monitoring/network-performance-metrics-7-essential-network-metrics-to-monitor/

Press, C. (2016, Aug). Campus Network Design Models. Retrieved from Networkcomputing: https://www.networkcomputing.com/data-centers/campus-network-design-models

Shingote, S. (2019, Oct). Using a Modular Approach to Network Design. Retrieved from Ques10: https://www.ques10.com/p/50375/using-a-modular-approach-to-network-design-1/

Tiffany McDowell, Agarwal , D., Miller, D., & Okamoto, T. (2016, Mar). Organizational design. Retrieved from Deloitte: https://www2.deloitte.com/us/en/insights/focus/human-capital-trends/2016/organizational-models-network-of-teams.html