Business Research Methods

Discussion Question

Leukopenia is a condition caused by too few white blood cells, which are disease-fighting cells. Leukopenia occurs in a number of different types based on the type of white blood cell that is a deficit in a person’s blood including; basophils, lymphocytes, eosinophils, monocytes, and neutrophils (Norris, 2019). Neutropenia is a type of leukopenia that occurs when an individual’s blood is low in neutrophils, which are white blood cells that protect one from bacterial and fungal infections (Norris, 2019). 

Granulocytopenia is a condition caused by a discernible reduction in the number of granulocytes. Granulocytes are white blood cells that contain microscopic granules, which are little sacs filled with enzymes responsible for digesting microorganisms (Norris, 2019). Granulocytopenia may be inherited or genetic, or maybe acquired either as a characteristic of leukemia. 

Aplastic anemia is among the causes of leukopenia, which is a form of anemia whereby the bone marrow stops forming new blood cells. Stem cells contained in the bone marrow typically form blood cells that include; white blood cells, red blood cells, and platelets (Young, 2018). In case of aplastic anemia, this process is disrupted as stem cells get damaged leading to the formation of very few blood cells (Young, 2018). Aplastic anemia is a kind of autoimmune disorder since the bone marrow damage occurs from an individual’s immune system that attacks and destroys the stem cells of the bone marrow. 


Norris, T. (2019). Porth’s Pathophysiology: Concepts of Altered Health States (10th Edition ed.). Philadephia: Wolter Kluwer.

Young, N. (2018). Aplastic anemia. New England Journal of Medicine, 379 (17), 1643-1656.