EDF5531 Cognitive Behaviour Therapies

Society today has diversified people with different cultures and socio-economic factors have influenced our lifestyle abundantly. The behavior we gain and exposure in the community is basically lifetime exposure. Some of the socio-economic variables include; technology, education, employment among others. There are numerous traits attributed to this variable in life. We are living in a world where we need validity and acceptance. Everyone wants to be recognized and do things of their will. Acculturation has contributed to confusion with so many people especially young people to be valid in the community. Human development commences at the first phase of the life cycle circle; From birth to death. In between the circle, numerous exposure to diverse cultures and lifestyles is always accumulated. The type of environment we are exposed to impacts on us and grows the particular traits with us reflect to or action. In our communities, people groups, ranging from youth, children, old people are undergoing trauma simply because of the environment exposed. Social injustice has recently been at its peak. 

Bullying and discrimination is just as normal scene in society. People are corrupt and the particular people to charge over bullying or an evil action are mostly the people making the crime. Some of the injustices include; sexual assaults, cyberbullying, racism, drug dealing, and exposure to your ones despite illegal, discrimination against diversity ( McCutchen Sexton Napurano – The Law Firm, n.d.). In the case study of a 14-year old son thinking of becoming gay and being bullied at school is cultivated from the environment. Education is one of the socio-economic factor which exposes many young people to varied problems of life. Cultural diversity in the school, expose the child to experience trauma and depression. The reason the son thinks of becoming gay, is out of exposure to the environment. Not unless you are exposed to something, you can’t accept. The reason being teased; the school-mates have been used to. Personal growth is majorly attributed to daily life environments. According to  (Robberts, 2020 ) self-identity is key to avoiding confusion thus effective way to handle community pressure. Not unless we learn self-first, even others we won’t understand. Sometimes when exposed to some of the cultural malpractice, we can grow depression which in turn cultivate to drug abuse, self-distancing, and exposure to danger which can be a suicidal case.  

One of the lifetime strategies I can employ to reduce the vulnerability context is first learning what kind of environment am I. What culture has been exposed, what seems right within the community? Understanding first myself will increase information on how some of the cases can be addressed. Speaking out myself will reduce the risk and dangers exposed with validity, especially to peers. Some of the peer groups take advantage of fellow peers simply out of their personalities and the environment they have grown. They intimidate them and when one is not keen can easily fall to the trap exposing things out of control. Some engage in engage into drug abuse, unhealthy sexual behaviors, developing depression, sell-isolation are among factors that are cultivated from peers exposed to psychological defects (Abuya, 2020). Report bullying cases to authority can solve the challenge. Attaching myself to a counselor is another strategy. Identifying an expert in counseling centers who understands the trauma and experience of my age can effective advice according to on how to address some issues (Williams/Crawford & Associates, 2018). Sharing with him/her can heal my situation. Since has experience either primary or secondary can assist and enable to detach from the situation   

Some of the local resources available in the community that can I can use to effectively address the situation include; interacting with trusted friends, reading books self-empowering books, and seeking guidance from the parents ( The Richland Group, 2012). Interacting with trusted friends with whom we can share our issues can easily build us and improve our situation. Identifying close friends can influence the possible solution to some of the issues am passing through and ease the tension effectively. The community has resource centers which have numerous resources such as books that are relevant to some of the situations am undergoing. Engaging them can easily help me understand some of the key mechanisms I can adapt to change from the vulnerability exposed to. Our parents are greatest sources of help. Having a strong bond with our parent can easily create a strong pillar to support me whenever I encounter a challenge in my life growth. Thus a resource to link to a solution. In conclusion, learning about discrimination and bullying  is not accepted factoring triggering to them includes the socio-economic and cultural factors contributing to social injustice. Some of the mechanism that can help is understanding oneself, attaching one with a counselor, reporting bullying cases, speaking out myself. The resources to help include; trusted friends, parents and reading books to guide us on how to address.