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Title: I have a heroine; she goes by the name Grandma


Can Evelyn unveil the inner hero and desires that shine in her granddaughter’s life? Through molding her, she intends to make her the woman the world needs her to be. Or shall her granddaughter fail to see and get inspired by her efforts?


Grandmothers are very special to their grandchildren. They hold a special place in the lives of their grandchildren. Their grandparents most likely raised many adults who grew up without their parents. In this case, the grandmother raised the child. It is very hard growing up without one’s parents. Some may argue that grandparents are equally good parents, but my grandmother had retired, and she was growing already very fast. She could not freely attend to me as her body was continually aching due to several years of hard work. However, she did her best, and through her eyes, I could see an ideal and bright future.

This film explores the story of a lady who emerged triumphant after being molded by her grandmother. The grandmother is precious to the woman. She is a woman of value, substance, and very incredible. The movie begins with the birth of a joyful young girl whose life turnaround a few minutes after her birth. Her mother’s death is perhaps a bad omen, but her grandmother’s joy rejuvenates her hope for a better life. Despite the grandmother’s old age, she strives to give her exemplary life: the movie targets young children and youths who may feel discouraged with life after losing their loved ones.

Director’s Vision

Older people are often dependent on their families due to mental, physical, and emotional challenges associated with old age. For such reasons, the younger generation views old age and older adults as a burden to society. However, older adults are very important to the community. For instance, there are millions of people in the world who were raised by their grandparents. Older adults have a lot of experience and have mastered life in various aspects. Throughout their years, they have seen the world and developed more in-depth understanding of various intricate details on life, success, and love. These three aspects of life are essential. Humans spend their entire lives trying to understand these aspects of life and achieve better experiences by applying the energy intricate to their lives. Grandparents are perhaps the hidden treasure in human life. Grandparents have so much wisdom that they can positively impact anyone’s life. This is evident throughout the movie. This makes the movie great and inspiring as it shall shed light on the unknown aspects of life under grandparents. The film explores parenthood from an angle never imagined before by the world.

Project inspiration came from my past and personal life experiences. My grandmother raised me from my earliest years. I believe the experience was exceptional, and my grandma did an excellent job. Therefore, she deserves appreciation because had it not been for her, I could not be who I am right now. She took me to her life, just like one of her children. She fed me, guided my steps in life, and watched me grow from a young person to an adult. Secondly, throughout my career, I have had the opportunity to study and work with people from diverse family backgrounds. I am widely traveled and have interacted with people from across the world. Despite the differences in these people’s cultures and depth of diversity, the majority attribute their success to their either both or one of their grandparents. Their grandparents raised many of the most successful people in society. For such reasons, I have developed an extreme passion for this project. The project is founded on real-life and touching stories of people raised by their grandparents. The movie is a combination of different experiences narrated by people from diverse backgrounds and regions. The people testified to their grandparents’ underlying role, particularly grandmothers, to the success of their lives. I took the project on a personal level because I am a product of my grandmother.

I have a heroine; she goes by the name Grandma is a movie developed from a story that highlights the influence of grandmothers on the growth of their grandchildren. The film gives a mind-blowing experience on the power of grandmas on the lives of their children’s children. The movie shall inspire and change the dependency perception that the society, specifically young men and women not raised by their grannies, have towards old age and older adults. It disturbs me to imagine that some people are so cruel to the extent of neglecting their parent’s parents. It is sinful to forget and ignore your grandparent. It should be criminalized if one is found of negligence towards their grandparents. Young children should be compelled to regularly visit their grannies and put them into skilled nursing homes for care and protection. I have a strong feeling that this movie story shall inspire people to take care of their grannies because of its meaningfulness to the family genre. Delving into issues on the family genre and focusing on and presenting real-life stories through a touching style of presenting drama and comedy spice the movie. The movie exposes problems in life that captures and retains the meaningfulness of life and family.

The film equally explores different dimensions of music. Music is significant to human life. Essentially, music is associated with all sizes of human life. Some people argue that music is the food of life. There is no particular social celebration that is not marked by a specific type of music: birth, marriage, or death. The theme has advanced over the years into one of the basics of human life. The movie finds music that resonates with the storyline from start to end. The music shall help make the film a success and one of the life-changing movie narrations of modern times. The type of music employed in the movie makes me feel that the project shall be an instant hit and success. The music selection portrays the theme of each scene. This helps to capture the audience’s emotions appropriately. This type of incorporating music into production is significant in creating meaning into people’s lives across the world, irrespective of their cultural background. The music is substantial as it shall help inspire all people who get a chance to watch it regardless of their traditions and cultural beliefs. The music selection has been made to capture the expected intricacy and enable the audience to relate and deeply think about their grandmothers’ influence on their lives. It shall equally influence how young men and women plan to have children and grandchildren and establish strong relationships between the young and the aging in society.

Another fascinating aspect of the movie is the lighting. Lighting is essential as it plays an essential role in delivering the message to the audience. Lighting influences human perceptions of different things and themes. For these reasons, scenes in the movie meant to elicit past experiences are shown using faded colors or black and white where possible. The dye helps the audience understand that the movie’s character or section is referring to memory. Color plays a vital role in helping the audience develop a clear and distinctive understanding from beginning to end. Color is essential in assisting the audience in differentiating the past from the present. The use of dim and bright throughout the movie is equally crucial based on the scene’s theme. For these reasons, color has played a vital role in stressing different themes throughout the film.

The casting is another vital aspect of the movie. Using the right characters to present and portray the feelings and emotions is ideal towards achieving movie goals and objectives. The cast selection includes the young and the old, with each representing different movie age demographics. Varying age cast helps the audience understand the various stages of life. Senior citizens shall interact with Evelyn to help create and develop her situation. This shall help the audience develop a deeper understanding of Evelyn’s impact on her granddaughter’s life. Each cast member shall highlight different positions of the grandmother and create a better overall result.

The sound selection is vital to getting the message home. Sound plays a significant role in documentaries, films, and movies. Without a clear and perfect sound, the audience gets bored and loses interest in the film. The movie has been developed with clear sound clarity throughout the film to capture the audience. For these reasons, I ultimately feel that the movie shall be a success is serving its purpose. This is more than a personal project, but it’s a dream come right project. I have a strong vision for this film in capturing more than the imagination of society. The film is more than a celebration of my personal life, love, and success. This is the perfect attribute to my grandmother, my mentor, my heroine.