HI6008 Assessment Two Business Research Literature Review

Brief 3 – Online Public Relations and campaigning

Request for Proposal (RFP)

Save our Forests is a nonprofit organisation campaigning for awareness about ecological issues and

especially about forests in the UK. We want to develop a new ePR strategy to inform and educate the public

about the issues about the preservation of UK forests and the strategies and policies that can be adopted in

order to prevent further damages to UK forests and woodlands.

We would like to commission a sophisticated, rich media and highly interactive website to disseminate

information, educate the public in an innovative and entertaining way, sell merchandise, collect donations,

inform the press, lobby government, enhance and support users’ participation in our campaigns. We would

link tools to link our work with other international non-profit organisation with similar aims. Our target audience for this project:

1. The general public in the UK
2. Young people in UK schools
3. The media
4. Researchers
5.Policy makers

They want you to produce a detailed brief for a comprehensive Public Relation website.

Other issues to be included in the Proposal:

What type of information we should place on our web site

  1. Colour scheme, navigation, interactive content suitable for our purposes
  2. Information architecture and design strategies to address out different audiences (adult public, young public, media and researchers, policy makers)
  3. What type of feedback and participation tools we could include on our web site to maximise the public debate about our campaigns
  4. Use of social media to support our campaign
  5. Use of games for education and viral marketing purposes
  6. Tools for raising funds, online donations and merchandising
  7. Other interactive tools/platforms (mobile apps, interactive TV etc.) we could employ to inform the public and the media about our activities
  8. Select a suitable design agency to produce the website

You should support your choices with evidence of research/reading on the appropriate technologies and the available digital media solutions.