EDF5531 Cognitive Behaviour Therapies


Health care is where one’s health is improved either through recovery, treatment, prevention, or diseases. Health care is provided by health officers such as doctors. The management can enhance everywhere to maintain good health for the citizens, especially at the workplace. Most businesses have healthcare safety programs; this depends on the size of the business firm. A large business firm has written a healthcare safety program at the workplace to inform their employees about the safety program at the workplace. The written healthcare program is effective because it’s difficult to pass such information to all employees in large firms, unlike smaller firms. Therefore, this paper will focus on the process for the development of a written healthcare safety program.

Health and safety policy; the business policies should be favorable to the employees especially, the time of arrival and departure at the workplace. Some employees who live in areas where there’s insecurity should be considered to ensure that they arrive at the workplace safely. The policy should be lenient to help the employees to interact freely at the workplace (Halligan, M., & Zecevic, 2011)

Conduct regular inspections; the firm’s experts should carry out inspections to identify the risks and hazards likely to arise at the workplace (Tweedy, J. T, 2005). These experts are expected to solve dealing with or avoiding these risks and hazards at the workplace.

Writing safe work procedure; safety procedures at workplace are developed and communicated to each employee to take note. This will minimize accidents that occur at the workplace.

Orient, educate and train new and young workers; it is the firm’s responsibility to orient new and young workers; during the orientation program, new workers are taken through the health and safety policy at the workplace and the firm’s expectations. New workers should be educated and trained on various types of work, especially those dealing with machines, to minimize accidents at the workplace.

Hold regular health and safety meetings; this meeting will help the firm’s management know some reported cases and know if the management carried out investigations to find the root of the incident. It will help the firm take records and statistics of accidents at the workplace and work on future safety improvement (Goffman et al., 2014).

In conclusion, the above process helps a firm develop a written healthcare safety program useful to the workers. It will also help the enterprise risk management assessment. The enterprise will help identify risks that are commonly encountered at the workplace and measures to manage them. The enterprise focuses on the features such as management leadership, worker participation, hazard identification and education and control.


Halligan, M., & Zecevic, A. (2011). Safety culture in healthcare: a review of concepts, dimensions, measures and progress. BMJ quality & safety20(4), 338-343.

Tweedy, J. T. (2005). Healthcare hazard control and safety management (pp. 121-155). Taylor & Francis.

Goffman, D., Brodman, M., Friedman, A. J., Minkoff, H., & Merkatz, I. R. (2014). It improved obstetric safety through programmatic collaboration. Journal of healthcare risk management33(3), 14-22.