Organisation Behaviour


Educational procedures require new innovative approaches to modify the existing methods of learning so that the requirements of learners’ as well as learning professionals can be mitigated. The learning methods need to be designed in this way so that the individual’s goal and achievement can be identified. In the topic, analysis of various learning procedures, implementation and inclination of the learning methods with various theories and models of Behavioural Management have been discussed.

1. Discussion

Pedagogical Principle of Learning refers to the principles that enhance the communication process between educators and learners as well as focus on the proper learning atmosphere prioritising learners’ requirements. The principles emphasise the assessment of learners’ specific skills, their targets and needs (Khan and Mansoor, 2020). Any educational process needs to prefer the scholastic approach of learning to focus on the learners’ individual goals and priorities. Pedagogical model of learning comprises the motivation among the learners, proper assessment of their skills, transparent and inclusive approach of learning procedures as well as innovative ideas of teaching methods. In the French teaching methods, the equality as well as inclusive approach are preferred to provide a better educational atmosphere to the learners in educational institutions.

1.2. Evaluation of the effectiveness of different approaches

Constructive learning

The learning approach refers to the principle to build constructive knowledge of the learners to enhance the informative thoughts or notions among the learners. The process helps the learners to accumulate information and build a proper knowledge regarding information (Meriläinen and Piispanen, 2019). French learning procedure also prefers the ideas of creative thinking ability as well as direct communication among the learners and the educators.

Collaborative Approach

Collaborative learning procedures build a learning environment where a learning process of togetherness has been arranged. In this learning process, the learners can share their skills and experience in an accumulative approach (Narayanan et al. 2021). Collaborative learning allows the versatalism among different cultures and thoughts. The French learning model also prioritises the versatility among the learners as well as learning professionals to promote diversification of different cultures and innovative ideas.

Inquiry based approach

The approach prefers the problem solving methods to assess the questions of the learners and solve them by proper methods of learning. Learners can resolve their queries in this way. The French learning methods also prioritise the idea of problem solving approach by question answer methods.

Figure 1: Considering Pedagogical Approaches

Figure 1: Considering Pedagogical Approaches

(Source: Narayanan et al. 2021)

Integrative approach

Integrative approach refers to the studies accumulating together can help to build an immense knowledge by gaining information about different subjective studies. Integrative studies prefer the collectiveness of different subjects oriented studies (Ní Chróinín et al. 2018). For instance, the French model of Learning enhances the mode of integrative education by providing equal importance to every subjective study by enhancing the customisation.

2. Assessing Learner’s motivation and prioritisation

2.1. Applying initial, as well as diagnostic assessment approaches

Different pedagogical approaches can be applied by providing a great learning environment to the learners as well as other learning stakeholders for accessing the sufficient resources. Efficient learning professionals need to be appointed as per the learners’ requirements. Proper training programmes need to be organised for the learning professionals so that they can adopt new modes of pedagogical principles of learning and can help the learners to achieve their goals (Lawrie et al. 2017). Proper integrative approach of learning can be achieved to help the learners to access the collaborative study by sharing individual skills and experiences. The French teaching procedures involve the skilled learning professionals to provide a skilled teaching method to the learners by resolving their questions regarding any particular subject. The responsibility of the French learning professionals is to provide equal importance to every individual learner’s requirements regarding any lesson of a particular subject.

2.2. Devising scheme of work

Requirements of learners

Learners need to be comfortable with the learning procedures of the educators so that a transparency can be maintained among the relationship between learners as well as learning professionals. Learners need efficient educators on different subjects to meet their queries regarding different problems. The learning professionals’ sole responsibility is to identify the individual learners’ skills and perceptions and to help them to achieve their targets regarding their goals (Efthymiou and Kington, 2017). Moreover, in French learning procedures, learners need proper resources such as proper books on different subjects, proper access to communication or contacting the learning professionals as per their needs. Besides, the learners need their skills and curriculum activities to be assessed in an organised way so that the learners can achieve their preferred targets.

Applying delivery model

An organised delivery model regarding the pedagogical approach of education needs for the improvement of learners skills. Providing lectures through offline traditional methods as well as online learning procedures, seminars or webinars on different topics in an innovative, interesting way enhance the learners’ motivation and knowledge (Farias et al. 2017). Besides, workshops, laboratories, collaborative approach of education, experimental procedures can increase the learners’ effectiveness in their goal orientation. For instance, the French model prefers the practical methods of learning on different subject oriented study so that the learners get more motivated to increase their engagement in the learning process.

Figure 1: Considering Pedagogical Approaches

Figure 2: Considering the delivery model

(Source:  Farias et al. 2017)

Internal, as well as external requirements

The learning professionals need to get proper importance as per their skills and experiments as well as perceptions.. The policies of the educational sectors need to be modified so that all the educational stakeholders can get a balanced and comfortable atmosphere for learning. French learning procedures involve more engagement of the learners as well as learning stakeholders to provide various opportunities to the learners so that they can promote their learning methods around the globe through the learners’ achievements.


Figure 3: Considering internal as well as external requirements of learning

(Source: Farias et al. 2017)

2.3. Designing teaching, as well as learning plans

Individual goals

Learners need a proper career path to achieve their target as per their choice of satisfaction. Requirements of learning professionals include valuing their skills as well as experience, providing them proper resources such as technological equipment, sufficient study materials and the chances to ensure their participation in educational activities. For instance, in the French learning process English grammar is taught through picturisation so that the learners get more curious and understand properly.


Maintenance of proper pedagogical educational strategy needs a lot of investment to provide sufficient opportunities of learning. Learners need to express their queries or issues regarding any subject so that particular subject based learning faculties can solve their queries. Moreover, the educational organisations need strategic policies to be implemented as per the satisfaction level of learners as well as learning stakeholders. Besides, the learning modification needs proper infrastructure to be implemented in the educational organisations. For instance, the French learning process needs to adopt the flexible approach of learning as educators take the high command and the learners are to follow the “rote learning” norms. Therefore, the education policy in the French learning process needs to be more integrative as well as flexible.

Learning preferences

Teacher: ABC Date: 30-08-2021
Activity name: French Grammar Domain focus: Tense


To make the learners understand about the rules of Tense and their applications.


One of the best study materials for French learners to understand English Grammar is “English Grammar for Students of French” by “Paperback”



XYZ institute in France


Lessons Introduction

●       First the definition of tense to be explained properly

●       Learners  the need of tense for practical life, classifications of tense with examples will be elaborated



Translations regarding different tenses are to be given to the learners, to check whether they have understood the rules or not.


If a learner answers most of the questions correctly, then the learner has understood Tense properly.


2.4. Recognising opportunities for learners and other stakeholders by considering inclusive practice

The Inclusive learning approach allows all learners to gain the same kind of knowledge as well as to afford the same type of learning procedures under one system. The inclusive learning approach provides transparency among the learners and learning professionals’ relationship. Besides, the teaching process provides a better learning environment that will enhance the learners’ motivation and curiosity. The French learning process needs an update of the pedagogical learning approach as the French learning module focuses on authoritative as well as inflexible approach of learning.

2.5. Analysis of the theories and principles for planning the inclusive learning app

“Cognitive Learning Theory” conceptualises the learning process where the transition of information in the learners mind so that they can find innovative solutions to problems. The French Learning process prefers the theory of authoritative thoughts of giving importance to learning professionals’ commands. Therefore, the process needs to be updated as per the concept of “Cognitive Learning Theory”.  Besides, in the French model of learning an update regarding inclusive learning is to be followed through the principles of active learning, emphasising to complete the tasks on time, providing feedback and so many.

3. Explanation of the theoretical assessment

3.1. Theory of Behavioural Management

“Skinner Theory of Behavioural Management” refers to the idea of change of behaviour as per the demand of the situation leading to the repetition of the behaviours which are rewarded (Budiman, 2017). The French Learning process needs to implement the theory to evaluate the learners’ assessment.

3.2. Building of Sustainable and inclusive learning atmosphere.

Sustainable and safe inclusive learning depicts the idea of a learning procedure where the learners can express their skills, requirements, and problems to mitigate those as per their satisfaction level. For instance, in the model of French learning procedure, an integrity approach of sustainable and inclusive learning method is to be applied where no discrimination is allowed as well as learners will get the chance to express their opinions.

3.3. Analysing the inclusive and sustainable learning methods aligned to theories of Behavioural Management

According to the “Skinner Theory of Behavioural Management”, the French model of learning needs to implement the concept of prioritising diversity as well as different behavioural norms of different learners and different learning professionals.


Figure 4: Considering Skinner Theory of Behavioural Management

(Source: Verhaegh, 2019)

4. Designing resources

4.1. Promoting the value of diversity and equality

Diversity and equality of learning refers to access of learning for all irrespective of any discrimination so that no learner can deprived of the rights of education. The French model of learning prefers the approach of equality to access learning for all and diversity eases the way of expansion of knowledge.

Meeting needs of specific learners

4.2. Demonstrating flexibility and adaptability

The learners need to get well motivated to get engaged more in the learning process. The learners as well as the learning professionals need to participate in the various curriculum activities as well as different workshops and seminars. In French learning mode, flexible and adaptable approaches need to be prioritised as the inflexible approach gets more importance here. Therefore, the learners’ issues as well as opinions need to be looked into the French module of learning.


4.3. Ways to promote equality and diversity

4.4. Establishing communications

Learner’s requirements include proper teaching faculties, variety of resources in a sufficient amount and an organised transparent relationship among the learners’ and educators. The French language allows only authoritative methods of learning where learners can express their issues rarely because only educators’ command gets the first priority. Therefore, the learner’s opinion needs to be prioritised here.

4.5. Explanation of the delivery of inclusive learning methods

Inclusive learning refers to educating the learners irrespective of any kind of difficulties they possess. Practical’s or skill based training or field training can expand the learners’ knowledge in the process of inclusive learning process.  In the French Learning model, an organised behavioural approach of inclusive learning avoids the deprivation of those learners who are the victims of any difficulty. Face to face inquiry based approach as well as attending workshops or using advanced technologies make the process easiest.

5. Framing the educational system based on the assessment.

5.1. Designing assessment for learners’ individual requirements.

Learners need to assess their skills by showing their experience as per their requirements to solve the issues. The problem solving approach needs to be adopted by the learners so that they can find the ways to solve the barriers on the way of achieving the targets.

5.2. Demonstrating Flexibility and adaptability

Flexibility and adaptability refer to the notion of adapting the changes in the educational framework where pedagogical dimensions have been applied. The French learning models provide the inflexible approach of learning where the learning process needs to face challenges. Therefore, pedagogical methods of learning need to be established as soon as possible there.

5.3. Use of data

According to the analysis of learners’ outcomes of assessments, the information of the learners need to be monitored properly so that the learners’ skills can be improved as well as their goals can be achieved. The learners’ progress can be assessed by performing the training sessions as well as doubt class.

5.4. Communicating with the learning professionals

Communicating with the learning professional will be transparent in the pedagogical form of learning so that the learners can meet their queries.

5.5. Explanation of the assessment practice

The assessment practice of the pedagogical inclusive learning approach can be achieved easily where the learners as well as learning professionals can get equal opportunity to share their opinions. The assessment of learners’ skills can be thoroughly examined by the learning faculties through proper examining process.

6. Ways to use the minimum resource elements

The capacity to adopt the different changes which are required to improve the educational system based on the new pedagogical approach such as integrative learning to inclusive approach helps to utilise minimum resources (Ozyilmaz et al. 2018). The French model of learning procedures enhances the emergence of different pedagogical approaches for betterment of the educational environment as per mitigating the learners’ requirements. Following the proper scholastic approach the French learning modules can be fruitful based on utilising the key elements of educational resources.

6.1. Identifying the use of minimum key elements

The use of minimum pedagogical resources includes the maximum use of technologies so that the manual resources can be used in a minimum number. Proper study materials as well as training sessions are the resources for the learners as well as teach faculties (Klibthong and Agbenyega, 2018). In the French learning methods the resources are being optimised as per following the integrative learning approach although pedagogical framework needs to be implemented here.

6.2. Implementation of the key resources

Instructional procedures show what study materials need to follow as well as what career path to choose. Integrative process of learning helps to follow an approach of learning irrespective of any discrimination. For instance, the French learning procedure follows the thoughts of integrative approach by giving importance to mastering all common skills and knowledge.

7. Reflection

7.1. Using the proper theories and principles for own practice of learning

Theory of Planned Behaviour refers to the idea about the transformation of behaviour based on the attitudes as well as intention as per any circumstances (Tornikoski and Maalaoui, 2019). In the French Model of Learning the process of learning is inclined to the “Theory of Behavioural Management” assesses the skills and qualitative analysis of learners and learning professionals.


Figure 5: Considering the planned behaviour theory

(Source: Tornikoski and Maalaoui, 2019)


“Social Learning Theory” involves the ideas of learning where the learners, especially the kids, imitate some role models in their lives to adopt their behaviours which impact their learning process.



Figure 6: Considering Social Relationship Model of Learning

( Source: Ariani, 2017)

I follow the integrative learning approach of inclusive learning process so that “Theory of Behavioural Management” and “Social Learning Theory” can be followed properly. As an educator it is my responsibility to assess my learners’ requirements and to follow proper strategies to resolve their needs.

7.2. Measures to improve the learning procedures

Goals Activity Relevant personnel Time-bound
To improve learners’ skills Learning programmes such as doubt classes Learning professionals Once in a week
To update the skills of learning professionals Training sessions Senior professors Once in a month


The pedagogical as well as an organised and inclusive learning method needs to be updated in an educational procedure so that a balanced learning environment can be built. The inclusive learning method allows the access of learning for all which allows diversity and differentials. The French learning process and its obstacles and ways of improvement have been explained clearly in the topic. Moreover, the French teaching methods have been focussed here following the various learning practices. Besides, identification of the learners’ requirements, achievements and goal orientation as well as assessment of the proper methods have been explained in the discussion. Models of learning and its implication in the French learning methods are discussed elaborately.


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Efthymiou, E. and Kington, A., (2017). The development of inclusive learning relationships in mainstream settings: A multimodal perspective. Cogent Education, 4(1), p.1304015.

Farias, C., Hastie, P.A. and Mesquita, I., (2017). Towards a more equitable and inclusive learning environment in sport education: Results of an action research-based intervention. Sport, Education and Society, 22(4), pp.460-476.

Khan, A.B. and Mansoor, H.S., (2020). Integrated Collaborative Learning Approach (ICLA): Conceptual framework of pedagogical approach for the integration of language skills. Competitive Social Science Research Journal, 1(1), pp.14-28.

Klibthong, S. and Agbenyega, J.S., (2018). Exploring professional knowing, being and becoming through Inclusive Pedagogical Approach in Action (IPAA) framework. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 43(3), pp.109-123.

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Ozyilmaz, A., Erdogan, B. and Karaeminogullari, A., (2018). Trust in organization as a moderator of the relationship between self‐efficacy and workplace outcomes: A social cognitive theory‐based examination. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 91(1), pp.181-204.

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Tornikoski, E. and Maalaoui, A., (2019). Critical reflections–The Theory of Planned Behaviour: An interview with Icek Ajzen with implications for entrepreneurship research. International Small Business Journal, 37(5), pp.536-550.

Verhaegh, S., (2019). The behaviorisms of Skinner and Quine: Genesis, development, and mutual influence. Journal of the History of Philosophy, 57(4), pp.707-730.