Understanding Human Resource Management

A journal is a scholarly publication containing articles which are written by writers, experts and professors. They focus on a specific discipline or field of study. Magazines and newspapers are planned for technical leaders or academics, not general leaders. 

Journal means research journal, the type of research journal can be decided by the contribution of the author and the member of editorial boards of that journal but not by the area to which the journal belongs. 

Research journal types 

There are three types of journals on the basis of author contribution – 

  1. Local journal 
  2. National journal  
  3. International journal 

Local journal

Journal is published by publishers or an individual from a university, institute or any other organization. And the author of this journal is from any specific area or religion. For example, if the author of the state journal is from a specific area then it is called a local journal. 

National journal

Those journals are published by any publisher from a country and all authors are from that country and once their research is published they are called national journals. National journals provide government affairs, with the intelligence the writer has, to save time, increase efficiency and deliver success. With the help of insights, custom content and actionable research they keep members informed about key movements in people, policy, or politics. 

International journal 

A journal is only called international when most of the authors are from global institutions and also the editorial board are from global institutions. Most of the journals add international in their name. But the majority of the editorial board and contribution of authors in this journal will decide whether it is local, national, or international. Categorising a journal into a national or international journal is considered to be great.

Only the Web of Science (WOS) can prove the reliable impact factor and no other agency and authority have the copyright to prove the impact factor. But some local indexing provides an impact factor of a journal but this is not reliable. Sometimes journals write factors, like – 4, 5, 6, etc. which is considered to be the high impact factor but it is not considered to be genius’ work and you can check the factor provided by WOS but only which is authentic.

While checking the indexing note that is provided by the publishers on the databases which is on their websites, you just need to click the link. If the journal name is available on the website and on this database, then only you can understand that it is indexed in the particular databases. 

If the publisher writes only the text in the index, this is not linked to the target websites on the databases. Hence, these journals are not considered to be a reliable source of indexing and databases. Avoid this type of journal. 

So, these are the three main types of journals that are available online. It is very important to understand what type of journal are you referring to. Always, ensure the references are only taken from reliable resources so that your work is considered to be well-researched and has real facts and figures.