DATA4900 A1 Innovation and Creativity in Business Analytics

Assessment 1 Creating a new technology

Your Task
• This assessment is to be done as a group.
• Students are to create a ten slide PowerPoint presentation and submit the slides at the end of class as a PDF file via Turnitin on Monday week 5 at 23:55pm (AEST).
• You will receive marks for content and presentation style
• One submission per group
Assessment Description
In this assessment, your group will be creating a new technology. By so doing, this assessment encourages you to be creative with business analytics, whilst also looking at the commercialisation (monetisation) of your proposed innovation.
Assessment Instructions
By week 4 form groups of 4-5 students and inform your lecturer of these groups.
Commercialise (monetise) a new fashion opportunity, by further developing initiatives which will be presented to you in class. You will be provided with a case study at the beginning of class. You will be asked to:
• Employ the Design Thinking process
• Undertake environmental scanning
• Reflect on collective intelligence
• Create a hypothesis for testing
Please watch the following YouTube clips before the class to consider how you would extend your idea, utilising a Design Thinking process