MKTG3506 Digital Marketing and Social Media

Your Task
Develop a real-world Machine Learning or AI project plan/proposal based on the learnings from the course.
Assessment Description

In this assessment, you need to consider an organisation in an industry of your choice and articulate the steps this organisation needs to take to enable Machine Learning and/or AI for data-driven decision making.
The report should address:
o Why AI would help this organisation given their current operations
o What Machine Learning techniques you would recommend
o An example of the predictive model using sample data
o The benefits for the organisation clearly articulated with estimates of expected
revenue/profits or Return on Investment

Assessment Instructions
• By Week 9 identify a company and industry you are familiar with that would benefit from Machine Learning/AI. Note: The application needs to be based on Machine Learning/AI (not some other aspect of analytics).
• By Week 12 draft some preliminary points pertaining to the report in class. You are encouraged to consider the current mode of operation, possible inefficiencies, available data and how this data may be used to provide efficiencies based on the concepts and techniques covered in the subject. Think of yourself as a consultant or a founder.
• Your facilitator will advise on the appropriateness of your choice and proposed methodology with regard to the requirements for the assessment.