
Many young fashion professionals when launching their Brands have to focus on many aspects of their business, not just creating but also facilitating a range of products, balancing the sales with the cost of operations and marketing as well as creating an identifiable Brand identity with strong Brand DNA and aspiring values. Your client for this project will be communicated at the beginning of the term and will be selected from a short list of contemporary entrepreneurs and start-up Brands in the fashion industry. The client will together with the academic team set 3 targets to be addressed in the final recommendations.

The final version of the Brand Insight Report submitted must be compiled in a professional manner with all parts of the report complete with appropriate diagrams, mood boards and images that you can then also present to your client. This report should contain:

  • Part 1 – Background Research (1000 and appropriate visual supporting data) 
  1. Write a brief history and founder’s background of the selected Brand. Identify Mission, Vision, current Customer, Core Values and Brand DNA
  2. Present the research you have done to establish Brand Identity and Visual Identity of the selected Brand, and write a discussion on the Brand Identity, equity and architecture (by product range and price)
  3. Generate a market, customer and competitor analysis for the Brand based on the location (main city or country) which the Brand wants to enter. Generate a position map
  4. Identify the business model and generate a SWOT analysis
  •  Part 2 – Analysis and Critical Review (1000 words and appropriate visual supporting data)
  1. Discuss & identify the concept of the Brand’s latest customer facing profiles and how it is integrated into the business model
  2. Discuss the position of the Brand’s latest image and house style in relation to its competitors
  3. How does the Brand build on their own Brand Identity, and how does it build on that Brand’s DNA, mission, vision & values statement
  • Part 3 – Confirmation of Analysis and Critical Review (1000 words (1000 words and appropriate visual supporting data) 
  1. Present a map of the Marketing Communications Strategy (Social Media Branding Strategy) and how to communicated to existing and new consumers online & offline supported by appropriate visual date (in the form of an A3 book)
  2. Develop a summative conclusion including recommendations based on your analysis about the Brand DNA, the Brand values, services, promotion, place and price for the 3 targets set by the client and the academic team