LSD403 Life Stages and Development


This essay is about the customer experience of products and a comparison and contrast of two product experiences. The first component is a Samsung android phone and the second component is a windows phone. I have used both the products and I feel that the Samsung phone is better than the Windows phone. I feel that the Samsung phone is just easier to use as it is a user-friendly commodity and much more affordable than its counterpart. However, Windows phone is a bit difficult to use and it is also very costly and iPhone is not user friendly. According to my experience, it is evident that Samsung phone or android is better.

Poor experience of Proto persona diagram 

Customer Sketch Behaviour and Action

Uses smartphone frequently

Does online shopping, banking, gaming etc. Believes that convenience associated with the product is the most crucial element.

Demographic and Geographic Details

Newly working individual

22 years and independent

Full-time executive 

Needs and Pain points

Bad experience with windows-based mobiles

Not user friendly

Technicalities confuse the user. 


The poor experience that has been shared here highlights the substandard user-friendliness of the windows-based smartphone. The convenience and simplicity of smartphones enhance the overall customer experience and these aspects take care of the necessities, and preferences of the specific customer segment. The diagram that has been illustrated show the negative customer experience that has been derived from windows-based mobile phones. The various reasons that lead to this dissatisfaction are the difficulty in handling the applications and their updates and technicalities that are beyond the understanding of the user. These features show that even though the product has a high value and brand image in the market, it fails to establish a connection with the customers. The Personas that have been depicted show that businesses should make an effort to build a solid rapport with the customers so that they can gain their loyalty and trust (Aziz, Wahab & Ramli, 2017).  These unfavourable aspects along with the high price of the windows-based smartphone add to the dissatisfaction since the products so not seem to match the standard that is expected out of them. 

CEM concepts in the discussion of poor experience 

The customer experience management concept can be explained as the experience or the journey of the customer which start from the point when the customer buys the product till it becomes unusable. For instance, I had a negative experience using a Windows phone, although the price was not significantly high the experience that I received by using it made me realize that it was not worth it. I can say that I would never opt for a windows phone again (Ali et al. 2017).  First, the phone became slow within the first few months, second due to an over-heating issue the phone used to freeze a lot and many useful apps never performed properly. Furthermore, the phone took hours to get fully charged but whenever I browsed the internet for a long period of time the charge got reduced to less than 40%. In addition to this, the structure of the mobile’s body was fragile as it was made out of plastic. I once dropped it and after that, the outer cover of the phone broke and had to be replaced which was pretty expensive.

Positive experience of Proto persona diagram 

Customer Sketch Behaviour and Action

Samsung Smartphone plays a vital role 

It is used for banking, communication, online shopping, etc. 

It acts as the major tool that simplifies interaction

Demographic and Geographic Details

Young and independent individual

22 years old and working 

Needs and Pain points

Positive experience with Samsung Android-based smartphone

User-friendly device

The technical component is simple.  


The diagrammatic representation that has been illustrated shows a positive customer experience. One of the most favourable customer experiences that I have had in recent times is due to the use of Samsung Android-based mobile phones. These simple equipment are much superior in their functional aspects as compared to their counterparts such as Windows-based models. These products have been designed keeping in mind the customer and their requirements. This simple fact makes the product effective and useful for the end-user. My personal experience has been used as the foundation in this process. The business has researched the market and very well-identified its customers, their ultimate objective, etc. Their current issues and requirements have been taken into consideration by the business because of which it has produced a solid product in the market. This approach of the business undertaking has ultimately enhanced the extraordinary customer experience and has simplified my life (Lauren, 2015).  Today smartphone is considered to be an extension of oneself so their simple features enhance the experience of the users. 

CEM concept in discussion of positive experience 

Out of the two phones mentioned above, my Samsung android phone was far more superior in every aspect compared to the Windows phone. The performance was superior as it had a much more powerful micro-processor and browsing through the apps and games did not seem difficult at all. Multitasking was easier and the phone never froze or stuck for an instance, the battery life was also much better compared to the Windows phone and the battery got fully charged within an hour (Hyun et al. 2014).  Overheating was not an issue with the Samsung phone and the structure and the casing of the phone was also very compact and strong. Thus, after using both the devices as per my experience the Samsung phone has always been my first choice between the two phones. 

Comparison and contrast of both the experiences 

The difference in prices of both the phones was not huge, but the ability to perform tasks and the difference between their built had a vast difference. Starting from the battery life to the camera quality, the Samsung phone was always ahead of the Windows phone by far. For instance, I had a negative trial using a Windows phone, regardless of the way that the cost was sensible however after the experience I never settled on windows phone again. To begin with, the phone was an average product in an initial couple of months, second due to an over-warming issue the phone used to cement an incredible arrangement and various supportive applications never performed properly. The execution was predominant as it had a considerably more capable miniaturized scale processor and perusing through the applications and amusements did not appear to be troublesome by any means (Lazin et al. 2013).  Multi entrusting was less demanding and the telephone never solidified or stuck for an occurrence, the battery life was likewise much better contrasted with the Windows telephone and the battery got completely charged within 60 minutes. Over warming was not an issue with the Samsung telephone and the structure and the packaging of the telephone were likewise exceptionally conservative and solid.


It can be concluded that the Windows-based smartphone is complicated in nature for the user and have a bad impact on the overall customer experience. The concept of customer experience management has been discussed in detail so that the readers can identify the latent features which enhance or diminish their experience. The positive and the good experience of the Samsung phone has been discussed in the above essay. The customer experience management that has been covered follows a few concepts that are vital in the topic. The comparison between both the products has been discussed so that the positive and negative traits can be properly illustrated.  The contrast between the two components shows that the Samsung Android-based smartphone is a more user-friendly commodity. 



Aziz, N. A., Wahab, D. A., & Ramli, R. (2017, April). Establishment of Engineering Metrics for Upgradable Design of Brake Caliper. In International Conference on Sustainable Design and Manufacturing (pp. 87-97). Springer, Cham.

Ali, T., Bakar, R. A., Meng, G. L., & Jafar, Z. A. (2017). Investigation of passenger car using Macpherson strut for suspension system pt. 1: Vehicle behaviour variation of time response. In MATEC Web of Conferences (Vol. 90, p. 01072). EDP Sciences.

Lauren, B. (2015). App Abroad and mundane encounters: Challenging how national cultural identity heuristics are used in information design. Technical Communication62(4), 258-270.

Hyun, J., Jin, H., Kyung, H., & Youn, J. (2014). A study of Integrated research process. International Journal of Asia Digital Art and Design18(3), 32-38.

Lazin, M. N. M., Darus, I. Z. M., Ng, B. C., & Kamar, H. M. (2013, April). Genetic algorithm identification for automotive air-conditioning system. In Computers & Informatics (ISCI), 2013 IEEE Symposium on (pp. 18-24). IEEE.