Reflective Report and Essay

“On Today’s Terrorist Attacks in Kabul”


 The article is about the recent bombings at Kabul airport that devastated the reminder concerning the risky conditions various diplomats and also the American service-members operate at the end of the American’s twenty-year Afghanistan mission.  The article also talks about the mourning of the deaths of Afghans who had gathered outside the airport in the hopes of starting life afresh somewhere else. 

Also, the remembrance of the more than two thousand three hundred American service associates who have died in Afghanistan since 2001, the higher than twenty thousand who have been injured, and the greater than eight hundred thousand Americans who have served in America’s most extended combat, and various Americans who have been murdered or wounded in the battle (United States Department of State, 2021). It also acknowledges marines from the United States who guard American embassies and diplomats all around the biosphere. 

They put themselves in danger so that we Americans can do their work on behalf of the persons of the United States. They’re doing it currently in Kabul, as they are in several other parts of the realm, even after the occurrence. Besides, they shall proceed to do so until the respective mission is completed.


 I chose this article because it explains the current affairs and what’s happening in other countries like Afghanistan. Besides, it acknowledges the militaries and also the soldiers who put their lives at risk for the safety of the Americans. Moreover, the article explains the people who were hurt after the past battles. This article is essential to society because it helps them keep working for America since soldiers are fighting for its well-being. 


I would like to know the State department’s role in helping those who are injured and can’t work especially young soldiers.


On today’s terrorist attacks in Kabul. (2021, August 27). United States Department of State.