Curating Contemporary Design Essay

3,000 word Essay Topics

Answer one of the following questions drawing on relevant theory and examples to support your argument:

  1. Based on your object researchargue for the fundamental role and place of this object in the current design discourse and select a suitable museum where this object should be included in its collection. Consider the multiple layers of meaning and prior contexts of the objects which should ideally built connections to existing objects in the collection. Consider as well the commitment that is implied in the act of collecting. Show how an individual object challenges readings and even forces rewriting of design history.
  2. Use your object research to write a design fictionabout the experience of visiting an exhibition with this object, and investigate its potential in terms of inspiring and educating visitors and evaluate its critical success.
  3. Based on your work with the fashion archiveat KSA and your experience of the Archive at the Architecture Association, write a proposal for making the fashion archive accessible, known to researchers and the public.
  4. Analyse the termsmodel, prototype, part, limited edition and object which you will have come across in your objects research, and show how their definition has changed in the last two decades and present definitions. Consider with examples the different contexts of application.

Select one of the exhibition you visited this autumn during your Visits Programme and write a critical review based on a selection of three to five object examples that you describe in detail. Argue convincingly, why you think the exhibition is a success or not and base your judgement on a detailed analysis of the relationships between topic, curatorial intentions, object selection, display, exhibition design, interpretation and marketing.


On completion of the module, students will be able to: ASSESSMENT STRATEGY
1) Demonstrate an understanding of curatorial approaches to collecting. Formative assessment in the seminar presentation and summative assessment in the final project essay.
2) Employ these theories within an analytical study of contemporary collecting practice of design objects across different institutions and museums. Formative feedback in group discussions.
3) Demonstrate a critical understanding of the complex relationships which exist between theory and practice, collecting and curating design. Formative assessment during professional experience opportunities and seminar presentation. Summative assessment in written work.
4) Demonstrate an understanding of contemporary practice and examples. Summative assessment in the final project essay and formative assessment in the seminar presentation.
5) Connect curatorial research with current curating practice. Summative assessment in the final project essay and formative assessment in the seminar presentation.
6) Identify the varying approaches to design curation in a contemporary context. Formative feedback in seminars, and assessment during curatorial visits.