HRM 20018 Employment Relations Sample

Initial Post

Criminal justice has been my profession, where I have served in several capacities. I have a specific interest in Law Enforcement that is the branch in criminal justice. In my line of duty, I came around a juvenile who was out past the curfew hour. As a law enforcement officer, I am responsible for executing orders, collecting and communicating intelligence, among other roles (D’Amico, 2018). It is, therefore, my responsibility to ensure the curfew hours are o. Before making the formal and official step, I need to exercise my discretion which would be best in understanding the juvenile situation since it might not be his or her wish to be out on the curfew hours. There must be a good reason behind being out past curfew hours. The reasons for being out are the factors I should consider before making any arrest. juvenile went against the law had considered the consequences, and it would automatically trigger discretion (D’Amico, 2018). On the social class issue, it would be better to arrest the juvenile since other members of the society will follow the same suit hence the curfew and other laws make no sense. 

Response 1 

I agree with the idea that before making any arrest, one should consider his or her personal discretion. It would help in internalizing the reasons for not observing the law and hence be ready for the consequences. No one would prepare for a negative consequence; thus, personal discretion should be used to decide the case.  

Response 2  

Wow, I like the point on social conflict theory.  I agree with the four assumptions of the modern conflict theory. Competition, structural inequality, revolution and war are the central aspect of the conflict theory. Conflict is a typical factor in society, and hence the officers in criminal justice should ensure the minimization of conflict in the society.


D’Amico, D. J. (2018). Rules Versus Discretion in Criminal Sentencing. In James M. Buchanan (pp. 883-902). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.