APC 313 Assignment- Financial Markets Sample

Question 1

critically discuss the role, objectives, and limitations of published annual financial statements for companies. 

Question 1 Guidance:

Your essay should focus on the challenges facing financial accountants when preparing financial statements. In discussing the objectives and limitations, you should also discuss the need for and sources of regulation.  Accounting standards that refer to the measurement basis to be used should feature prominently in your work, as should academic and practical evidence to support or challenge the currently recommended approach.

Question 2

Critically discuss the effectiveness of management accountancy as a tool for decision making, planning, and control.

Question 2 Guidance:

Your essay should focus on the challenges facing business when making and implementing decisions.   The effectiveness of one or two key management accounting techniques and concepts should feature prominently in your work, as should academic and practical evidence to support or challenge how successfully the techniques achieve their aims.

Guidance on how you may approach this assessment will be provided in the lectures and workshops.

Word count 1,500, excluding abstract, bibliography and appendices.

You should use the Harvard referencing system.

Report submission deadline as per Sussex Direct.

The marking criteria will be the standard marking for Business and Management Post Graduate work a copy of which is provided below.

Assessment notice

Students submitting essays and other coursework assessments should be aware that the penalties imposed upon students committing academic misconduct may include obtaining zero marks for the assessment unit, or even more severe penalties. See http://www.sussex.ac.uk/s3/?id=155 for further information. The most common forms of misconduct that are usually detected are plagiarism and personation. To find out more about them – and how to avoid them, see: http://www.sussex.ac.uk/s3/?id=35

Marking Criteria:

Category Mark Check List Description 
High Distinction 80 + High level of reflective learning

Advanced knowledge of subject area 

Critically reflects on established literature and theory 

Evidence of extensive or intensive and appropriate data collection and analysis 

Well researched, written and argued in a compelling manner

Extensive research-level references

New insights emerging from reading research or student’s own experiences

The work demonstrates a mastery of the subject that goes well beyond basic reading to critically explore alternative perspectives 

The argument presented is well developed, complete and coherent, and is written in a compelling manner 

Perhaps most importantly, an 80+ piece of work is characterised by a spark of creativity, or by new ideas and insights that emerge from the student’s reading and experience

Distinction 70 – 79  High level of reflective learning

Excellent knowledge of subject area

Extensive and appropriate use of literature

Evidence of extensive or intensive and appropriate data collection and analysis

Well argued

Arrives at innovative understanding

The work demonstrates excellent understanding of the subject that has been gained through a thorough critical analysis of themes and issues  

It draws effectively on the relevant literature and concepts to build a comprehensive and cohesive argument  

Work graded at 70 and above is characterised by persuasive reasoning backed up by appropriate illustrative examples

Merit 60 – 69  High level of reflective learning

Good knowledge of subject area

Uses a range of texts not just text books and including refereed journals

Evidence of appropriate data collection and analysis

Logically structured and argued

Demonstrates learning from the project

The work demonstrates proficient understanding of the subject gained from working with key sources 

Major themes and debates in the extant literature are recognised and are at least referred to if not taken up completely throughout the project

Pass 50 – 59  Achieves reflective learning

Shows understanding of most of the issues relating to the subject

Uses texts and some journals

Evidence of appropriate data collection and analysis but these are at the most basic level

The arguments developed in the project, the language used and the writing style are competent but are somewhat incomplete in places

The work demonstrates a basic competence in the subject  

It draws on some relevant literature, but provides only a limited critical analysis of this material  

Examples are used, but without a critical, analytical context  

The arguments presented have some gaps  

Work of this grade is characterised by sufficient coverage of the subject, but unsophisticated understanding and analysis 

Marginal Fail 45 – 49  There is a credible, if poor, attempt at all components of the project

Achieves reflective learning but does not grasp any wider perspective of the subject

Has read some texts but not really understood the concepts

Investigation and analysis falls short of pass standard, but could be raised to this standard if the student applies sufficient time and effort to revise their work

The arguments developed in the project, the language used and the writing style are not competent or incomplete 

The work demonstrates only a limited degree of competence in the subject 

It has some sense of academic debate and/or rational argument

There is a tendency towards reportage rather than any form of interpretation 

Work of this grade is characterised by just acceptable comprehension in all elements, but the work could be improved to achieve a passing grade if the student puts in sufficient effort

Fail 1 – 44   Fails to achieve reflective learning

A major problem in one or more significant areas: literature, methodology, language, etc.

Lack of sufficient reading

Fails to extend beyond concepts and readings already taught and examined elsewhere 

Poorly designed and superficial analysis

The argument is incoherent and/or inconsistent

The work demonstrates a lack of understanding of the subject 

There are significant gaps in the interpretation of literature and relevant concepts, and the reasoning presented is flawed, inconsistent, contradictory, or incoherent

Unacceptable work is characterized by incompleteness and inadequate comprehension

Non-attendance 0   A student absent from examination; no script submitted

Assessment notice

Students submitting essays and other coursework assessments should be aware that the penalties imposed upon students committing academic misconduct may include obtaining zero marks for the assessment unit, or even more severe penalties. See http://www.sussex.ac.uk/s3/?id=155 for further information. The most common forms of misconduct that are usually detected are plagiarism and personation. To find out more about them – and how to avoid them, see: http://www.sussex.ac.uk/s3/?id=35