Corporate Communications


 While it is for you to decide upon the content and structure of the report, you might feel it appropriate to include aspects such as: – A brief overview of the organization: its mission statement, goals, strategic objectives, etc. – a communications audit or SWOT analysis of communications – consistency of messages – or brand – conveyed across different media and extent to which communications are integrated – communication and appropriateness of any sponsorship (if appropriate) 12 – communication of Corporate Social Responsibility programmers (if appropriate) – barriers to successful communication and use of language; evidence of intercultural sensitivities (if appropriate) – an evaluation of publications used for internal communications, marketing/PR (advertisements, leaflets, web site, social media, etc.) – an analysis of crisis communications (plan or case study) if appropriate – recommendations for improvement (including costings) and/or Communications Plan Please note that these are only suggestions. A good report does not necessarily need to cover all these aspects. You will not be able to cover all aspects of corporate communications in depth. You need to decide which areas to focus on and explain why you have chosen them to be most relevant to your chosen organization. You must include both internal and external communications, though you can choose to comment more in depth on one aspect as long as you explain why. Word count: Please see your Student Handbook for guidance. The word count includes the whole report with the exception of the list of references which should appear at the end of the report and any appendices that you choose to include (optional, but anything that is important to the main argument must be included in the main body of the report). It is a skill to be able to write a report concisely, so do not go over the word limit. Please do not ask if you can have an extra 10%! The limit is 3,000 words and you will be penalized for going over that limit.