Therapeutic Engagement and Psychosocial Interventions


The current competitive environment in the global market requires the involvement of a highly skilled workforce that can transform the company into one of the successful players in the competitive global environment. In this path of success, the part that hinders the most is the lack of training and development. As per Aragon-Correa, Martin-Tapia & de la Torre-Ruiz, both training as well as development form the base that enhances the skills and confidence of the employees.  This can help them in performing well concerning their responsibility in the workplace.

Thus the paper is designed by highlighting some points that can provide a clear understanding of how the UK government is providing funds for the development of skills and training of the staff members of the hospitality sector (Aragon-Correa, Martin-Tapia & de la Torre-Ruiz, 2015). Moreover, another crucial part of the report is to provide insight that shows how this government funding and the development of skills and training can be able to increase the local economies in the future. In that case, it can be said that training as well as development both are essential factors that will lead to the eventual development of the hospitality sector with cautious design and proper development (Chan, et al., 2016).

In that case, the training is one of the major concepts of the human resource department that helps in the improvisation of essential features needed for the employees of the organization. Thus the process is involved in enhancing the effectiveness of the employees in terms of their knowledge, skills, and attitudes that in return affect their performance. According to Denizci Guillet, et al, for clear understanding, the training is referred to be the effective systematic approach that will work for the learning and development to bring improvisation of the organizational, individual, and team effectiveness (Denizci Guillet, et al., 2015).

Alternatively, development is the process that refers to the essential activities that help in the process of acquisition of innovative skills and new knowledge to carry out personal as well as professional growth. In that case, the report shows the funding provided by the UK for the development of skills and training. There is no doubt that the training, as well as the development, will focus on the nourishing and flourishing of the skills and knowledge of the local people in local places.

Title of the project

The Proposal to Access the Funding To Support Staff Development

Proposal Summary

As mentioned in the above section the UKCES are very much worried regarding the issue of low pay in the country. In that context, the government had noticed that though the economies are going on improving most of the people are getting back to work. In that condition also there has been a rise in the issue of low pay. Therefore the government of the UK had planned to incorporate specific steps to tackle this issue. For that reason, they have chosen and targeted workforce development. Thus Gursoy, S. Chen & G. Chi said that it can be said that workforce development is one of the crucial parts of human resource development. In this regard, the government started a project to enhance resources which included a series of competitions (Gursoy, S. Chen & G. Chi, 2014).

These competitions are done with the targeted workforce. Thereafter it is noticed that each of the competitions contains the funding, and co-investment from the employers, to find solutions to the issues raised within the organization. Along with that, there has been the presence of many managerial as well as leadership issues in the organizations in the UK. In that case, the government had also noticed a high rate of staff turnover in the hospitality sector. This activity of the employees is carried out just because the employees move out from their job roles just for the increase in the small amount of salary in the market. In that context, the hospitality sector has been facing various repercussions.

Thus the proposal presented comprises the condition that indicates that the employers, as well as the companies, are opting to spend more budget on training as well as the recruitment of the desirable candidates for bright job performances in the organization (Gursoy, S. Chen & G. Chi, 2014). In that process, if the companies will cut the costs that can be spent for these training and development then they will lose the existing employees. Thus it will result in the loss of employees and they will join somewhere else and search for more earnings by getting promoted. In that, the organizations again go for hiring new officials that will make them get introduced to many working environments. The loss of existing employees and the hiring of new employees result in the creation of a skill gap.

The reason behind this is the new employees will take much time to go through the proper process and get into the work speed as that of the pace of the previous employees (Kwok, Xie & Tori, 2017).

Thus by knowing all these issues in the hospitality sector, the UK government is planning to provide the makeup to the workforce and make up capable so that they can fight with the condition of low pay. In that case, it is seen that the seasonal nature of the particular job role reduces the opportunities for those workers. In that case, Mok, Sparks & Kadampully said that these groups of workers need specific training for their personal as well as professional development. So in that condition, the organizations started with a proposal that contains the provision for the training as well as development activities that will help in enhancing the skills of the existing employees (Mok, Sparks & Kadampully, 2013).

Along with that, the activities will also control the motivational processes by which the employees will not think to leave their communities for any requirement. Later this proposal was opted for by the government for hospitality organizations like the Hilton organizations. In that case, these training and development activities are supposed to enhance the competency of the employees. As per Mok, Sparks & Kadampully, the competency of the employees in the hospitality sector specifically depends upon the qualities of the employees. The reason behind this is the quality of the employees will help in resulting quality service to the customers. Specifically, when it comes to the hospitality sector the qualities of the employees include their thoughts, behavior, skills, and knowledge of the employees (Mok, Sparks & Kadampully, 2013).

Thus the enhancement of the skills and development of the support staff will increase productivity that is further engrossed with the experience in enhanced skills, professional knowledge as well as valid thoughts. In addition, the training of the support staff members will enhance the motivational factors of other workers. This will help them to realize that the employees will get all the required information about their job profile and their responsibilities. It again will make them realize what the significance of their job role is. Thus the proposal raised by the government in this regard is supposed to provide the requisite training and development which can be the key instrument that can provide a perfect shape to the human resources of any organization.  It can be said that actually, the proposal follows the rule that indicates that successful hotels in the hospitality sector acquire staff training at regular intervals which comes under their important development strategy (Park & E. Levy, 2014).

The above-mentioned scenario of the project delivers the message that says that the process engrosses the fact that proper significance of the training as well as the development of the hospitality skills. About that, the UK government has planned to get out of the issue of low pay raised in society. In that context, the government has undertaken the project to enhance the skills and knowledge of the local communities and for that reason, the project involves the funding to the hospitality industry by the organization (Pizam, Okumus & Hutchinson, 2013).

The government has undertaken this project to provide training to the employees that eventually will enhance the productivity of the individuals in return for meeting the goals as well as the objectives of the organization. In that context, this action by the government is carried out to enhance the skills of the individuals or the staff members that will in return enhance the local economies in the future.

As per Priporas, et al, the project has been started to make the employees or the individuals of the hospitality sector such as the staff members of Hilton organization skilled and developed as well as knowledgeable. In that case, it is seen that the issue that has been founded which laid down the foundation for the implementation of training and development is the low pay. This issue of low pay is becoming a very important reason due to which the employees are getting switched to other places leaving their current job role. This action is not beneficial for either of the entities. And again the project that has been undertaken by the government will provide benefit to both parties (Priporas, et al., 2017).

The employees can get their skills and knowledge enhanced through this project and at that same time, there will be an increase in the economic condition of the local communities in the coming future. The world is changing rapidly which demands skilled employees for the growth of any organization. When the question comes to an organization like Hilton which was operating globally at that time then it needs the incorporation of recruitment as well as training of trained and skilled employees will catch up with the developmental pace about the implications of globalization. This will eventually result in the best use of the abilities of any person and will provide tremendous growth to the business (Rauch, et al., 2015).

Thus the undertaken project by the government will provide benefit to the organization as well as the country and community and more specifically the individual. In that case, the organization, as well as the government, should take care of changes in the technology, changes in the requirement of skills, contingency of the workforce, involvement of the employees in decentralized worksites, and much more. Thus the training and development project in return will enhance the productivity as well as finances of the local communities.

The demand for the project

The major demand of the project that the government has started is to make the human resources of the hospitality organization like Hilton to be prepared for any kind of changes in the organization. These changes are mentioned in the above part which indicates the processes like the contingent workforce, changing skill requirements, decentralized work sites, and much more (Ryan, 2015). These processes are such that directly affect employee turnover in the organization. Thus this project is prepared such that the management, as well as the employees, should become quite efficient in handling the adverse conditions of the organization.

The goal to be achieved

The project that has been undertaken by the UK government aimed at making the employees efficient in terms of their skills and knowledge. In that condition, Seilov said that they would be able to face the adverse situation and would not think of leaving the organization.

The major purpose is the employees can get prepared to face future obstacles with the improvised skills by which they can be able to face any kind of barrier or problem (Seilov, 2015). Another important part is the provision of training regarding cultural diversity. The knowledge of cultural diversity will result in an increase in the competitive atmosphere along with the improvement in the qualities of the employees to handle customers of varied cultures. The satisfaction of the customers will enhance the confidence within the employees which will be reflected in their performances. Thus the project is meant to achieve the efficiency as well as the effectiveness of the individual’s skills and knowledge concerning the provided training which will result in the enhancement of the economies in the future.

The procedure

The project undertaken by the UK government in the case of Hilton can be fulfilled by going through five important steps. The training is further provided by either the on-job training or off-job training.  The five stages that are included in the process are:

Stage 1- Identification of the needs for training: It is the initial stage that involves the process by which the management makes the identification of the required needs. Thereafter it has to be decided which audience needs the training like in this case, the staff members need the training. Afterward, it has been identified what has to be trained along with calculating the proper impacts of training. Moreover, this process will eventually help in identifying the training needs along with its expected outcome as well as impact.

Stage 2- Designing the solutions related to training: It specifically involves all the possible processes needed that cover the planning, design, and development of the training processes. Thus this stage ensures the formulation of a reliable and organized approach that can be adopted for all the solutions of training.

Stage 3- Delivery of the solutions of training: This stage specifically ensures the proper delivery of effective as well as efficient training. This process thereafter provides effective opportunities that will enable the choice of the appropriate format for training. Further, this will enable the completion of the process by meeting the training needs.

Stage 4- Application of the training process: This stage contains the specific steps that will help in ensuring that all the learning outcomes are applied as well as fulfilled. It is also the process by which the management can be able to monitor the developmental procedure along with calculating the progress.

Stage 5: Evaluation of training solutions: This is the stage that involves the collection, analysis as well and presentation of all the requisite information required for the improvisation of the performance of the employees of the organization. This step will help in doing an evaluation of the processes or learning delivered to the employees for the improvement of their skills as well as knowledge.

Monitoring the results

This project as mentioned above has been started by the government to provide the proper insight into the development of the skills and knowledge of the support staff of the hospitality sector such as the Hilton organization. Thus, as the government is funding for the enhancement of the skills and knowledge of the staff members of Hilton organization it is necessary to evaluate the effectiveness of the training.

About that, there must be the presence of various benefits by evaluating the effectiveness of the training procedure (Seilov, 2015). Thus the effectiveness of the training procedure can be monitored by measuring the success of the training, indirect as well as direct cost, efficiency, reactions, performance to schedule, the reactions, change in the performances as well and behaviour. All these will make the management as well as the government evaluate the success of their success.

The training Part

As per Seilov, while viewing the organizational prospects these training and development methods are the procedure that will enhance the competitiveness of the business environment and will result in transforming the employees to be ready to face the future obstacles. Thus this is not only the project from the organizational point of view but it is the project that has been undertaken by the UK government in organizations like Hilton with a particular aim and perspective (Seilov, 2015). Thu with the funding of the government the organizations take the project forward by providing a guide to the employees to achieve the goal and to solve the issue of low pay which is the prime concern of this project.

The provision of training, as well as development, allows the individual to attain many improvised skills as well as the knowledge that will be reflected in their performances. The increase in the quality of their performance will result in making them efficient in facing all kinds of challenges raised within the organization as well as the society.

In other words, it will directly enhance productivity which will be reflected through the increased economic performance of the nation. Along with that, the process enhances the increase in the quality of the labor force that will attract customers to the hotel which will eventually affect the increase in tourism.

This will result in the economic growth of the UK. The reason behind this is that human capital development will result in capital development which will also solve the issue of low pay and enhance the local economies in the future (Kwok, Xie & Tori, 2017).


The paper came up with the required highlighted points that indicate how the project undertaken by the UK government will help them in enhancing staff development. In that case, it is noticed that funding provided by the government is very well utilized by the Hilton organization in providing training and development to the staff members. This eventually will be fruitful in enhancing the local economies in the future by increasing productivity as a result of the enhancement of the skills and development of staff members.


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Soyon, T.T.K.G.L. and Lee, P.S., 2013. To cite this document: Taegoo Terry Kim Gyehee Lee Soyon Paek Seunggil Lee,(2013),” Social capital, knowledge sharing, and organizational performance”, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, Vol. 25 Iss 5 pp. 683-704 Permanent link to this document. Management, 25(5), pp.683-704.