CRI10002: Fundamentals of Criminology
  1. Reviewing Scenario

Based on the review of the given scenario of the JKL industries, it can be stated the company is in a very good position by selling small trucks and forklifts. This is a fully Australia owned company and professionals of this organization have been very effective in expanding its reach in the foreign business market by creating connections to overseas suppliers. However, increasing the size of the company can also bring higher complexities for corporate sectors. The higher management team of this company has decided to change the organizational structure and employees are not comfortable with the new management structure (Muqadas et al. 2017). There are a lot of issues indicated in the case study of JKL industries. For example, the internal communication gap is the most significant issue indicated in this scenario. Issues of internal communication can hamper organisational potential and professionals will not be able to work collectively (Osborne & Hammoud, 2017). Employees are not able to increase the professional network due to the lack of involvement in different social media platforms. Besides, JKL industries also require proper consultation regarding WHS as well as grievance policies.

  1. Simulated business documentation

Simulated business documentation of the current organization is focused on providing emphasis on improving contemporary organisation policy. Managers as well as employees will also require appropriate information flow within internal organisational teams so that each member can have clear criteria about their roles, responsibilities and professional contribution in the company (Chan et al. 2020). New grievance policies and WHS requirements will be added in this simulated documentation to communicate and implement the basic requirements of employees. Proper communication procedures can be maintained in both top-down and bottom-up procedures. Performance feedback will be very effective for professionals to identify their strengths and weaknesses (Osborne & Hammoud, 2017). In this regard, all employees will be required to provide performance feedback regarding the collaboration of their colleagues and appropriate workplace support.

  1. Drafting communication strategy
  2. Main objectives of organisational communication are given below.
  • Clear communication among employees and managers regarding professional roles and responsibilities
  • Verbal and written communication approach will be available for employees to show their professional efficiency
  • Everyone will get the opportunity for communicating ideas for organisational improvement through top-down as well as bottom-up consultation
  1. Senior management team, suppliers and clients of the company will be selected as the audience of the company during the communication consultation process in this case.
  2. A professional presentation session will be held by the communication consultant of JKL industries. In addition to this process, selected audiences will also be asked to follow the social media account on the Facebook platforms. This account will be very helpful to notify new changes in the organisational procedure and communicate those changes effectively.
  3. Top-down consultation procedure is very common in modern business companies. However, facilitating bottom-up consultation processes will be highly important to increase the flow of overall organisational communication (Obiekwe & Eke, 2019). There are specific provisions regarding facilitating the process of bottom-up consultation in this company. These provisions are mentioned below.
  • Employee can consult their personal and professional health safety issues in the management in case of any requirement (Obiekwe & Eke, 2019)
  • Employees can consult regarding their corporate position if they are having difficulties coping with new job roles and responsibilities
  • All employees will be liable to consult their pay scale and wage-related issues with the senior management team of JKL industries
  1. Developing a grievance procedure

Grievance policy will be required in business companies to address existing issues of employees within the contemporary organizational system. Guidelines of the created grievance policy have been provided here.

  • Employees can contact members of the senior management team according to their respective departments after sending an email to the members of the management team.
  • Senior management will provide a specific time to consult with employees regarding current issues
  • Key contents of the grievance policy will include health safety issues, salary-related problems, and lack of performance aspects due to the communication gap in JKL industries
  1. Email to organisational members about changes in the policy


To: Senior Management Team (

CC: Organisational Staffs (

Hello, all the organisational members. I am the new management consultant of JKL industries. We have analyzed that our employees have been facing problems in recent times due to changes in the organizational policy and structure. The increased communication gap between senior and junior team members has also increased the problem of low-performance management appraisal in the company. With the concerns regarding your personal and professional issues, we have decided to introduce new communication methods and organisational policies in terms of grievance policy. Employees can now easily contact higher authority members to personally discuss their issues and challenges. We are also highly thankful that this policy can reduce the communication gap among our organizational members. Thus, we are requesting organizational members to support this initiative to get a positive result in future.


Communication Consultant

  1. Submitting portfolio for quality specification

This communication portfolio has been submitted after assessing all the deliverables of the communication plan. The quality of the portfolio has been maintained in this way.

Part B: Business Presentation

  1. Preparing the presentation
  2. Audience needs and required interpersonal skills

Presentation skills will depend on the efficiency of the management consultant to stay efficient and modest in front of the public. Public presentation skills depend on the presentation of a business case with a solid and motivational purpose. This presentation is all about improving professional relationships between different types of professionals (Akbar et al. 2019). Enhancing internal organisational communication as well as introducing the new grievance policy. The main audiences will be loyal clients, the senior management team, and suppliers. All these audiences need to understand organizational commitment and concerns toward new organizational issues and resolve the issue effectively. In this way, participants in the presentation process will be also committed to improving organizational relationships (Muqadas et al. 2017).

The main requirements of audiences will be getting information about new changes and improvements in the workplace of JKL industries. However, the professional responsible for the presentation task must have appropriate interpersonal, verbal communication, visual content creation, self-confidence, positive attitude, respectfulness, and listening skill to carry out the presentation session effectively.

  1. Organizational needs

Internal strategic needs of the company revolve around better communication and information management procedures among staff members and organisational managers. The New grievance policy of JKL industries also falls under the internal organisational needs.

External organizational needs will be focused on creating organizational alignment with legal workplace criteria in terms of workplace health safety regulations. Employees must show concerns to provide quick and efficient responses to the customer needs of the company (Chan et al. 2020). Employees can also look to show promptness to use modern communication technologies along with social media platforms to enhance their professional network.

The ethical needs of this company will be related to showing appropriate responsibility and accountability to the given criteria of tasks and jobs. Besides, employees will be also required to follow appropriate measures to abide by the code of ethics.

  1. Proposed approaches of communication and consultation

An email will be the main form of non-verbal consultation for staff members when they are trying to contact their senior authority members. In addition, organisational members can also communicate with each other through verbal and face-to-face interaction with one. The management consultant has also arranged presentation sessions to request the most important stakeholders and influence them to accept the newly accepted communication strategy and organisational policies.

  1. Specifying and arranging a time to deliver the presentation

A proper time and location have been selected for this workplace presentation. Selecting a venue located in Sydney will be the best choice as headquarter of JKL industries is also located in Sydney. Thus, it will be easy for corporate professionals to make all the arrangements as the presentation venue location will be close to headquarters. Athol Hall has been selected as the venue location and it also provides a very charming view of the Ashton Park Mosman. Guests are required to enter the hall by 5:30 pm as the presentation will begin at 6:00 pm.

  1. Achieving quality deliverables through the presentation

The management consultant will maintain the highest possible quality of the presentation. Media agencies have been contacted to telecast the presentation on the national level and reach a broader audience in Australia. The person responsible for the presentation will look to maintain a solid body language and positive communication approach to interact with the guest and audiences (Schmid Mast et al. 2018). In addition to these steps, a banquet has been arranged for all the members attending the presentation event so that guests can be satisfied with the overall professional approach of JKL industries.

  1. A role play among the communication consultant and senior management team to seek feedback

Communication consultant: As I have displayed in the presentation session, our core objective should be about communication, team performance maintaining ethics, and organisational policies. Now, I want to know what you people think about my new strategies, policies, and presentation arrangement.

Senior management team: Honestly speaking, you were fabulous during the presentation. You have ticked all the areas required to deal with professional presentation. It was quite attractive and effective during the entire presentation. Delivered content from you and positive body language and the overall area have been very effective.

Communication consultant: I am very happy to satisfy you with my professional progress. But I want to know whether you people are considering my current communication strategy and grievance policy or not?

Senior management team: Well, the strategies you have delivered, exactly match our organizational requirements. I think you have done very well to create a new grievance policy in the company. We gladly accept your suggestion and newly introduced policy.

Communication consultant: Then, I am presuming that there are no changes required in the developed organisational policy.

Senior management team: For the time being, you must not change the policy. We will let you know if additional modification is required in the policy and strategy.

Communication consultant: Thank you for the information. I will keep this in mind.

Assessment 2

Question 1:

Notice regarding corporate regulations

Hello everyone, I am the manager of JKL Industries in the Brisbane Branch. Our company is very thankful to all the people who supported us during good and bad times. We appreciate all the efforts from you as it has not been an easy time due to different types of changes in the company. This is a professional notice to inform everyone that we provide equal opportunity to everyone. We provide equal emphasis to all our human resources. We deeply regret the recent Christmas incident as some of the non-Christian members were excluded from the Christmas event. We always ensure equal payment and anti-discrimination policy in our JKL Industries. Our company strongly follows the Equal Opportunity Act 2010 to ensure that all participants are getting equal opportunities for them as an employee in this company (, 2021). We can use this legal guideline as a significant industrial asset in the future to attract more potential from the business environment.

We have included legal guidelines of this act in the organizational policies. Currently, we are looking to implement a diversity inclusion policy to recruit organizational individuals from different types of backgrounds. We will be developing different cross-cultural teams so that organizational members can get proper chances to know and respect each other. We strongly believe that building cross-cultural teams can be highly effective for our organizational improvement and avoiding similar discrimination issues in the future. Currently, our senior management team will discuss the matter with organizational members. We will have face-to-face interaction with both parties to sort this out. If anyone tries to violate our organizational policy in the future, we will be forced to terminate the employment of those members based on the situation. Thus, we humbly request everyone to maintain a positive interaction with each other and create a positive working environment in which everyone will be accepted on the same level.

Question 2:

As already described previously, we are going to hold a proper organizational meeting in which members involved in the unfortunate incident can meet face-to-face and resolve the issue. Members of this meeting will be divided into three groups such as assessors, Christians, and non-Christians. JKL Industries will be able to create a proper organizational climate by resolving diversity gaps among organizational employees (Ohunakin et al. 2019). In a positive organisational environment, all employees will be looking to maintain good communication, interaction, and consultation to provide collective efforts to the projects. However, there is a possibility that participants in the meeting may not choose to resolve the matter. In such cases, we will look to separate the participants and make them work in different teams. If they continue to work in the same team, it may hamper their professional concentration and productivity. Roleplay of the meeting is given below.

Assessor: I think we all know why we have arranged the meeting. Although we have some specifications about the unfortunate incident, our management team wants better clarification on this fact.

Christians: We deeply regret what we have done recently. We have recently arranged a team event for Christmas week. However, we did not invite our non-Christian team members without any intention to hurt emotion. We thought that they may feel awkward if we invited them to participate in the event. Besides, we did not have much interaction as they just recently came into the team.

Non-Christians: I also agree that we did not have much interaction with each other. However, we would have been very happy to participate in the event as we could have got the opportunity to know each other effectively.

Assessor: Well, I can see there is a clear indication of miscommunication among our organisational members. This is the main reason behind arranging this meeting to resolve it for sure.

Christians: Well, it is our fault that we failed to recognize our team members. However, it was never an intentional act. We can arrange another team outing. This time, all the team members will be invited.

Non-Christians: I think another team meeting is not needed at this moment. We can have time to get to know each other in the professional environment of JKL Industries.

Assessor: But, I think a team meeting will be the best option for you to resolve matters. You people should accept this.

Question 3:

Networking procedures have different types of benefits for business professionals including the below considerations.

  • Strengthening business connections (Raj et al. 2017)
  • Gaining more experience at the professional level
  • Getting more knowledge and information about current industry trends and opportunities
  • Better relationship with stakeholders to make them loyal to the company

Based on the current situation, social media networking will be the best option according to the available digital information-sharing platforms.

I have previously attended an online seminar to increase my confidence at the professional level. A professional advisor held that online meet to discuss how to plan for career growth options. More than 50 participants were attending the online seminar and we also got the opportunity to maintain face-to-face interaction with the professional advisors. After this event, I was able to enhance my personality with regard to my decision-making and relationship development skills.

LinkedIn is the most effective online social network for professionals to improve their networking and relationship-building skills. My only purpose to explore the online network is to highlight its capability of improving professional networks in the business field. The main advantage for professionals of JKL Industries will be to increase their relationship skills and extend their connections with clients.

This article has been helpful in highlighting different types of networking difficulties along with networking benefits for managers (, 2019). This article has specifically highlighted various approaches of the social media networking process so that the organizational manager can get benefit from it.

Question 4:

In this step, I have developed a networking plan so that I can improve my networking skills as a manager and grow at the professional level.

Connect with people at the LinkedIn Communication Consultant 10th September 2021 LinkedIn digital platform has a large number of professionals to increase the digital connection 11th September 2021
Searching and reconnecting with people that I have lost touch with Communication Consultant 15th September 2021 Getting in touch with older colleagues can lead to better professional opportunities 16th September 2021
I will look to share my personal insights about different professional matters Colleagues, clients and suppliers 2nd October, 2021 To attack more people about my professional interest and capabilities 3rd October, 2021
Asking my connections for helps and also expanding my digital connection Colleagues, clients and suppliers 10th October, 2021 It is quicker to ask for help rather than waiting for the turn 11th October, 2021



Goals and objective

The concerned aim of the JKL limited is to enhance their sales ratio by implementing a change management process. 


To enhance the working environment of the organisation for encouraging the employees towards their business objectives


  • Operational manager
  • Branch manager
  • CEO


  • Clients
  • Buyers

Role play guidance session

The peer review manager needs to greet the manager while conducting any meeting based on the case scenario of JKL industries. Similarly, the peer review manager also had to showcase professional behavior and listening techniques while doing the meeting.

  1. Appendix 2


20th September 3.p.m HR meeting with manager (Rental) and HR Business Partner (role played by training candidate) Multi dividersity issues come as one of the area of concern for the organisation. As the concerned organisation has been operating a global business, it is important for the management to implement the right workplace policy for maintaining the right working environment. Branch Manager
Development of diverse workforce 2 to 3 months Branch Manager For developing diverse workplace environment, workshops among the employees regarding workplace environment can be beneficial Computers, Projectors
Group discussion 1 to 2 months Operational Manager Group discussion can help the operational manager to understand the issues and problems of the employee in a better way. In this way, the operational manager can also solve the issues of the employees individually. Conference room
Active listening strategy 2 to 3 months Branch Manager and Operational Manager By applying active listening techniques the branch managers, as well as operational managers, can understand the perspectives of each employee and their problems. In this way, the concerned management can solve out the employees for better performances of the workforce. Conference room



 Professional conduct through leadership

In case of any workplace setting, the leaders had to showcase calm and trustworthiness throughout leadership (Kabeyi, 2018). By taking accountability for workforce outcomes the leaders can gain the trust of the employees. This can help out the manager and leaders of JKL industries while incorporating the change within the workforce. 


Personal communication style

I think, applying an “assertive communication style” one can easily enhance the professional bonding with the other employee. “Assertive communication style” comes as the unique communicational approach of expressing the views and opinions in the clear manner (Sims, 2017). Similarly, applying this particular personal communication style the managers of JKL industries can easily signify the ethical and technical aspects of the other employees. 


Procedure for conflict resolution in regards to legislation 

In order to manage the grievance and conflict within the workplace settings the management of JKL industries can implement the conflict resolving policies and procedures. Under the “Fair Work Act 2009” the management of any governing organisation can implement the correct policy for solving conflicts for maintaining the appropriate environment (, (2021). Similarly, the governing authorities of JKL industries can also signify the policies of “Alternative Dispute Resolution” for solving the grievance issues among the employees. 


Strategies for identifying root cause of conflicts and 

  • Group discussion

The managing authority of JKL industries can develop group discussion among the employees as that can help out the managing authority of the organisation in understanding the major causes of the conflicts. For example, through group discussion the management of JKL industries can understand the multi diversity issues at the workplace and therefore can implement the correct actions for solving the conflicts. 

  • Meetings

Regular meetings can create a scenario where every member has to express their views regarding business decision making and that can also help the higher management in identifying the major causes behind conflicts (Lewis, Heathershaw & Megoran, 2018). For example, while taking any meeting based   on employee salary, higher management of JKL can identify the pay scale issues of the employees.                        

Resolving of conflicts

  • Collaboration

Collaboration signifies the major conflict resolution strategy which can help out any concerned management in resolving the conflicts among the employees (McKibben, 2017). For example, by focusing on team building the management of JKL industries can solve issues among their employees. 

  • Accommodating 

“Accommodation conflict resolution strategy” holds the objective which exemplifies others’ perspective instead of their own interests. Based on this aspect, the management of JKL industries can motivate the employees towards teamwork and the perspectives of understanding others at the workplace. 

Actions for resolving the issues among employees

  • Diverse workforce strategy 

The development of a diverse workforce can help out each of the employees, especially the employees coming from diverse backgrounds.

  • Group discussion strategy 

Group discussion can resolve the conflict among the members of the JKL industries by expressing their perspectives. 

  • Communication strategy

This particular strategy focuses on developing bonding among the members of the organization through advanced communication styles. In this way, the management of JKL industries can create strong teams while running their business process for gaining more growth in the future.

6. The meeting can be held in the conference room of the organization at 2.p.m on 20th September. 

7. Meeting for the action plan

Branch manager: Today’s meeting will focus on the change management process and other factors for our organization. I need approval from the Accessor to proceed with the meeting. 

Accessor: Yes, proceed

Branch Manager: Sir, I think we need to focus on the current operational activities for undertaking the lacking areas of the work process for implementing the correct changes for better growth of our organization. 

Accessor: Yes, do you have any suggestions?

Branch manager: In my opinion, we need to enhance the internal communication of our organization in order to improve the operational activities.

Accessor: What do you suggest regarding the improvement of internal communication?

Branch manager: I think, identifying the root causes of the conflict among the employees can help our management to implement the right conflict resolution strategy. 

Accessor: I think, by enhancing team bonding among the team members, we can help our organization in resolving the conflicts of the employees. 

Branch manager: Yes, by implementing a collaboration strategy would not only help in team buying but also can resolve the conflicts among the employees. 

Accessor: In the next meeting we will discuss further strategies for implementing changes in the appropriate manager within the work process. 

Meeting with the rental manager

Branch manager: In today’s meeting we will discuss the possible impact of grievance in the workplace as well as the major goals and objectives of our organisation.

Rental Manager: Yes, this aspect needs to be signified in the organization because any kind of conflicting situation can hamper the overall work process of the organisation.

Branch Manager: Sir, in the previous meeting we have discussed about the application of conflict resolution strategy for solving conflicts among the employee.  

Rental Manager: Can you elaborate the strategies in an elaborative manner?

Branch Manager: Sir, I think, encouraging team development among the employees could help in creating good professional bonding among the employees. 

Rental Manager: In what way the organisation will implement the strategy?

Branch manager:  I think, through group discussion our management can identify the root causes of conflicts among the employees and therefore can solve the issues of the employees.  Sir, do you have any suggestions regarding this matter?

Rental Manager: I think, the grievance policy at the workplace can solve our grievance issue in our organization.