Leadership and Management Development

Consequences of cytochalasin B treatment

  The effects of cytochalasin B therapy to prevent cleavage furrow development in the eggs injected with CB. The inhibition is accomplished by decomposition of the contractile ring by cytochalasin B. Antibiotics have become involved in the cell due to cytochalasin therapy inhibition.

In early amphibian growth, gastrulation reflects the most complex cell movement and involves epiboly, involution, converging extension, and direct cell immigration processes. When the Xenopus animal caps are handled with dorsal mesodermal inducers, the elongation motion is imitated by the convergent dorsal mesoderm extension during gastrulation. To test such dorsal mesoderm-inducing factors, this morphological alteration in animal cap explants was used. 

The dose-dependent induction of dentin A ventrally to dorsally in animal cap explants is known as activin A. If 5-10 ng/ml of activin A was used to treat caps, which are mainly caused by muscle explants, it can stretch within hours of treatment. A number of factors, including fibronectin, integrin, and C-cadherin, were involved in the Xenopus gastrulation process. Cytochalasin B (CCB) inoculation into the blastula stops the gastrulation. It also inhibits the migration of dissociated animal cap cells treated with activin A to fibronectin-coated plates. CCB can thus be useful in determining the occurrence of the morphogenetic association and cell differentiation.

Ectodermal Xenopus explants (animal caps) continue to grow after treatment with mesoderm activin A induction factor. The convergence of dorsal mesoderms during gastrulation is imitated by this phenomenon. After activin therapy, the relationship between the elongation motion distinction muscle was investigated with colchicine, Taxol, cytochalasin B, and hydroxyurea (HUA)/aphidicolin. Cytochalasin B, which inhibited the elongation of activin-treated explants, disturbed the organization of actin filaments. The histological and molecular process of muscle differentiation was both blocked in these explants. Colchicine and taxols were thought to affect the microtubular organization, and the lengthening of activin-treated explants was not greatly affected. The co-treating of HUA and aphidicolin did substantial harm to the explants and was not spread. These findings indicate that the actin filaments play a significant role in the elongation movement, which leads to the differentiation of muscles between active ingredients.

Does DMSO treatment have a significant effect on cleavage rates or success in treated embryos?

   No. The effect of DMSO on the cleavage rate in treated embryos is not essential. The flattening caused by the medication was not hindered. In the eggs injected with CB, no cleavage furrow was detected. The DMSO-injected controls displayed only normal division.

Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) is widely used as a water-insoluble solution, a medication therapy vehicle, and a cultured cell cryoprotectant. Embryonic defects caused by DMSO and their action mechanism remain unknown. The reasoning is based on the premise that DMSO’s addition can contribute both to long-term detrimental consequences for embryo development before and after implantation. RT-qPCR, Western Blotting, Immunofluorescence, and Confocal Microscopy have been established as DMSO mediated oxidative stress, ER stress, autophagy, mitophagy, signaling, responsible genes, and proteins. Microcopy of the transmission electron and JC-1 testing is used to assess DMSO mediated mitochondrial dysfunction. TUNEL and comet assay have been calculated for apoptosis. Implantation site and fetal numbers have measured the developmental potential of the embryo following implantation.

Compare the relative success rates of cleavage in all treatments.

Can anything be inferred regarding the contractile ring’s function in cleavage furrow formation and progress from these results? Why or why not?

               The Ringers solution had 66 fertilized eggs. The first cleavage was 17, the second cleavage was 17, and the third cleavage was 14. In other words, just 25 percent of the eggs were cleaved in the first. The second cleavage was made by 100% of the first cleavage and the third cleavage by 82% of the second. The third cleavage was reached by just 21 percent of the original number of eggs. The DMSO approach shows an almost identical pattern. In the initial stage of the experiment, there were 85 fertilized eggs. Thirty of them made the first cleavage, which corresponds to 35%. Twenty-two eggs were produced at the second cleavage of 25% and 17 at the third cleavage of 20%. For the Ringers and DMSO solutions, the number of eggs that entered the third cleavage is about 20%.

                Rings and DMSO findings show that both do not influence the cleavage forming mechanism. Cleavage development was inferior in eggs with both DMSO and cytochalasin B, as 0 percent entered the third cleavage. The first cleavage was made by 18%, and the second cleavage by 2.5%. The contractile ring narrows to create a furrow that divides the cells into two. In CB-treated eggs, the cleavage formation rate is adversely affected, as the contractile ring is broken down (Moody, 2019).

Cleavage is radially symmetrical, as is echinoderm cleavage, in most embryos frog and salamander. However, the amphibian egg contains a lot of yolks. The condensed yolk in the plant hemisphere inhibits cleavage. Thus, on the animal pole, the first division begins and progresses into the vegetal field progressively. The cleavage furrow in an axolotl salamander spreads at a pace of approximately 1 mm per minute across the animal hemisphere. The cleavage furrow dips the gray crescent and, when it reaches the plant pole, then speeds down to just 0.002–0.03 mm a minute.

Frog’s egg cleavage. Cleavage furrows are numbered in order of presentation, as shown by roman numerals. (a, B) The second division starts in the egg’s animal area before it has separated in the first division because plant yolk is impeded by cleavage.

The picture above shows the first cleavage in a frog egg in a scanning electron micrograph. The distinction between the animal and plant hemispheres can be observed. The second cleavage is now starting near the animal polar, while the first cleavage is only cleaving the yolky cytoplasm of the vegetal hemisphere (Shifley, 2019). This cleavage is in the right place for the first and is also meridional. The third division is equatorial, as predicted. However, the cleavage furrow in amphibian eggs is not directly at the equator but travels towards the animal pole because of the vegetally positioned yolk. The frog embryo is divided into four small animal blastomeres and four large blastomeres in the vegetable field. This contradictory holoblastic cleavage establishes two key embryonic regions: an area of micromeres divided at a fast speed close to the animal pole and a steadily divided plant macromere area. As the cleavage continues, the animal zone is filled with various small birds when only a small number of yolk-laden macromeres are present in the plant field.

An experiment to determine the effect of cytochalasin B on the integrity of the contractile ring.

The effect of cytochalasin B on the integrity of the contractile ring is explored through an experiment. During the procedure, Xenopus laevis is inserted into adult females’ dorsal lymph sacs with chronic human gonadotropin. The eggs are fertilized by immediately extracting the eggs from a macerated male frog into the suspension of sperm. When eggs are fertilized, egg jelly coats are stripped, and the eggs are kept in the ringer solution with an intensity of 0.1.            

Following Gurdon protocols, microinjection of the eggs will be carried out.

  1. A calibrated micropipette can have 80 NL of injection medium.

The solvent for the injection consists of 88 mm sodium chlorides, 1 mm potassium chloride, 15 mM Trishydrochloric acids, and pH7-4. B (CB) cytochalasin.

This inventory solution is diluted to 10gml CB.

The eggs are inserted into a cure-up solution for eggs following injection.

After 20 minutes, feedback will be made.

Expected results

             The pigmented hemisphere flattening is known to occur near the surface of the pigmented hemisphere. The fertilized eggs will be injected with CB and healed the injection wounds in a medium that contains cytochalasin to create the effect of CB on the contractile ring. The eggs’ ability to undergo cleavage flattening will be tracked. The predicted effects are; the flattening caused by the drug would not be inhibited. In the eggs CB injection, no cleavage furrow can occur.

         The inference can be drawn that the pigmented hemisphere cleavage flattening does not affect intercellular cytochalasin B concentrations, which inhibit the furrow’s development entirely. Two entirely separate contractile in the pigmented cortex of Xenopus eggs display different sensitivities against cytochalasin B of the surface contraction and contractile ring.

The contractile ring He La cells is used as finely organized and transitory organelles to the location to individual cell sorting and ultramicrotomy techniques. The contractile ring is an uninterrupted annulus that covers the specifically cleavage-forming cell equator. It has a depth of about 10 microns, a thickness of about 0.2 microns, and is completely made of 40-70 Å diameter circumferentially linear thin filaments.

The tendency is to connect the contractile ring filaments to the plasma membrane.

The drug kills the HeLa cells’ ability to encounter cytokinesis in a few minutes in controlled mold metabolite (cytochalasin B) studies. Cytochalasin B (Field, Pelletier & Mitchison, 2019) appears to break down the contractile ring. No other obvious effects can be described on other cell structures, particularly the mitotic device. Cytochalasin B is the only known drug that selectively inhibits cytokinesis in animal cells.

The contractile ring is likely to induce cytokinesis in HeLa cells. In both cleaving animal cells, identical organelles potentially exist. The structural and functional stability of the contractile ring relies on good cleavage.


Moody, S. A. (2019). Cleavage blastomere deletion and transplantation to test cell fate commitment in Xenopus. Cold Spring Harbor Protocols2019(1), pdb-prot097311.

Shifley, E. T. (2019). Differential gene expression during Xenopus laevis development. CourseSource.

Field, C. M., Pelletier, J. F., & Mitchison, T. J. (2019). Disassembly of actin and keratin networks by Aurora B kinase at the midplane of cleaving Xenopus laevis eggs. Current Biology29(12), 1999-2008.