HRM 20018 Employment Relations Sample

The report works on representing the business telecommunication network in an organization, by considering the present Information technology and telecommunication network. This assignment proves how any effective management framework helps in integrating the telecommunication system with the help of information technology. In this process, the two organizations are been selected to prove the success of telecommunication by making possible changes in the network communication system. Based on that the latest strategies are been developed in both organizations, network elements are been built to upgrade the present communication network. To draw a lesson the analysis has been made on the integration of the technology with the existing network. It also tends to determine the appropriate technology which is most suitable and cost-effective for both organizations.


Telecommunication management is a fundamental factor in operating the network and services in the business. It provides various functions in an organization such as operation and management, administrative management, accounting security, etc. Hence telecommunication network management is regarded as an essential tool to drive the business smoothly by providing mutual benefits to the users and also the business (WhatIs, 2015). Hence, as a business management consultant, I would like to consider both companies to improve the business operations by making required changes in the present communication system and network.


  • Background:

Sigma Pharmaceuticals is one of the famous pharmacy brands in Australia, established in the year of 1912. It is located in the Melbourne city of Australia and its headquarters is located in Rowville in Victoria. This is one of the leading pharmaceutical companies involved in medicine production, distribution, and wholesale business. It has the largest chain of networks in which 1200 pharmaceutical businesses are found. The company works under different brands such as DDS, Amcal, Amcal Max, and Guardian (Sigmaco, 2015). As it is a long network chain of medicine companies, so it involves a telecommunication network management system. The numbers of employees working in the organization are nearly 850 who are engaged in providing services throughout the world.

  • Reason for selecting the company:

The company Sigma Pharmaceuticals involves in the retail business and has a large chain of distribution channels so it emphasis adopting the latest technology to enhance the telecommunication network. The main of the company is to produce qualitative services or products to the customers by the way of health care products, medical devices, medical diagnostic to the consumers. Hence this telecommunication system enables the organization to improve the efficiency of productivity, reaching more customers in a single time, transmitting data into visual or audio information. For this company, there has been used many telecommunication strategies in the previous assignment. But is this assignment the company chooses some special elements which upgrade the previously used telecommunication system.

Current communication and network system:

The company uses telecommunication network management to communicate with the people outside the organization and inside the organization. This network possesses different layers of management which enables to build of the relation and communication system between different departments in the organization and also tends to build communication between consumers and the organization. Previous the role of the communication and network system is very limited but nowadays it has been extended to end. As the competition is growing day by day for the company to exist in the market, has to follow various strategies of technology related to telecommunication and information technology. The telecommunication system in Sigma Pharmaceuticals is been done with the help of the internet and land phones. The drawback in this network system is, it is too busy sometimes to contact the peer and slow network sometimes. This drawback of the company makes the company think of new applications or software which controls the present situation. This raising requirement of the company is being necessary to adopt a new form of telecommunication process in the business. As in the previous assignment, it has been discussed that the company Sigma Pharmaceuticals spends a huge amount in the research for producing new medicine in the market, at the same time to get the product promoted it also need a huge amount. Hence, it is very necessary to adopt new technology so that it will be cost-effective and suitable for the business.

Integration of telecommunication to information technology:

Application of firewall:


CIS8009 - Management of Business Telecommunication Sample 2

To upgrade the current communication network for more efficiency and protect the current system from various network-related problems, the company adopted the firewall application system. The application of the firewall tends the telecommunication system to monitor the input, output, and access by the application or the services (State of the Internet, 2015). This firewall can block the input and output system and block the service calls if it doesn’t meet the policy of the firewall. As the telecommunication network system in the organization consists of different layers in which the communication process is been adopted, the application of the firewall tends to control the traffic of all the layers from the OSI layer to the application layer. These firewalls are of two different types, such as network-based and host-based. The network-based firewall is only applicable in a specific type of network traffic such as the web application firewall (Owasp, 2015). The host-based application firewall tends to examine the information passage through various systems and it only protects the application running in the present computer system. The firewalls used by Sigma Pharmaceuticals are the Linux and Network appliances. Linux helps in protecting the software packages used by the company includes accounting software. This firewall also enables the company to filter the application to operating system communication, possibly by the user basis (Referenceforbusiness, 2015).


This application helps the organization in providing information about the appropriate network structure and separation of the information which is needed for the organization to make an effective solution. As the company already engages in using the telecommunication network, hence the infrastructure of the organization is suitable to adopt the new application (Hospitality, 2015). The application not only manages in transmitting and controlling the information but also helps in examining the key factors inside the organization such as the employee’s skills in operating the business, number of customers intended to purchase and their relevant knowledge, etc.

Advance smart application:

The smart application enables the organization in reaching the customer faster and tends to stand in the competitive field. This application helps the organization to control various devices in the organization such as TV, radio, room services, etc (, 2015). The downloading of this single app tends the organization to reach its organizational goal by having many consumers and providing the top quality of services to the organization. This application enables you to deliver the product and services consistently and also intends to provide memorable experiences to your guest. By using this smart application in the organization it enables to check the in and out customers, offers to select the right product, check the road map of the organization without any manual assistance, make purchases from online, etc. This application also helps in collaborating with different departments in the organization using advanced technology (Cme-smart, 2015).


  • Support the latest mobiles application and wireless services
  • Improves efficiency in operations and reduces the cost and time.
  • Provides anytime connectivity to the staff and customers.
  • Generates a new stream of revenue through the next generation of technologies (Eng. ed, 2015).
  • Generates loyalty in the customer’s mind.


The Electronic point of sale system is a new application that enables the organization to integrate customer service management (Staff, 2015). As the company Sigma already uses the CRM method in the organization to contact the customers, this application also provides the same advantages along with that it also makes communication with the inventory management system, other tools such as information on the capacity of the workers and employees and working for loyalty programs .in addition, cloud-based EPOS application are becoming more common in bookings, process orders, payments directly from a tablet (, 2015). The main theme of the EPOS application is to afford mobility and add more convenience to the customers.


By analyzing the present situation of the Sigma Pharmaceuticals Company, it is clear that the company is engaged with long distribution channels and many departments in the organization to communicate. To control the disturbance in the communication system and protect the software it is necessary to use the firewalls application. The demand for using a firewall is very much in the market, so to fight the present competitive situation adoption of the application is very much necessary.


By comparing the advanced smart technology and EPOS both are cost-effective but the facilities provided by the application are not much effective than the firewalls. Hence the company should use the firewall application in the business practice.

RED Rooster :

  • Background:

Red Rooster is one of the famous restaurants in Australia, for quick services and cuisine of chicken. The company was located in Kelmscott, Australia and its headquarter was located in Balcatta, West Australia. It was founded in the year of 1972 and occupied a superior position in the Australian, market. The main products of the company are the kind’s meals, beverages, value, meals, etc. The company consists of nearly 7,500 members of employees including all chefs, salespeople, back end and front end people (Redrooster, 2015).  Hence the brand of Red Rooster became so famous and started giving franchises to many other hotels and restaurants for providing branded services. The company offers a franchise support system to the ones who are capable and interested to drive the brand. In this process, the company expanded its retail chain market for fast food, involved in corporate social responsibilities in caring for the children.

  • Reason for selecting the company:

The main reason for selecting this company in this report, because it provides the best chicken in Australia and the brand has reached every level of the people. The distribution channel of the company is very small which includes the wholesalers from where the company purchases the bulk amount of chicken and consumers to whom they sell the chicken products. These products are not only intended to satisfy food lovers but also tend to satisfy the people who are health-conscious, through their services. Hence, to make the brand extension company has been involved in the practice of doing mergers, acquisitions, etc. In this process the company uses many advanced technologies for communication such as telecommunication for making deals with the customers and clients, passing and updating the information with the help of the latest technology in the telecommunication system.

Integration of telecommunication system to IT system:

The Red Rooster is the quickest service provider in Australia it emphasis on the quick development of modern technology. Though it is already involved in following new techniques of telecommunication system, still there is a need to integrate the telecommunication system by following new applications, management techniques using technology software, etc  (Newworldtel, 2015).

  • Distributed Communication Object by Microsoft:

The company Red Rooster uses the new application in the management called DCOM Distributed Communication Microsoft object by Microsoft in the business practice. This is the improved version of the Microsoft COM technology. This software enables the organization in reusing the software components, DCOM components can be used to write various programming languages. It uses the protocol called ORPC (object-oriented remote procedure call) to support the remote objects which are used in various levels of the organization (Technet. Microsoft, 2015). As in the previous assignment, it is found that the company involves using remote technology to operate different machines in the organization. Hence by using this application DCOM helps in meeting the need of the organization. This application also intends to use as a service control manager and activate an object in the DCOM. This application is also independently available in other platforms to store and maintain the information system, but this is mainly linked to the windows operating system platform. The workability of the software DCOM is extended to other operating systems but still, it lacks some key functions (, 2015). The company which utilizes Microsoft-based systems; DCOM is the perfect choice to follow.

  • ISA 2000:

The company Red Rooster is already involved in using updated technology such as remote control system of operations, smart application usage, advanced internet usage, etc. By focusing on the present competition in the market it is found that it is necessary to adopt Internet security and acceleration server 2000 to be in a leading position in the market (, 2015). As the restaurant Red Rooster has more competitors, and information hacking is been common in the market to know the competitor’s strategy. Hence, as a management consultant, the suggestion was given by me to secure the information obtained by using certain software applications. The internet security acceleration server 2000 is an application to protect the organization information available on the internet (SearchEnterpriseDesktop, 2015).

  • CRM Software:

The restaurant Red Rooster is already involved in the process of customer relationship management To provide qualitative and quick services to the customers, the company involves in using online shopping methods, so that the consumer can easily order their product through the online services and can pay through online. The customer care services also involve using online chatting and queries clearing of the customers (, 2015). For these services, the company uses the internet, social websites, etc. But to use the advanced technology in this assignment the company intended to use its software of Customer Relation Management software. According to this software the company enables to store all the customer-related data in the system and can make the communication system by the way of voice process. The CRM software not only maintains the data of the customers but also records the communication of the customer and the CRM service people. Another advantage of the CRM software is the automated services, according to this system the call of the customer will be disconnected under certain conditions. The software also enables to find the quick data of the customers by the way of filtering process of the customer’s data (, 2015). This software enables the organization management to examine the customer service provider skill by the way of examining the communication between the consumers and service provider.


By analyzing the DCOM software it is clear that it is cost-effective but not suitable to the Red Rooster because it is only applicable in the service-oriented industries where huge document processes is been done, and it is only applicable to the Microsoft-based system and not suitable to all the systems. The usage of the Internet security and acceleration server is useful to every organization but it is very expensive, by analyzing the present position of the company it is not much essential to use the security system in the business. The utilization of CRM software is very much essential because the business is mostly dependent on customer services.

Recommendation and Suggestion: 

By analyzing the above new technology application such as DCOM, Internet security servers, CRM services, it is found that the company should adopt the CRM software application. The adoption of the software is very easy to utilize by the service provider and cost-effective to purchase. The company also engages more with the customers so CRM application in the business is the best choice of application. As per the existing requirements of the company, the company is having a huge customer following so to maintain the information and find out the preference of the relevant customer, the software CRM is very essential. Based on the facilities filtering and segmenting the customer preferences and details tends the management to have a clear picture of the organization. This enables the organization to make further strategies adoption.



From the above research, it is clear that the telecommunication network is the main organ of every organization involved in exchanging services and products. To get to exist in the present competitive market it is necessary to adopt new technologies using applying software, new methods of management, etc. Hence, this research helped the management to find out the most cost-effective and necessary technology implementation process to be followed by both organizations.


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