Case Study Analysis Assignment

Value: 50 %
Due date: Midnight Friday week 12
Length: 3000 words

Task: Research and analyse the recent ethical scandals of Volkswagen and 7-Eleven. Answer the following questions in report format:

  1. What do these two cases have in common that lead to their unethical practices? Discuss.
  2. Do you agree with the following statement: ‘good leaders by definition are ethical leaders’. Use examples and academic sources to support your argument.
  3. What can be done to improve an organisational climate so individual members and leaders can reasonably be expected to act ethically? Use examples from the two cases and academic sources to support your arguments.

Background reading to get you started:

Rhodes, C. (2016) Democratic business ethics: Volkswagen emission scandal and the disruption of corporate sovereignty, organization studies, Vol 37, no 10 p 1501-1518

Presentation: Report style required. Harvard referencing.
Assignments must contain a cover page.
1.5 spacing is required.