EDF5531 Cognitive Behaviour Therapies

Cancer has in recent years been regarded as one of the major cause of death globally (Cancer Risk). Cancer is the spontaneous development in any part of a body of malignant cells. Anything that could cause an irregular development of a normal body cell can possibly cause cancer. Such cells are capable of infiltrating normal body tissues. The name of the tissue that the abnormal cells comes from, such as breast cancer that affects the breast, further describes certain cancers and the abnormal cells that make up the cancer tissue. As it is the case with other ailments, cancer too is preventable and can be controlled. The following provides information some of the major ways to reduce the risk of cancer.

Reducing the Risks of Cancer

Diet; Some risk factors for cancer are out of one’s control, but research indicates that you have the power to change majority percentage of  lifelong cancer risk, including your diet. Research has provided compelling evidence to support the idea that fruit and vegetable-rich diets will protect against the risk of various types of cancers for it helps boosts immunity (“7 healthy habits that can reduce your risk of cancer”, 2020). Doctors and other health specialists have also advised against consumption of sugary foods, processed and fried foods, refined curbs, red meat among others.

Physical activity; Maintaining a healthy weight and physical activity may decrease the chance of cancer of various forms, which include breast, prostate, lung, colon, and kidney cancer (Nikkhah). An increasing number of studies indicate that it can help to lower cancer risk by doing some kind of exercise to prevent too much sitting. Physical activity contributes too many biological effects in the body some of which contribute to reduction of cancer in the body, these include;

  • Reduce inflammation
  • Fasten digestion which reduces the risk of carcinogens which in this case causes cancer
  • Boosting immunity
  • Preventing high blood pressure which has been linked with cancer development
  • Obesity prevention

Sun protection; Sunshine has been highlighted as a major cause of skin cancer and one of the most preventable. Too much ultraviolet rays from the sun o will impact the genetic mode of your skin cells. When enough DNA damage occurs with time, it can cause cells to start developing out of control, which can lead to cancer of the skin. Anyone can get skin cancer, but certain individuals may have a greater risk. The strong UV rays from the sun may be avoided through ways such as staying in the shade when outdoors, avoiding bad lamps, avoiding midday sun etc.  

Regular Medical Checkup; It has evident that most individuals that succumb to different types of cancer either were afraid on screening or avoided being tested. Regular self-examinations and screenings for different types of cancers, such as mammograms, colonoscopy, colorectal cancer screening etc., will improve the chances of early diagnosis of cancer when treatment is most likely to succeed. Several results have proven that early diagnosis tend to be crucial cancer treatment and complete elimination. It is through this that majority of the healthcare providers in recent years provide free cancer screening services to prevent this menace. 

Avoiding exposure to industrial and environment exposure; Research has emerged that environmental toxins especially long-term exposure to them, cause disruption of hormones in our body thus leading to cancer. Majority of the people have low exposure to such toxins on daily basis through food, our environment or even through products we put on our bodies. It is ideal to take precautions that until a product is found to be safe, try not to use it. The precautionary theory requires retaining knowledge of what you put on and in your body and take precautions to prevent unnecessarily exposure to contaminants in your household and surroundings retaining knowledge of what you put on and in your body and take precautions to prevent needless exposure to contaminants in your home and surroundings.