Emailing Assessment Task

The government of Canada cancels the post-home delivery system because of the covid 19. They only provide the facilities for the old residential areas. Home delivery is an essential service. They must give it all over the region. 

 Home delivery can save time; we do not need to go far to receive the parcel.

In our regular life, it must be a huge problem. It quickly delivers things to the perfect address.  We need to change the postal system but not this way. Many people can lose their job as delivery person. Whenever left unchecked, proceeded with misfortunes would before long risk its money-related independence and become a huge weight on citizens and customers.

The postal assistance has confronted serious rivalry from dispatches and innovation that has prompted the developing fame of customers taking care of their tabs and imparting information on the web. If this happens,  Canada Post will end because of it. Canada Post has started to post significant financial losses (Tsay-Vogel, Shanahan, and Signorielli, 2018). Canada Post and numerous organizations are hoping to rethink client involvement with an inexorably advanced world. And this arrangement, Canada Post will become in a superior situation to be the basic government agent of far off-exchange and trade that Canadians and their businesses can depend on for quite a long time to come. Forthcoming administrative endorsement, these proposed changes will be actualized. Canada’s government upholds Canada Post. It endeavors to satisfy its command of working on self-continuing money related premises so as to ensure citizens. Modernizing it is the business and adjusting postal governments to the selections of Canadians.

    Diamond water paradox

  1. The parados value (otherwise called the diamond water paradox) is the inconsistency that, despite the fact that water is all in all more helpful regarding endurance than precious diamonds, diamonds command a more exorbitant cost on the market. The logician Adam Smith is frequently viewed as the exemplary moderator of this mystery.
  2. Bottled water is more costly than tap water. In all actuality, the cost has less to do with the water itself and everything to do with the assembling, transportation, and publicizing costs related to delivering each container. Truth be told, most filtered water plants are utilizing a similar water source as your nearby water service organization (Cohen et al., 2016). Bottled water makers must buy their own water, purchase the plastic water bottles, pay to get the water in those jugs; at that point; they spend significantly more expenses to move those weighty plastic jugs loaded up with water to a store close to you. What’s more, bottle watermarks at that point burn through millions more on promoting to get individuals to pick their water over the opposition. Those extra costs add up rapidly and are given to the burn-through.
  3. Consumer surplus can be calculated by subtracting the highest price the customer pays from the original price of the product. So, for this case, any customer will not pay extra money for bottled water for two reasons: firstly, the price is fixed, and secondly, there is a huge availability of the product. Therefore for this case, the consumer surplus will be zero.
  4. The harmful impacts of water bottles don’t simply arrive at those living in nature. Indeed, even we people aren’t invulnerable to a portion of the threats. At the same time, we need to feel that our bottled water is appropriately sifted and clean, recognize that they may not all be. Not all bottled water is tried as regularly as faucet water, implying that there could be more in our water than we accept.

Case of multiplexes.

Q1. Multiplexes are in trend in this century, and a huge earning is done through multiplexes, and it affects the entire economy because it is a great donator to the GDP of the country. A huge number of people are employed in these multiplexes, and the food business is also good in the multiplexes. So overall, it provides a good amount to the economy of the countries. The actor and the actresses are also paid according to the running of the cinemas in the multiplexes. But due to this covid situation, the earnings of the multiplexes were full off or down because the multiplexes were shut for the entire six to seven months. Now the multiplexes have opened but with few timings or shattered movie times, and this is also lost to the owner of the multiplexes because their cost of production is not collected by the revenue from the customers, and moreover, people are still in a dilemma in going to multiplexes. But it is better than shutting down, and since the movie timers are shattered, and it is beneficial because it is better to have something than nothing (Chernozhukov, Hausman, and Newey, 2019).

Q2) The benefits of the multi-screen in shopping malls are firstly it attracts customers compared to the multiplexes which are not in the shopping malls and the second benefit is the cost of production is less again if compared to the multiplexes which are not in the shopping malls because more or less every accommodation are present in the shopping malls and it is not required to be made again.

Q3) There are many more attractions which the multiplexes provide rather than and they show different important matches which attracts customers, and it also has premiers of the short films which also attracts good customers as this is the trend. These help in collecting good revenue from the customers and so it is important and good.

We are maintaining the farming land.

It is very important to run the farm, and for that, the market price needs to be taken care of. For this, some strategies must be done and in that the first strategy must be analyzing the market through any analyzing techniques. 

In the land administration and the ground-breaking power of monetary contention or rivalry. This power identifies with the effect of adversaries on one another and the atmosphere of the market in the Five Forces investigation model. The accompanying outside elements lead to the focused energy of rivalry on account of the land.

  1.     Broad number of organizations (Strong Force)
  2.     Moderate variety of companies (moderate force) 
  3.     The low cost of switching (strong force)

The ground-breaking power or haggling intensity of clients or customers is seen by the landowner. This power is centered around the effect of individual clients and gatherings of customers on the global market atmosphere in Porter’s Five Forces investigation model. On account of the land, the accompanying outer factors lead to clients’ solid haggling power:

  1.     The low cost of switching (strong force)
  2.     High availability for replacements (strong force)
  3.     Individual buyers having a small scale (weak force)

Price Discrimination

Q1) Price discrimination is selling the same object at different prices to different customers. The biggest instance of price discrimination is Byjus. This application is sold in India, and there is no fixed cost for the application. The sellers sell this application according to their convenience and seeing the condition of the customer. If the customer can provide a good amount, then the application is sold at a good value, and if the customer is nominal, then the price of the application reduces. So this is an ultimate example of price discrimination. This is another instance of price discrimination (Borgesius and Poort, 2017).


Q2) The price elasticity is 1.1 for men and 1.8 for women; this indicates that the price elasticity is greater than one, and this shows that the demand is affected by the price, and the supply is also affected. So this can be said that the price the men purchased is lesser than the women (Jiang et al, 2016). The reason is that the amount is increasing after 1, the price is also increasing. 

Yes, it is possible that second-degree price discrimination is used because it is possible the men has purchased a huge amount and the women has purchased if compared with the men. Because second-degree price discrimination is described when the price changes according to the quantity purchased, like if a consumer purchases 100 units of the product he gets a discount of 20% but if he buys 50 units he gets a discount of 10%.


Q3)  The selling of the tickets would be in such a way that one who purchases 20 tickets get at a time then he gets an amount of discount again if someone buys 10 tickets at a time he or she gets some other discount. This method can be used for increasing the revenue of the fundraiser as customers like discounts and they take full advantage of the discounts.


Borgesius, F.Z. and Poort, J., 2017. Online price discrimination and EU data privacy law. Journal of consumer policy, 40(3), pp.347-366.

Chernozhukov, V., Hausman, J.A. and Newey, W.K., 2019. Demand analysis with many prices (No. w26424). National Bureau of Economic Research.

Cohen, P., Hahn, R., Hall, J., Levitt, S. and Metcalfe, R., 2016. Using big data to estimate consumer surplus: The case of uber (No. w22627). National Bureau of Economic Research.

Jiang, H., Livingston, M., Room, R. and Callinan, S., 2016. Price elasticity of on-and off-premises demand for alcoholic drinks: A Tobit analysis. Drug and alcohol dependence, 163, pp.222-228.

Tsay-Vogel, M., Shanahan, J. and Signorielli, N., 2018. Social media cultivating perceptions of privacy: A 5-year analysis of privacy attitudes and self-disclosure behaviors among Facebook users. new media & society, 20(1), pp.141-161.