International Human Resource Management

Assessment Tasks

Assessment task 2

  • Identify a media article that you will analyse. It should report on
    • a difficult international business situation
    • involving cross-cultural management issues
    • that has arisen in the past twelve months
  • This task will demonstrate your ability to apply your cultural intelligence skills to a problematic ‘real life’ international business situation

Choosing an appropriate article

  • Choose a newspaper or online article between 350 and 1,000 words and less than twelve months old as the basis of your essay
  • It should be reporting actual international business activities or events and not a commentary or academic critique.

Choosing an appropriate article

  • Ensure it is less than twelve months old
  • Ensure it relates to cross-cultural management issues.
  • Avoid editorials or columns.
  • You can search for articles in the LibGuide you used for task 1 (see last slides here)
  • Keep in mind that you are required to analyse the article with respect to theory, so choose one that will give you scope to do that

Suggested structure

Introduction (half a page)

Article synopsis (half a page)

Analysis (most of paper)

Conclusion and recommendations (if any)

Reference list (not included in word count)

Attached newspaper article (not included in word count)

No hard copy is needed – submit via Safeassign only

More detail on suggested structure

  • Begin with a brief review of the case, identifying the key participants and events that have unfolded.
  • Provide an analysis of the case
    • to identify the cross-cultural management issues that have arisen in the case and
    • to determine which cross-cultural issue has proved most difficult for management.
  • Include an in-depth academic literature review of cross-cultural theory and international business theory relevant to the key cross-cultural management issue identified in the case.
  • Conclude with recommendations for management to redress the cross-cultural management issues and how these issues might be avoided or better managed in the future.
  • Please provide a copy of the newspaper article.

More detail on suggested structure

  • Individual task
  • In essay format
    • approximately 2,000 words (up to 2800 words is all right)


  • Essays should
    • conform in style and content to academic standards for essay writing
    • contain appropriate referencing methods (eg Harvard)

No hard copy is needed – submit via Safeassign only