MGT355 Global Operations Management Sample

Assignment Guide

The assessment for this module will be by portfolio submission. The portfolio of work must adhere to the stipulated structure (see below), fully address the 3 questions outlined in Sections A-C (see below), and be well researched. The questions in Sections A-C have been carefully selected to provide an integrative overview of the module and are based on the materials, video presentations and reading covered in the module.

The portfolio must adhere to the following structure:

1. Cover Page – this should include your name, course, module title.

2. Contents Page – a comprehensive contents list with page numbers.

3. List of Tables – insert a list of any tables included in the portfolio.

4. List of Figures – insert a list of any figures included in the portfolio.

5. Section A – this section should address Question 1 and should be 1,400 words (+/- 10%) in length.

Question 1

Critically discuss the nexus between climate change actions and sustainable development goals, and how they may affect future energy provision. Evaluate the effectiveness of a policy instrument and/or initiative in the energy sector aimed at tackling the climate change problem and/or achieving sustainable development goals. Examples of such initiatives that you might wish to consider include Emissions Trading, Environmental Management System ISO 14001, Carbon Capture and Storage, Codes of Practice, and Industrial Symbiosis. (35 marks)

6. Section B – this section should address Question 2 and should be no more than 1,400 words (+/- 10%) in length.

Question 2

Nuclear Power, Shale Gas and Renewables in the UK: Can We Have All?' In answering the question – can we have all? – You might wish to consider issues such as economics/finance, public acceptance, the planning environment, infrastructure, security of supply, terrorism. (35 marks)

7. Section C – In this section you are required to deliver a 20 minute team presentation addressing Question 3.  Please note that you will be required to attach your PowerPoint slides to your individual portfolios.

Question 3

“The energy problem, that is, the provision of a sustainable and non-polluting energy supply to meet all of our domestic, commercial, and industrial needs, is a complex and long-term challenge for society” (Evans, 2007).

Assume that you have just become a policy advisor to the Minister for Energy in the country of your choice. She/he has asked to you to outline key energy and environmental challenges facing the country and provide two strategic policy recommendations to aid the transition to a low carbon economy. What would your two recommendations be and why? (30 marks)

8. Full Bibliography – insert a full list of references and other sources, including, books, book chapters, journal articles, government reports, industry reports, professional articles, and authoritative web sources that you have consulted. I would expect the bibliography to have a minimum of 25 items.

You must ensure that you fully address the questions in Sections A-C, and your answers must be well researched. Cite references throughout your text using the Harvard format. Please read more about plagiarism so that you do not fall foul of academic misconduct.


If you have any questions about the assessment please post these to the appropriate assessment discussion forum on Campus Moodle.