HRM 20018 Employment Relations Sample


In this assessment, the consulting needs, communication, and the background of the JKL industry will be reviewed, and also the work of the organization, the goals and the objectives, the stakeholders, and the customers will be discussed. And a presentation will be created with the resolving strategies of the issues.

Part A

  1. Reviewing JKL Industries from appendix 1

[Case scenario reviewed]


Work of the organization 

JKL industry is an Organization that is Australia owned. The company mainly sells small trucks, forklifts, and spare parts.  

Goals & Objectives

The JKL  industry has several goals to achieve by focusing on the objectives. The goal of building & maintaining a positive organizational culture, building ethics, building support for the organization. It is quite usual that communication is essential almost in every field of life, from home to work (Genç, 2017).


To achieve these goals the JKL industry has to follow certain objectives like developing effective policies to manage internal communication, information flow should be managed between the managers and the employees. The managers and the employees should be provided with information to execute their duties, the ideas should be shared among the employees for further improvement, the employees and the managers should be provided feedback according to their performance. By these objectives, the JKL industry has intended to achieve the goals.

Stakeholders & Customers 

The people in the rental market are the main focused customers of the company. Also, the manufacturer, shippers, retailers, whole-sellers, and customers are the stakeholders of JKL industries.



Draft of Communication strategy 

  1. Communication is an essential aspect to build a successful business. According to JKL industry history, the relation between the employees and the management is very poor which can lead to failure to achieve the business goals of the JKL industry. In order to meet the organization’s goals following Communication objectives should consider. 


  • To resolve the problem of conflict risk, it is important to maintain good communication between the managers and the working team to understand the responsibility and take action according to the duty. Therefore, a project can be successful with a well understanding of each other.


  • A positive relationship between the managers and the working team can stimulate the productivity of the employees. This good relationship will help the JKL industry to grow more rapidly. Also, it will help employee engagement. 
  • The poor general awareness of the industry is very much poor, it’s also creating an obstacle to achieving the business goals. So, by communication, awareness can be established. Communication is an important factor in the attainment of all organizational goals (Sadis, Salleh, Kadir  & Sanif, 2016).


  1. In this draft, the importance of the senior management team and the working team’s communication improvement strategies will be discussed.
  • To hold a team it is important to communicate with the team members individually. So, communication is important between the senior manager and the working team. Fulfilling the proper function of the manager assumes this practice by an appropriate driving style, motivating subordinates differentiated and exciting, and establishing and maintaining communications with them ( Chaudhri, 2016).
  • Also, motivation is an important factor in order to keep the performance level high. So, a manager can do this job properly by establishing good communication with the team.
  1. The methods of communication  which should be considered to maintain the communication are as follows:

The face to face Communication

Face to face communication is the best approach in terms of maintaining the official relationship between the management and the employees. Managers should conduct a meeting with the team in order to resolve problems related to the projects or discuss the project. It helps them to establish good communication and reduces the chance of confusion and any mishap. Creating an efficient and motivated team is one of the most important goals for any manager (Bowman, 2020).


Asking and giving feedback 

Giving feedback is a tricky approach to giving suggestions on the team’s performance and maintain communication as well. Therefore the managers of the JKL industry should give feedback to individuals or the teams to maintain good communication.

            By sending mails

Sending mails are the official way to maintain communication between the employees and the management. Wishing on occasions, wishing on birthdays via mail is a great approach to maintain communication with the employees. Provisions should be provided to maintain communication with the employees.

  • Taking care of employees’ safety and health can improve communication with the management and build a trust factor among employees.  
  • Appreciating for the good performance of the employees is important to build communications and hold the motivation for more good work.     



A grievance may be defined as concerns, problems, or complaints raised by a staff member about their work, working conditions, or relationships with colleagues (Finance,2019). There are a few levels in these procedures, those are mentioned below. 


First level: Facilitation 

Second level: Assisted Resolution 

Third level: Dispute resolution

Fourth level: Referral to the Fair Work Commission


Facilitation: In the grievance procedure the first level is facilitation. At this level, if any staff wanted to complain against ant staff then the issue will be resolved with a discussion and, mutual understanding. 

Assisted Resolution: If the problem could not be resolved at the first level then the document of the complaint will be sent to the Human resource managers or the higher authority in order to resolve the problem.

Dispute resolution: If the problem remains unsolved after the 2nd level then the director human resource manager has to take this matter seriously and will try to solve the matter. The RACI model can be implemented to resolve the problem.

 Referral to the Fair Work Commission: after every step, if the problem became unsolve then the staff should take the help of the third party help as in the fair work commission to resolve the problem.   

Part B


  1. Audience needs 

Senior Management team and Working team’s needs 

  • Using Direct Email (Furci & Sunindijo, 2020)
  • Using Facebook 
  • Video conferences through Skype and Zoom

Since there is a lack of or ineffective technologies of modern communication, JKL industries’ senior management team needs to be provided with Video conferences opportunities through Zoom or Skype where the team can hold team meetings especially with the members who will be remotely working. On the other hand, since the senior management’s team does not use social media platforms, Facebook and Emails have been taken into consideration. Through using the video conferencing apps, the managers and leaders will be able to share the concerned firm’s objectives and can efficiently build organisations’ strategic relationship with the working team especially who are remotely working. The communication can be improved in this manner. In this manner, a face-to-face communication can be conducted with the managers/leaders and team members’ feedback related to the performance can be acquired.  

Relevant interpersonal skills 

  • Collaborating with the team members
  • Developing listening skills 
  • Problem solving 

It is perceivable that there is a poor sense of employee engagement as well as empowerment within said organisation. In this regard, the leaders and managers need to develop extensive listening skills so that the leaders can spread general awareness, firm’s goals , ethics and values with the working team (Mencl, Wefald & van Ittersum, 2016). Through improving the communication skills, the collaboration between managers and team members can be developed so that JKL Industries can provide fast responses to its internal and external consumers. 

  1. Organizational needs
  2. Internal strategic needs
  • Providing clear organizational objectives
  • Creating a feedback loop 
  • Using internal communication tools

Through the feedback loop, a two-way communication process between the managers and employees’ communication can be managed by sending and receiving feedback from both. Tools such as Slack, the managers, and employees can get the messaging benefits in an instant manner where the managers and employees can share information and make open conversations.  

Organizational goals 

  • Maintaining an organizational culture that is positive
  • Building ethics and support  

The goal of JKL Industries is to build & maintain a positive organizational culture. JKL Industries also aims to build ethics and to build supports the organization

Organizational objectives

  • To develop effective policies for managing internal communication
  • To managed information flow between the managers and the employees

In order to improve communication within the organization, it is required to develop effective policies and maintain an efficient information flow among employees and managers. 

  1. External regulatory or legal requirements
  • Making employees aware of:
  • WHS Act 2011 
  • WHS Safety Regulations 2017

The HR manager should hand out the documents regarding the WHS Act 2011 by providing adequate consultation.

iii. Business ethics requirements

  • Discrimination
  • WHS policies 

The management entity must make the employees aware of legal and personal responsibilities.

  1. The overall strategy of communication development
  • Reviewing the current scenario of the company 

To resolve the issues at first it is important to review the current scenario to determine the problem and take action according to the requirement.

  • Identifying the issues by which the communication gap is occurring in the organization.

After reviewing the scenario of the JKL industry it became clear that the main issue of the industry is the poor communication between the managers and the employees.

  • Developing communication 

After recognizing the problem in communication the resolution methods are discussed in order to resolve the communication gap. Several communication media like the face to face discussion, email distribution, giving feedback on performance are very much important to establish good communication between the employees and the management.

  • Building professional trust 

By looking after employees’ health and safety can build trust among the employees. It also motivates them to be stay loyal toward the company.Also, appreciation is another method to build trust. 

  • Develop processes to manage ideas 

The grievance procedure can be included in the strategy in order to build the communication level high by resolving the staff’s problem or issues on several levels. The RACI model is of most importance and can really help move work along when there is a lack of clarity (Ahmed, 2019).

All of these ideas and strategies can help a company to establish good communication in the workplace and can reduce the risks of conflict.


In order to arrange a time and location for delivering the presentation to the Senior Management team:

Venue- Within the conference hall of the office premises 

Date- 30/10/2020

Time- 10:30 am


Through this above discussion, it is confirmed that the importance of good communication between the managers and the workers is the most important factor to stimulate the growth of the organization. 


Furci, J., & Sunindijo, R. Y. (2020). Impacts of the WHS Act 2011 on safety management in small and medium construction companies. International Journal of Construction Management, 20(3), 196-206.

Mencl, J., Wefald, A. J., & van Ittersum, K. W. (2016). Transformational leader attributes: interpersonal skills, engagement, and well-being. Leadership & Organization Development Journal.