Strategic Information System

Students are required to prepare a book review of a maximum of 2000 words in length. Students should choose from one of the following books:

  1.     Thucydides, The Peloponnesian War, trans W. Blanco, (New York: Norton Critical Editions, 1998)
  2.     Hobbes, T., Leviathan, (1651). Many versions exist but recommended is the one by Norton Critical Editions (New York: 1997)
  3.     Carr, E.H. 2001[1981]. The Twenty Years Crisis. London: Palgrave
  4.     Morgenthau, H, Politics Among Nations: The struggle for power and peace, (New York: Knoff, various editions)
  5.     Waltz, K., Theory of international politics, (Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1979)
  6.   Franz Fanon, 1963, The Wretched of the Earth. London: Penguin
  7.     Elshtain, Jean Bethke Women and War University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1995
  8.     Sylvester, Christine Feminist International Relations: an unfinished journey Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2002
  9.     Naomi Klein (2014), This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. the Climate. London: Allen Lane
  10.   Campbell, David Writing Security University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, 1992 (the 1998 2nd edition is also fine)

Each review should summarise the main arguments of the work and provide some critical commentary highlighting the strengths and weaknesses. Examples of reviews can be found in many IR journals (Millennium: Journal of International Studies) for example) and it is recommended you read through a few of these before submitting your review.


The book that has been selected for review is titled “This Changes Everything” by Naomi Klein. The contents of the book revolve around a current hot topic i.e. climate change. The author basically shares her sentiments about the climate crisis and its relation to capitalism. A major section of the book focuses on the well-financed and powerful right-wing think-tanks and groups that do not accept the fact that the climate has been changing in recent years. Naomi very skillfully puts across her sentiments in front of her readers about the ecological disaster that confronts the entire humanity. She assesses various strategies that have been undertaken but have failed to produce any positive results for the environment. She fundamentally combines the economics, science, ethics, and activism that influence the climate issue (Nixon, 2017). The book that has been ultimately produced by Naomi helps the readers to understand the severity of the climatic situation. The momentous environmental book reflects the urgency of the situation and is an interesting read for anyone who is concerned about the climate and the environmental conditions (Gray, 2017).

The book can be categorized into three sections. The very first section deals with the derailment of the environmental movement due to the financial crisis and the consequences of the austerity. The corporate promotion relating to climate denial also forms an important segment of the book. The second section features “magical thinking” which is the core element of the book. A series of technical fixes and strategies have been introduced by her such as geoengineering. The final section of Naomi’s book talks about the different kinds of movements and steps that are arising for the purpose of challenging the neoliberal order (Gray, 2017). 

About the Author 

Naomi Klein is a brave and passionate writer who speaks her mind in her books. Her writings contain messages and content that cannot be ignored and need to be heard by the critics, fellow writers, and readers. The book “This Changes Everything” is a powerful and urgent book that was written by her in the year 2014 (Klein, 2015). She uses the literary platform to tell the readers that they face an unavoidable situation to allow the climatic disruptions to change everything around the world or alter the entire economic system to avoid the gruesome fate. She has used clear and precise language to share her views and opinions about the topic. Naomi takes up the role of a harsh critic of the prevailing capitalism.


The book revolves around the climatic changes that are taking place on the planet and the capitalistic nature of the economy that is majorly responsible to cause the climatic deterioration. Naomi presents a new and modern way of thinking of the major issues namely the disastrous capitalism and the catastrophic climatic alterations. She very rightly states that most people are aware of the fact that climate change is a major threat but hardly any initiative has been taken to tackle the impending threat. At the very heart of the book, Naomi asks society whether they are on the right track to safeguard the future of the planet and humans (Klein, 2015). The core message that has been shared concerns a major social and environmental justice. The statement that has been written by Naomi “the solution to global warming is not to fix the world, but to fix ourselves” (p.279) very simply keeps across the simple message that needs to be understood by people. 

The book assesses the issues that are currently staring mankind in the face including climate change and its association with conservatism, unethical trade practices, inequality in the social setting, extractivism of fossil fuel, etc. Such kinds of issues have been complemented by different solutions such as the new idea of hope, unique strategic models, and recommendations relating to radical social resolutions. 

Purpose of the book 

In 1961 John Kennedy had addressed the United Nations and stated that every inhabitant of the Planet Earth needs to think of the day when the planet would be no longer habitable for existence or survival. Naomi’s book basically revolves around the same topic where the highlight is the poor climatic setting of the planet (Nixon, 2017). The main purpose of the book is to warn the readers about the inevitable destruction that would arise if the modern capitalistic economic system is not changed for the better. The sentiments that have been expressed by the author have been shared by numerous people such as George Monbiot, a columnist for the Guardian, Bill McKibben, etc. They have stated that the ecological calamity that confronts humanity cannot be averted or avoided unless and until the “superannuated zombie ideology” is replaced by a sensible and practical model (Nixon, 2017). 

Naomi has diagnosed the various strategic models that have not worked for humans to bring about a positive change in the environmental setting. The message very clearly states that the democracies that are regulated by plutocrats and capitalists are going to be the major polluters and the remaining population will be at the receiving end that will passively watch the planet perish (Nixon, 2017). The ultimate message by the author highlights the war-like situation between the planetary model and the economic model. Hence there is a need to completely transform the capitalistic economy so that climate deterioration can be managed in a better manner. 


The book “This Changes Everything” is a major contribution to the discussion relating to the strategic move and tactics for climate action (Klein, 2015). Naomi has covered a wide range of bases in her description content so that the readers can focus on the importance of climate changes and identify the different kinds of social constituents that contribute to the problem.

The theme is subtle which acts as a civilizational wake-up call to emphasize on the climatic setting of the Earth (Klein, 2015). A powerful message is shared by her that relates to floods, storms, droughts, etc that are confronting society. The language shows the urgency in the message and urges the readers to take necessary steps to change the world before it changes so dramatically that it would no longer be safe for the existence and sustainability of life. Naomi has written this book that redefines the era and intensifies the debate on the catastrophic era that is already upon humans and other species. She exposes the different myth relating to the climatic setting that clouds the climatic debate. The reality could be very grim if no measures are taken at the right time to control the damage of the climate. The major challenges that have been highlighted in the book are the greed and selfishness of humanity. Due to this greed, the economies of different nations have been designed to exploit nature in new ways. 

Key Highlights 

The author does not go into detail about the emergency situation related to the climatic change since she expects that the readers would already be familiar with the different kinds of causes that give rise to the climatic issue and the magnitude of the climatic problem. The focal point is the need to organize a mass movement or model that can help to take necessary climatic action (Klein, 2015). In order to bring about such a massive change, it must try to make big changes in the economic models around the globe. Hence there could arise a conflict due to the movement between neoliberal thinking and the alternative worldview that focuses on embedded interdependence instead of hyper-individualism and dominance.

Naomi has made certain recommendations such as the strategic alliance between the climatic activists and the activists that operate in different movements concerning social justice, and climatic emergencies (Klein, 2015). The various difficulties and challenges that would crop up in the path of the movement have been identified by her but still, she is hopeful to an effective master plan can be introduced before it gets too late to make a positive change in the environmental setting (Resilience, 2017). 

The style of writing that has been adopted by Naomi is new and unique. Her thinking process is very clear and precise in nature and the same thing helps the readers to grasp the core message and intention of the book (Resilience, 2017). The non-fictional subject and nature of the book catches the attention of the readers and helps them to understand the gravity of the situation relating to the climate change threat. In the book, the author has done what she does best i.e. urges the readers to introduce a social movement that can save the planet from destruction. 

She is very vocal about her ideas about the climatic change scenario. She has very clearly criticized the prevailing mitigation strategies since they have not been fruitful to control and manage the damage that has been caused on the soil of the Earth. The phrase “trading in pollution” (Klein, 2015, p.218), focuses on Europe’s cap and trade model that has been introduced to control and regulate the emissions in the power sector. She has used a number of innovative models for the purpose of illustrating the impending issue. The “war on science” phrase has been used by Naomi that capture the irony of the current oil and gas industry’s insistence that they are the only scientific option that is available to mankind (Klein, 2015). Hence the book helps to join the various dots such as climate change, development and poverty in the social setting. The social and environmental justice arguments have been shared by the author that enlightens the readers and force them to think of the environment in which they reside. 

Ultimate Message 

The various areas that have been covered by the author in the book discuss the connection between climate change and the capitalistic structure of the economy. She has used a number of real-life scenarios of different locations so that the gravity of the climate change threat can be understood by all the readers. The message ends with a kind of hope for the readers since Naomi states that it is not too late to introduce climate justice activities and movements, social mobilization efforts that can act as an alternative for a better and sustainable future of the planet. In order to bring about a change in the setting, it is necessary for humans to determine their own path of change so that a positive environment and climatic setting can be created (Resilience, 2017). 

The various elements that have been highlighted in the book are highly essential for all the readers since it covers a common topic i.e. climate change. It shows the connection between capitalism and climate and motivates the readers to start a change movement so that the failed economic structure can be improved and the poor climatic state can be strengthened (Resilience, 2017). 


Naomi Klein’s book titled “This Changes Everything” acts as an eye-opener for the readers since it shows the relationship and association between the climate and the economic model. The topic that is been covered is a current issue that requires urgent attention. Humans are the species that can help to improve the climatic setting. Naomi urges people i.e. the readers to gear up and initiate a movement that can make the planet, more sustainable in nature. In order to do so, it is necessary to bring about economic changes. A strong and powerful message has been shared by her so that people can understand the severity of the climatic change threat. 

The theme, tone, message, and style all match the ultimate meaning that the author intends to share on the big platform. The book actually makes people think about the environment in which they live. The changes can be brought about at the individual level and the economic level so that the climatic conditions can be improved and strengthened in the process. It is a good attempt that arouses the citizens and the governments to act together to introduce positive climatic change. 


Gray, J. (2017). This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs the Climate review – Naomi Klein’s powerful and urgent polemic. the Guardian. Retrieved 29 November 2017, from

Klein, N. (2015). This changes everything: Capitalism vs. the climate. Simon and Schuster.


Nixon, R. (2017). Naomi Klein’s ‘This Changes Everything. Retrieved 29 November 2017, from

Resilience.. (2017). Heft Notes: Naomi Klein’s “This Changes Everything” – Resilience Retrieved 29 November 2017, from