EBP107 Evidence-Based Practice

Learning outcomes addressed

a) understand the key concepts in international management
b) evaluate the importance of culture and its impact on international management
c) understand the impact of global environment on international management
d) understand the management challenges posed in international management
e) develop skills in decision making related to international management issues
f) identify and select appropriate strategies in international management

Assessment Brief

a) Students will form groups of 3-4 and complete a report on a topic which must be finalised by Week 3.
b) Students are required to research the website of one multinational company.
c) The team is appointed as International Management experts hired by the chosen company and must produce a report on specific issues of International Management.
d) Students must present a written proposal in Week 5 to the class.
e) A template for the written proposal will be provided on the Moodle.

Total Mark

5 marks for written proposal by the group in Week 5 (hard copy submission)
25 marks for the report(Online submission)
10 marks for the presentation (power point slides to be submitted on the day of the presentation)

Assessment Description:
Students will be divided into groups consisting of 4 – 5 students in each group. The groups will be formed at the beginning of the trimester and should sustain for all the group activities across the study period.

Students are required to research the website of one multinational company in detail. Research information must include the growth, the strategic planning, organisation structure, organisation culture, HRM function and any other relevant information that will add value to the report.

The team is appointed as International Management experts hired by the chosen company and must produce a report on specific issues of International Management. Students must use the topics covered during the semester to complete this assessment task successfully. In addition arguments must be supported using books and relevant journals.

This assessment task has three component parts:
1. Completion of written proposal in Week 5 and submitted to the lecturer as hard copy.
The template for the written proposal will include the following information:

1. Objective of the report
2. Methodology that will be used to complete the report
3. Data that will be collected including sources.
4. Data Analysis i.e how this information will be analysed. Students must take help from journals and relevant websites.
5. Findings and conclusions drawn from the research. This must be integrated with the theories covered during the semester.

2. The written report must include detailed information in the proposal
3. Groups will present a summary of their findings in class. The purpose of the presentation is to share the information that will enhance collaborative learning between groups. Every week group research project will be discussed in class and weekly lectures will be integrated into this assessment to establish the relevance.

Assessment Submission:
This assessment is a group activity and students are required to work with their respective groups. No individual submission will be accepted.

You will not receive any marks for this assignment if your group members collectively report against you for non-participation or non-cooperation. You have to nominate someone as your group leader to coordinate the assignment submission.

The assignment must be submitted online in Moodle. All materials MUST be submitted electronically in Microsoft Word format. Other formats (e.g., pdf or MAC file) may not be readable by markers. Please be aware that any assessments submitted in other formats will be considered LATE and will lose marks until it is presented in MS Word.