Law Assignment Sample - Caltex oil v Dredge


Organisational conflict has been caused by the actual and perceived opposition of needs values and the interests of people to work together. In that factor, it is taking many forms within the organisation, and inevitable clash in between the formal authority and formal authority and power and groups affected. BBC has been chosen as the organisation on which, the organisational conflicts are affecting the workplace development process and the performance factors of the employees as well. This report aims to discuss about the factors of workplace problems and impact of those workplace problems. In the section 1, the information of identified workplace problems to inform the decision making process and the alternative solutions of those problems will be discussed.  

Complex problem in the workplace:

In recent years, BBC is failing to sustain the creative thinking process more effectively. In that factor, people fail to meet the target continually. It is a major problem in the workplace of BBC, because, one person within the organisation is not achieving the target, then it can put pressure on other team members as well. In that factor, it is rendering other team member’s works as well (Zsambok and Klein, 2014).  There are some certain reasons and the factors, by which the employees of BBC are not able to understand the organisational goals more effectively. Those are as follows:

  • Lack of intellectuality in challenging the goals:

Stretch goals are providing the reasons for the team members of   the organisation to up their game. It is a fundamental human nature to seek for the excellence by taking the exciting challenges. In some factors, it will end up discouraging the employees of the organisation. They are possessing lack of intellectuality in challenging those organisational goals (Espeland et al. 2018). It is creating the dissatisfaction process within the organisation. 

  • No clarity on the definition of success and failure:

Many teams within BBC are quite diligent while setting up the organisational goals. Goals have been set at the decided frequency and effective communication process in the entire team. Many of the employees within the organisation are lacking the clarity regarding the definition of success and failure (Pettigrew, 2014). In that factor, employees are unable to sustain the organisational goals more effectively 

  • Goals have not been discussed frequently:

For a successful achievement of the organisational objective, an effective communication process and the team meeting are necessary two aspects within the organisation. It is a collaborative process to execute the goals. If the goals are not referred to at the right time, their importance has not been conveyed to the team. In some of the case, the organisation is not discussing the objectives at the right time so; they are lacking the process of development and also future implementation process as well. In that factor, they fail to achieve the organisational target.


As BBC is the world recognised in public service broadcaster in the world, then, the problem within the organisational functions is affecting their profitability and the brand image in the market. It is putting pressure on the team members and creates the workload on the organisation as well. In this factor, their position in the market has been affected in this process. 


  • Financial impact: Romiszowski, (2016) says that, one of the major impact has been created by not meeting the organisational goals and targets on the financial aspects of the organisation. In that process, non-effective employee practice is creating major financial deficits in the revenue generation process. In that factor, BBC will lack its productivity in the market and also it is putting pressure on other team members. 
  • Operational impact: Due to non-effective organisational practices or not meeting organisational targets, the operational process of BBC has been decreased. In that factor, quality and the productivity of the organisation has been reduced in this process. By that, it is affecting the image of the organisation in between the stakeholders. The stakeholders in the business will hesitate to invest in further progression of the organisation. 
  • Social Impact: In the social context, it is affecting the organisational image in the regional and in the international market. BBC has been recognised as the oldest broadcaster company in the region of the United Kingdom and in the world. Ritter et al. 2014) says that, the bad employee engagement process is affecting the image of the company in the regional and international market. It is affecting the customer base of the company because of the low quality services. It is because, the employees of the organisation is unable to reach the organisational targets due to various reasons. Hence, it will change the market scenario of the company in that particular industry.  

Analysis of the problem: 

There are various forces, which have been acting within the organisation during the organisational conflict or any other problematic situation. The forces can be the internal forces or the external forces on which the analysis of the problem have been conducted within the organisation. 

In the case of BBC, the organisation is facing the problems regarding not achieving the organisational target by their employees. In order to analyse the problem more effectively, the SWOT analysis of the organisation have been conducted. In the SWOT analysis of BBC, the strength, weakness, opportunity and the industry threats of the organisation has been evaluated in this manner. 

SWOT analysis:


The strength of the organisation is referring to those areas, which are unique in the market and keeps them far ahead than their competitors in the business. 

  • Old Reputation: 

BBC has been reputed as the oldest broadcaster in the UK sand one of the reputed organisation in the world. In that factor, they had crossed several decades by maintaining their reputation in the radio market as well as in the communication industry (Shapiro and Stefkovich, 2016). By that, a great faith has been generated among the customers in this process. 

  • Advanced marketing strategies:

They are always working in the win- win situation by their advanced marketing strategies and the clear objectives towards the sustainable growth and the development process. In that factor, their aggressive marketing strategy is maintaining their organisational development procedures more effectively. 

  • Brand image:

The sustainable brand image is giving them an immense hike. By having a strong brand image in the market, BBC is able to create a sustainable growth in the market. 


It is revealing the areas on which they have to concentrate more. In that factor, the weak point of BBC are:

  • Biased Views: 

Some of their news is the image of provocation in which, they are delivering the biased views on a particular subject of topic (Brodbeck and Guillaume, 2015). In that factor, it is creating a negative image of the company in industry.  

  • Controversies in the market:

There are several controversies of the company regarding the sensitive issues in the world. In that factor, the company is facing major backlashes in the industry as well.

  • High operating cost:

It is one of the major weaknesses of BBC. In this factor, the competitors of BBC are operating their business in much lower cost. On the other hand, the operating cost of BBC is much higher in the market 


  • Joint partnership: 

By the joint partnership, the organisation is increasing their satellite channels. It is bringing more opportunities in the business:

  • Increasing revenue:

For the popular image of BBC, the revenue of the organisation has been increased. It has an impact on the Asian and South American market.


  • Strong Competition:

They have the manor competitors like CNN, which are also growing in the industry as well. 

  • Launching of the domestic channel: 

There are various domestic channels, which are giving competition to BBC. It is declining the viewership of BBC. 

By analysing the factor, it can be summarised that, the organisation have the strong market position but lacking the visibility. They have an increased operating cost because the organisational employees are unable to reach the organisational target effectively. In that factor, it is affecting the organisational operation and affecting their image in the market as well. 

Fishbone Diagram:

Step 1: Problem identification:

In recent years, BBC has faced the internal organisational problems regarding the employees of the organisation and their effectiveness as well. As per Bardach and Patashnik, (2015), the employees of the organisation are not achieving the organisational target. In that factor, it is affecting the organisational growth and brand image of the organisation. This problem has been arise due to non affective communication and lack of vision among the employees of the organisation. 

Step 2: Main Causes: 

The problem within the organisation has been raised due to non effective communication process and the lack of mutual understanding process. Apart from that, the employees of the organisation have no clarity regarding the future vision. In this factor, the manufacturer industry model has been used in the operation. In which 5Ms of the industry such as machine, method, man-power material and the measurement of the problem has been analysed. 

Step 3: Cause investigation: 

In the measurement category, the organisation is lacking the vision and the mission of the statement. In the material category, BBC is lacking the adequate quality and the standard of their operation on which the customers believe them. 

As per Chisholm, (2017), under the problem of Man power, the company is lacking the motivational factors and the lack of skills regarding the organisational development process. Under the machine category, BBC is lacking the advanced technology in their operational process within the organisation 

Step 4: Analyse: 

By processing each of the step, it can be analysed that, BBC is lacking the quality of establish their proper vision and the mission statement. In that factor, they have no clarity of definition regarding success and failure. By analysing that processes, it can be concluded that, the organisation is creating non-measurable process within their employee engagement process, which cannot be accessed effectively. 

BMSK4004 Problem Solving and Decision Making sample 3


Figure 1: Cause Effect diagram

(Source: Chisholm, 2017)

Alternative Solutions:

Below are the alternative solutions to the issues discussed:

  • The higher authority of the organisation has to make sure about the fact that, the target has been mutually agreed upon. If target has been forced upon the employee, then they are not able to achieve it.
  • They should create a regular milestone to check. By that factor, they can avoid any kind of procrastination from the part of employee
  • They should make sure of the fact that, the employees are aware of their performance bonuses. 
  • The company can implement certain penalties, if employee of the organisation is failed to achieve the target. 


From the above discussion, it can be said that, the organisational problems and the conflict situations are the major hindrances regarding the organisational growth and the development process. By managing the employee management process, these organisational problems can be mitigated. In this report the description of organisational problem of BBC has been discussed. In this process, information of identified workplace problems to inform the decision making process and the alternative solutions of those problems have been discussed. 


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Brodbeck, F.C. and Guillaume, Y.R., 2015. Effective decision making and problem solving in projects. In Applied Psychology for Project Managers (pp. 37-52). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

Chisholm, R., 2017. Interorganizational decision making. Routledge.

Espeland, M.A., Dutton, G.R., Neiberg, R.H., Carmichael, O., Hayden, K.M., Johnson, K.C., Jeffery, R.W., Baker, L.D., Cook, D.R., Kitzman, D.W. and Rapp, S.R., 2018. Impact of a Multidomain Intensive Lifestyle Intervention on Complaints About Memory, Problem-Solving, and Decision-Making Abilities: The Action for Health in Diabetes Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial. The Journals of Gerontology: Series A73(11), pp.1560-1567.

Pettigrew, A.M., 2014. The politics of organizational decision-making. Routledge.

Ritter, F.E., Baxter, G.D. and Churchill, E.F., 2014. Cognition: Mental Representations, Problem Solving, and Decision Making. In Foundations for Designing User-Centered Systems(pp. 165-200). Springer, London.

Romiszowski, A.J., 2016. Designing instructional systems: Decision making in course planning and curriculum design. Routledge.

Shapiro, J.P. and Stefkovich, J.A., 2016. Ethical leadership and decision making in education: Applying theoretical perspectives to complex dilemmas. Routledge.

Zsambok, C.E. and Klein, G. eds., 2014. Naturalistic decision making. Psychology Press.