HRM 20018 Employment Relations Sample

Evaluate the effectiveness of the use of modern technologies within the workplace as a tool for marketing, information gathering and communication.


In the 21st century, technological advancement has undergone a remarkable rise which has impacted various professions and businesses. In the olden times, most of the processes and activities were performed by human resources but currently, due to the advent of various innovative technological tools, the level of automation is increasing day by day and it is impacting organizational performance and productivity (Cascio & Montealegre, 2016). Due to the evolving nature of the technological tools, modern technologies are being used in the business setting as an indispensable tool that can create value in the dynamic work setting. The evaluation of the effective application of various modern technologies has been discussed here by referring to various credible sources. The impact of modern technology in the work setting has been thoroughly assessed here to understand how modern technology is leading to the evolution of the work setting (Cascio & Montealegre, 2016).

The effectiveness of the use of modern technologies in the work setting

Technology has become an integral part of businesses over the last few decades. All the businesses are implementing technology at some level or the other so that they can have a stronger level of interconnectedness with the market audience and the internal functions of the concern (, 2018).

The popular modern technologies have revolutionized the way various activities and processes are conducted in the work setting. According to Blacksmith and Poeppelman, technology and social media have changed how work is carried out. Various innovative tools are influencing how firms are gathering information, communicate and use the tools to conduct marketing activities. For example, Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn are impacting the workplace. The effectiveness of the application of modern technology is influenced by the proper assessment and selection of the technological tools that will be used by a business concern (Blacksmith & Poeppelman, 2014, p 1).

Technology has become embedded in the functions that are carried out in the work setting. Orvitz has stated that the application of modern technological tools has disrupted the traditional workplace and it has transformed how information is managed in the professional context. Thanks to modern technology, organizations can have information at their very fingertips. This allows them to use the relevant information that helps them to grow their business at a faster pace. Over the past few years, businesses are understanding the significance of modern technologies and trying to integrate innovative models at various levels so that the efficiency of the workplace can be boosted in the process (Kevan, 2018).

Modern technology as a tool for marketing

In the digitalized world, business concerns are using technologically advanced tools and instruments to reshape their marketing activities. In the past decade, social media has emerged as one of the most effective and popular tools that are redefining the role of technology in the work setting. Social networking sites are no longer the platform that allows individuals to communicate with their family members and friends. It has become a vital virtual platform that allows marketers to conduct various activities such as recruiting, hiring and marketing (Blacksmith & Poeppelman, 2014, p 2).

Currently, marketers are using technology as a vital element to shape and design their advertising and marketing techniques so that they can exploit the array of innovative marketing strategies to strengthen the effectiveness of the marketing campaign (Tsai et al., 2016). According to Payam Hanafizadeh, the discipline of technology-based marketing is expanding at a rapid pace and it is necessary for the marketers to carefully weigh the pros and the challenges that are involved in the new marketing approach so that online marketing decisions can create value in the long run (Hanafizadeh, 2012).

Uses of modern technology – Information gathering and Communication

Technology has introduced a new dimension to the marketing process and it is revolutionized how business undertakings engage and interact with the market audience to capture their attention. According to Jain and Yadav, the new development in the technological environment has led to various changes in which activities are carried out in organizations. One of the most important functions that have been altered to a certain degree due to technological innovation is the marketing function (Jain & Yadav, 2017).

Some of the most useful technological tools that enhance the communication approach of business undertakings include social media marketing, digital marketing, online advertising, etc as they allow the two-way interaction between the marketer and the global target audience. The technologies such as the internet, smartphone, customer relationship management models and social media have significantly altered how marketers communicate and engage with prospective customers. These modern technological tools are not just affecting the marketing communication model but they are also influencing the media landscape and the type of messaging strategic model that business undertakings are using in the current times to reach the global market audience. The two-way engagement allows businesses to gather the appropriate message from the customers in form of feedback and opinions which is further used by them to create a better value for them in the market setting (Jain & Yadav, 2017).

Practical application of modern technology in the workplace

Modern technology has a high level of applicability in the present business setting as it simplifies various functions and minimizes the involvement of manual intervention. Modern technology has fundamentally opened up new doors for operating businesses as they get the opportunity to influence the internal and external workplace dynamics. The modern technological tools can be used to streamline the communication model with the internal stakeholders so that they can play an active role to create value for the business concern. These tools can be implemented in the external context by business undertaking so that they can promote the offerings in the market and strengthen brand awareness (Moorman, 2018).

In the prevailing market context, modern technology is of high relevance. For example, Apple Inc. concern is regarded to be one of the most successful marketers of the current times as it incorporates technology in its functions so that it can create value for itself as well as its target audience in the dynamic market setting. The brand uses novel technology-based communication strategies to promote its products. The new technology-based tool is one of the most important components of its integrated marketing communication concern that has helped it to be a valuable global marketer that has a loyal set of customers from all around the globe.  Thus the effective implementation of the technology in its marketing function has helped it to become a global brand (Moorman, 2018).

Impact of technology on marketing activity

The implication of the evolving technological techniques and tools can be felt on the marketing activities that are carried out by business undertakings in the current times. According to Jain, due to the evolution of modern technology, new forms of communication models have entered the market setting that helps business firms to have access to a wide range of information that is of high relevance for their survival and sustainability (Jain & Yadav, 2017).

The rise in the mobile marketing concept and digital marketing concept has revolutionized in recent years due to the evolution of technology-based tools and instruments. The use of technology in the marketing setting has affected the effectiveness and the popularity of traditional communication tools such as billboards and print advertisements (Jain & Yadav, 2017).

Due to the rapid rise in modern technology, the marketing function has incorporated digital strategies that can be used with the help of electronic devices. Social media marketing is one of the most useful components of the digital marketing technique that is the result of the application of modern technology in marketing activity. Most of the reputed global brands such as Nike, Adidas, Apple Inc., Samsung, Microsoft and Song have their page ion various social networking sites such as Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube so that they can have a two-way interaction with the prospective customers from different parts of the globe (Jain & Yadav, 2017). Thanks to the evolution of technology and the integration of technology-based tools in the marketing communication activity, it is possible for the markets to have real-time interaction and communication with the target audience. Thus due to the vital role of modern technology, the nature of marketing has become more interactive.


The implementation of modern technological tools has revolutionized the work setting and how various activities are carried out. The effective implementation of technology helps marketers and firms to make their business more efficient, reduce the involvement of the manual process, act competitively in the market environment and strengthen the level of communication. Technology has majorly influenced how marketing activities are performed by marketers. The various sources of evidence that have been referred to capture the influence of modern technology on the current day workplace indicate that proper implementation of innovative tools can help the users to have a competitive edge against their industry rivals and thus boost their presence in the market.


Blacksmith, N. and Poeppelman, T., 2014. Application of modern technology and social media in the workplace. The Industrial-Organizational Psychologist, 51, pp.69-73.

Cascio, W.F. and Montealegre, R., 2016. How technology is changing work and organizations. Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior, 3, pp.349-375.

Jain, Esha & Yadav, A Thank. 2017. Marketing and Technology: Role of Technology in Modern Marketing. IOSR Journal of Business and Management. 19. 49-53. 10.9790/487X-1905064953.

Hanafizadeh, P. ed., 2012. Online Advertising and Promotion: Modern Technologies for Marketing: Modern Technologies for Marketing. IGI Global.

Kevan, O. 2018. You gotta embrace it Technologies change the modern workplace. ISHN.

Moorman, C. 2018. Why Apple Is a Great Marketer. [online] Available at: [Accessed 19 Sep. 2018]. 2018. Importance of Technology in the Workplace. [online] Available at: [Accessed 19 Sep. 2018].

Tsai, C.W., Shen, P.D., Chiang, Y.C. and Hsu, P.F., 2016. Online Advertising and Promotion: Modern Technologies for Marketing.