International Management Sample 1

Your task is to write a report of 5,000 words in which you critically evaluate the people management practices of Pound-Co. Your report must have practical implications but should also rely on academic literature to support your arguments. A list of all references should be provided at the end of your report using the APA6 th style of referencing.

Specifically you should;

  • Provide an overview of the organisation in terms of industry, size, sector, history and any other relevant background information. (Approx 200 words).
  • Critically examine the notion of HRM as a strategic force at Pound-Co. Explain your answer with reference to models of HR which are used or could be used. (Approx 1,000 words).

    0 Make reference to models of HR which are used or could be used
    0 Discuss the nature of alignment between HR strategy and Organisational strategy

  • Critically evaluate the talent management practices which take place and consider the impact they have on achievement of the overall strategic goals of the organisation. Here you should consider; (Approx 3,000 words).
  • Recruitment and selection, consider;

    0 How recruitment take place
    0 Whether this method aligns to the strategic objectives of the organisation
    0 Whether current selection methods are working

  • Performance management, consider;

    0 The nature of performance management and especially appraisals
    0 The output from appraisal meetings

  • Learning and development, consider;

    0 How learning needs are identified
    0 How training is evaluated
    0 Whether transfer of training occurs

  • Highlight your overall conclusions. (Approx 300 words).
  • Make recommendations based on your conclusions and provide suitable indications of cost and resource implications for any changes you suggest. (Approx 500 words).

    0 If you recommend change, consider how this will be implemented and what the impact will be on employees
    0 Remember though, a recommendation could also be that something stays the same!