TLH314 International Hospitality Management

1. eport and form a fundamental part of Assignment

2. Fail to submit the report or the USB with the Virtual Image will result in a fail.

Late submission of assignments will be penalised as follows:

  • For assignments 1 to 5 days late, a penalty of 10% (of total available marks) per day.
  • For assignments more than 5 days late, a penalty of 100% will apply.

 Your submission must be compatible with the software (PDF/Word) in MIT, Computer Laboratories/Classrooms.

Extensions: Under normal circumstances extensions will not be granted. In case of extenuating circumstances—such as illness—a Special Consideration form, accompanied by supporting documentation, must be received before 3 working days from the due date.  If granted, an extension will be only granted only by the time period stated on the documentation; that is, if the illness medical certificate was for one day, an extension will be granted for one day only. Accordingly the student must submit within that time limit.

Penalties may apply for late submission without an approved extension.

Penalties: Academic misconduct such as cheating and plagiarism incur penalties ranging from a zero result to program exclusion.

Marking criteria:

Marks are allocated as indicated on each question, taking the following aspects into account:

Aspects Description
Analysis (if appropriate) Investigation, comparison, discussion
Explanation/justification Description/answer to the question
Presentation Inadequate structure, careless presentation, poor writing
Reference style Proper referencing if required
Plagiarism Copy from another student, copy from internet source/textbook, copy from other sources without proper acknowledgement


Marking Rubric for Exercise Answers












< 50%

Excellent Very Good Good Satisfactory Unsatisfactory
Analysis Logic is clear and easy to follow with strong arguments Consistency logical and convincing Mostly consistent and convincing Adequate cohesion and conviction Argument is confused and disjointed


The presented solution demonstrated an extreme degree of difficulty that would require an expert to implement. The presented solution demonstrated a high degree of difficulty that would be an advance professional to implement. The presented solution demonstrated an average degree of difficulty that would be an average professional to implement. The presented solution demonstrated a low degree of difficulty that would be easy to implement. The presented solution demonstrated a poor degree of difficulty that would be too easy to implement.


All elements are present and well integrated.  Components present with good cohesion Components present and mostly well integrated Most components present  Lacks structure.  
Reference style Clear styles with excellent source of references. Clear referencing/ style Generally good referencing/style Unclear referencing/style Lacks consistency with many errors
Presentation Proper writing. Professionally presented Properly written, with some minor deficiencies Mostly good, but some structure or presentation problems Acceptable presentation Poor  structure, careless presentation