IND202 - Industry Training

For this assessment, you will be able to carry out research for the Case Study with other members of your group. The Presentation is a group assignment but the Report is an individual piece of work.

  • Group Presentation
    Produce and deliver a group PowerPoint presentation to demonstrate your ability to carry out research, to participate in a group task, and to apply the relevant written and verbal communication skills.
  • Individual Report
    Produce an independent, well-structured written report, to demonstrate your ability to carry out research, to apply the relevant writing and MS Word skills, and to reference material correctly.

The Case Study is based on Apple, a company which is frequently portrayed in the media, for example:

  • Behind the Scenes: Racing to supply one of the hottest products in history – page 91 Bovee, C.L. and Thill, J.V. (2016). Business in Action, 8th global ed. Pearson.
  • Market Insight 10.1: On the watch for a new kind of watch – pages 381-382 Baines, P., Fill, C. and Rosengren, S. (2016). Marketing, 4th ed. Oxford University Press.
  • Operations in practice: How the iphone disrupted the smartphone market – pages 111-112 Slack, N., Brandon-Jones, A. and Johnston, R. (2016). Operations Management, 8th ed. Pearson.
  • Special report: Companies. The Economist, 17 September 2016
  • Apple’s future: Reluctant reformation. The Economist, 13 September 2014
  • The real leadership lessons of Steve Jobs. Harvard Business Review, April 2012
  • Apple’s Tim Cook leads different. Fortune, March 2015