4003PY - The Darker Side of Psychology

CIPD Portfolio Title:
A 750 word individual portfolio based on CIPD skills workshop:

Task Details/Description:

Students are expected to write a 750 word portfolio based on critical reflection of material covered in the CIPD skills workshop. They are required to carefully examine the performance related pay policy for teachers introduced by the British government and prepare negotiation points for employers, management and the trade unions side. In doing so they should consider the following:

  1. Summarize the dispute concerning performance related pay for teachers
  2. Summarize key demands of each side
  3. Suggest ways to approach the negotiation towards dispute settlement.

Module Learning Outcomes Assessed:

  1. Demonstrate knowledge of the roles and functions of different actors/stakeholders in employment relationship
  2. Develop appropriate skills to manage conflict situations effectively.

Assessment Weighting for the Module:
Percentage: 0%
This portfolio is assessed as ‘Pass or Fail’. It is compulsory to pass this assessment in order to pass the module.

Assessment Criteria

  1. Argue analytically, logically and coherently.
  2. Wherever possible, support arguments with evidence from published sources
  3. Cite and/or quote sources of information appropriately in the main body of the portfolio. Provide full list of bibliographic references at the end of the portfolio.

Ethical Requirements

Students are not expected to collect primary data for this assignment. However, if they choose to do so, they will be required to follow University’s ethical guidelines and seek written approval from the tutor.

Essential Reading for Coursework Task (if in addition to reading provided in the module outline):

Please note that this is not intended as an exhaustive or definitive list of readings for this piece of coursework. Instead, the articles/chapters listed below should be viewed as core or essential readings that may act as a start point as you prepare to tackle this