Law Assignment Sample - Caltex oil v Dredge

Employees are the most important persons in any organization. When employees are comfortable in their place of work, they tend to lead to the success of the business. The employees need to be motivated so that they can be productive. Human resource managers are responsible for motivating employees and making sure that they work in a conducive environment. Human resource managers use the following things to motivate their employees.

Communication for the win

In an organization, communication is very important for the activities to take place effectively and efficiently. The top management needs to communicate with the employees so that they can know what and how they are supposed to do in the organization. If there is open communication among the employees and their managers then the employees can communicate freely without fear and this motivates them to work because when they have issues they can talk to their managers about them.

Show your appreciation.

Employees enjoy being appreciated in their places of work. When an employee does a good job and goes without being noticed, he/she tends to feel unappreciated and may even not put more effort into their work. But when managers appreciate their employees when they accomplish a certain task or when they lead to the success of a company, the employee is motivated to work even harder and be productive.

Emphasize the life-work balance.

Every person has difficulty in maintaining a balance between their jobs and personal lives. An HR manager should help employees live a happy life and be happy at their workplaces. The HR manager should give employees some time off so that they can reconnect with family and friends. Besides, the employees can be given vacation days as a result of their job accomplishment and this will motivate more employees to be productive. The employees can also be given flexible working hours so that they can decide when to start and finish their jobs.

Involve employees in decision-making

Employees can offer valuable insight because they usually have a unique perspective on things that even the top management may fail to recognize. When employees are involved in decision making, they acquire a sense of involvement and they feel that their insight is valued in the organization. Involving employees in decision making especially in things that concern them is a motivator to them. When employees are involved in the decision-making process they build their trust with their managers and it helps them build interpersonal relationships.

Allow your employees to grow

Every employee will look up to career advancement and better working conditions therefore promising them these things will motivate them to invest their sweat and blood to aspire to these promotions. The HR managers can offer training and seminars for employees so that they can expand their knowledge and acquire new skills that way the employees will be motivated to seek new opportunities and be productive.

Let them lead.

Allowing employees lead meetings whether large or small by so doing they are motivated to put their ideas into action afterward. Show them the bigger picture.

When the employees understand the bigger picture, they can see how what they are doing in the organization will lead to the success of the organization. Have an open-door policy.

The managers should speak to the employees how they want to be spoken to. They can use words such as “please” and “thank you” with the employees when it comes to suggestions. When employees feel that their voice matters in the organization, they become confident and productive.


Ashton, A. S. (2018). How human resources management best practices influence employee satisfaction and job retention in the Thai hotel industry. Journal of Human Resources in Hospitality & Tourism17(2), 175-199.

Hosain, M. S. (2016). Impact of best HRM practices on retaining the best employees: A study on selected Bangladeshi firms. Asian Journal of Social Sciences and Management Studies3(2), 108-114.


Naz F., Aftab, J., & Awais, M. (2016). Impact of human resource management practices (HRM) on the performance of SMEs in Multan, Pakistan. International Journal of Management, Accounting, and Economics3(11), 699-708.