SH5000 Ethics and Research in Professional Contexts

Mental health care has become of great necessity due to the increase in mental problems. Nations have to get to know how to curb them and reduce them. This is because they have been neglected for a long time. Saudi Arabia’s mental health care system has had various barriers with various ways of reducing them.

There have been financial barriers to mental health care.  The treatment for mental problems is quite expensive (Valfre, M.,2017). Those affected are not in the best position to get proper treatment without having the finances. Many fail to seek treatment due to the high costs of provision, or others may have inconsistent treatment, which will not be very useful. The government needs to intervene in this by reducing the costs of treatment of mental-related illnesses. It could also decide to provide cheaper and better insurance services.

Mental health care professionals are scarce (Arellano, L,2018). This limits the treatment people get because they can not access the treatment they desire. Those present are only in the cities, and thus there are very few in the rural areas. This leads to unaffordable services for those that are affected. The Saudi Arabia government should offer reimbursement to those studying mental health courses to encourage more in the market. They should also make the services available all over the country to make people have to access them so easily at any given time.

Mental health care awareness is deficient, and this makes it so hard to recognize. Most of the time, people may not be aware that they are suffering, but when they get educated, they can easily recognize that they are suffering. If one does not know something is not right, they won’t seek treatment (Townsend, M. & Morgan, K.,2018). The effect of stigma also makes them avoid seeking treatment. The Saudi Arabia government should make people aware that they are not in good health mentally. This Will make them more aware and hence seek medication.

Mental health care has been a bit neglected though it has a lot of effects. There are a lot of people suffering because of a lack of knowledge or resources. It is clear that these aspects, when adequately analyzed by the government, then they will indeed be reduced. Menta health care systems should be improved and focused on to reduce their adverse effects.


Arellano, L. & Sosa, E. (2018). Latina/o American Health and Mental Health: Practices and Challenges. Santa Barbara, California: Praeger.

Townsend, M. & Morgan, K. (2018). Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing: Concepts of Care in Evidence-based Practice. Philadelphia, PA: F.A. Davis Company.

Valfre, M. (2017). Foundations of mental health care. St. Louis, Missouri: Elsevier.