AVIA5015 Exam Question


  1. This exam is available from Friday 4 to Friday 11 November at 11:55pm (Sydney time–Australian Eastern Daylight Time).
  2. This exam must be submitted by 11:55pm on Friday, 11 November (Sydney time)
  3. Late submissions will not be accepted or marked.
  4. There are two parts to this exam – Part A and Part B.
  5. Part A has ten questions; students must answer any five questions. Each question is worth six marks of the overall assignment. The word limit for each answer is strictly 500 words (excluding footnotes).
  6. Part B consists of a COMPULSORY essay question. Students are required to answer the COMPULSORY QUESTION. This question is worth thirty (30) marks of the overall assignment. The word limit is strictly 1000 words (excluding footnotes and bibliography).
  7. This exam is worth sixty percent of the overall course.
  8. It is expected that a commitment of about four hours should be sufficient to pass the exam for most students who have kept up to date with the course notes and readings. A greater time commitment may be required for students who have not kept up to date with the course notes and readings, for whom English is not their primary language, and/or for students who are seeking more than a pass grade.

Please answer any five questions. Each question is worth 6 marks. Read each question carefully. Answer ALL parts of each question.

A1. (a) Define a “Safety Management System (SMS)”. (2 marks)
(b) Briefly outline how you would evaluate “safety performance”. (2 marks)
(c) State the relevant legislation and guidance material upon which your answer is based. (2 marks)

A2. (a) Distinguish between both (1) “slips and lapses” and (2) “errors and violations”. (3 marks)
(b) Explain the significance of these differences with regard to Reason’s understanding of adverse events. (3 marks)

A3. (a) Explain the consultation process employed by CASA with respect to legislative changes. (3 marks)
(b) Support your explanation with a recent example. (3 marks)

A4. (a) Would you expect the SMS of an Australian international airline to be exactly the same as an Australian regional airline? (3 marks)
(b) State the relevant legislative provisions and guidance material upon which your answer is based. (3 marks)

A5. (a) What are the characteristics of a ‘good policy’? (3 marks)
(b) Which of these characteristics do you think would be the most difficult to implement? Why? (3 marks)

A6. You are the CEO at Bounce Airlines, a domestic airline based in Australia. You need to advertise the position of Safety Manager in anticipation of the retirement of the current position holder. You are concerned that the airline
has not performed well in recent safety audit conducted by the regulator and has not yet implemented an SMS according to the regulations.

(a) Briefly outline the selection criteria and job responsibilities for this position. (3 marks)
(b) State the relevant legislation and guidance material upon which your answer is based. (3 marks)

A7. After surveying recent participants in various safety training activities, you find that 31% of all respondents chose ‘e-learning (facilitated)’ over other delivery methods.

(a) Explain the advantages and disadvantages of this form of instruction. (3 marks)
(b) State the relevant legislation and guidance material that relates to this SMS topic. (3 marks)

A8. (a) Explain the concept of a “just culture”. (2 marks)
(b) What are the advantages and disadvantages of a ‘just culture’? (2 marks)
(c) State the relevant legislation and guidance material upon which your answer is based. (2 marks)

A9. (a) Explain why it is important to understand the “culture” of an organization in order to implement a successful SMS. (3 marks)
(b) How would you achieve such an understanding in your organization? (3 marks)

A10. (a) Define a ‘crisis’. (3 marks)
(b) How would you ensure the successful management of a ‘crisis’? (3 marks)

End of Part A

PART B Answer the Compulsory Question – Question B1 This question is worth thirty (30) marks.

Compulsory Question
Question B1
Word limit – strictly 1000 words (excluding footnotes and bibliography).

Refer to the extract from the ATSB Accident Report (article attached) “Collision with Terrain 11km NW Lockhart River Aerodrome 7 May 2005”.

(a) Identify the “defenses” which worked or failed in the lead-up to this accident (15 marks).
(b) Discuss in detail how you would improve the Transair Safety Management System (15 marks).

1. Students can assume that the legislation and guidance material that are current on the day of this examination where in place on the day of this accident.
2. DO NOT re-write this report.

End of Part B