SASS Change Maker Research Dissertation Assignment

Assignment 2

Focus: The focus of this assignment is on developing an appropriate marketing plan with emphasis on ‘marketing mix’ strategy for a new product or service in an existing or new international market.

Task: The purpose of this assignment is to provide an opportunity to utilise your knowledge of international marketing to undertake an analysis of the overseas market condition to develop a practicable marketing plan.

Below is an example of an international marketing plan which is shown and explained in detail in chapter 8 of your text book.

In completing this assignment students should determine their own format and content based on the assignment focus and task as detailed above.

Title Page

Table of Contents


  • The industry
  • The company

Situation analysis

  • Business environment e.g. Political & Legal factors
  • Market analysis e.g. Characteristics, forecasts & trends
  • Competitor analysis e.g. Strengths
  • Organisational capabilities e.g. Capacity
  • SWOT analysis

Marketing strategies:

  • Foreign market entry strategy
  • Target market and segmentation strategy
  • Positioning strategy
  • Marketing mix strategy

Company objectives

Economic evaluation

  • Planning assumptions
  • Forecast sales & costs

Marketing Implementation & Control

  • Action plan
  • Budgets

Monitoring & Control Mechanism(s)

