International Human Resource Management Sample 1


The essay that would be reviewed for reflecting on the significance of effective communication in persuasive essays is “A Synthetic World” presented by Seirian Sumner, a Senior Lecturer at Behavioural Biology School, University of Bristol. The essay is primarily based on the implications of synthetic biology for long-term advantages and the probable pitfalls that can emerge from the developments in synthetic biology. The profound advantages of synthetic biology outlined by Sumner in the essay comprise replacing electrical engineering solutions with biological organisms, the resurrection of extinct animal species and ecosystems, and the resolution of existing issues with the environment such as the reduction of landfill (Imai et al., 2014). However, the essay also points out the pitfalls that can be associated with synthetic biology outcomes such as limited flexibility for regulation over large-scale applications of synthetic biology and containment of the resurrected animals and ecosystem. In the concluding section, the essay emphasizes the fact that ecology should be modified by evolution rather than the creation of synthetic biological units (Wallace & Wray, 2016).

The underlying concerns could be inferred from the probabilities of evolution in the synthetic bio-units and interbreeding with native species. Furthermore, the transfer of synthetically engineered modules to living organisms could create disruptions. The following report is aimed at determining whether synthetic biology should be promoted or subjected to limitations from a comprehensive evaluation of the essay “A Synthetic World” from distinct perspectives of claims, audience, and evidence.

The author’s main claim

Seirian Sumner’s main claim or the thesis in the essay is vested in outlining the potential detriments that can be induced by synthetic biology in the future. The author makes a fair attempt at describing the concerns in the form of queries rather than presenting substantive evidence (, 2017). For example, the description of the critical gap in the applications of synthetic biology in the resurrection of extinct ecosystems and animal species is critiqued based on the question regarding their containment. However, observation of references to probabilities of evolution among the synthetically engineered organisms as well as the disruptions caused due to the transfer of engineered modules into other organisms could be assumed as subsidiary claims substantiating the main claim of the author (Wallace & Wray, 2016).

The subsidiary claims of the author also include references to the rewiring of the synthetic bio-units by the natural ecosystem and the uncertainty related to the outcomes that could be observed from the evolution of the highly complex synthetic organisms. The thesis statement reflects on the purpose of the essay which is to determine how synthetic biology could transform our natural world unnaturally.

Seirian Sumner has used analogy as formidable evidence to validate her claims in the essay. The analogies can be observed in the form of a critique of the applications of synthetic biology in the resurrection of animals based on concerns for their containment. Another profound analogy presented by the author refers to the sustenance of synthetic bio-units in the existing vulnerable environment. (, 2017) The author also critiques the lack of a comprehensive understanding of molecular rules of releasing synthetic creations into the natural ecosystem which has been associated with the analogy that a biological unit does not exist in isolation.

I could be able to validate this claim on the grounds of the evidence that cells, genes, protein complexes, and the other functions in a synthetically engineered module could be subject to evolution. This factor has been further complemented by the evidence that the natural ecosystem could assist in rewiring the synthetic unit in an ecosystem. From a personal perspective, the evidence is substantially convincing as the questions raised by the author based on credible analogies present the detrimental consequences that could be observed from the application of synthetic biology. It is imperative to understand from the evidence that the concerns of synthetic biology are primarily vested in unnatural alteration of the ecosystem in the long run.

Assumption of Author

The author assumes a general audience while specifically referring to academicians, students of natural biology, and researchers. The author’s assumptions about the audience could be observed in the factor that the audience is aware of the positive impacts brought about by synthetic biology while ignoring the long-term impacts that could be detrimental to the natural ecosystem (, 2017). The essay is specifically able to address the audience through an immersive approach which is largely based on questioning that enables the audience to reflect on what they just read.

The author can reduce the gap between himself, the audience, and me as a writer by tapping into the primary assumption held by the audience i.e. the advantages of synthetic biology (, 2017). From a personal perspective, beginning the essay with a positive note enabled the author to build the attention of the audience regarding the subject of the essay. Gradually, when the audience moves ahead in the essay the author puts forward her claim in the form of concerns ranging from lower to higher priority such as the containment of resurrected ecosystems to the disruptions in the natural course of evolution and ecosystem.

The capabilities of the author as a writer could also be observed in the form of presenting popular culture examples such as that of ‘Jurassic Park’ which bridges the gap between the audience and the author. The use of these examples appeals to me as a general audience since I have watched Jurassic Park and I can perceive the risks that could be impinged due to any disruptions in the containment of resurrected extinct animals.


The essay “A Synthetic World” was able to utilize communication effectively to address the objective of persuading the audience. The use of communication could be observed in the distinct approaches of formal and informal communication adopted in the case of the essay. The implications of questioning and presenting contrasting opinions in the same paragraph contributed to the essay’s capabilities for communicating the main thesis statement intended by the author.

The significance of emphasizing the issues related to the comparison between ‘a synthetic world’ and ‘singularity’ could be assumed as crucial in the context of the findings from the essay. The prospects of allowing synthetic biology to foster are to allow the unnatural modification of natural ecosystems that could lead to detrimental consequences for the sustenance of existing ecosystems in the long term.

References (2017). Retrieved 21 September 2017, from

Imai, K., Takahashi, J., Mori, K., Kato, H., Ikeda, Y., Ueno, M., … & Kinoshita, S. (2014). Evaluation of reading speed ability in glaucoma patients with central visual field defects. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 55(13), 161-161.

Wallace, M., & Wray, A. (2016). Critical reading and writing for postgraduates. Sage.