BMAF008-20 Planning Your Career in Business

DUE DATE: Presentations during Week 8




The task requires you to work both individually and as part of a group in applying the Giving Voice to Values framework to a given scenario.

You need to complete both the individual and the group requirements to pass this assessment.

Groups and Scenario allocation
Your lecturer will let you know which group of students you will work with for this assessment task. Your lecturer will assign each group a scenario.

Group Presentation dates
Group presentations will take place during Week’s 8-10. Your lecturer will inform you of the
exact date and time for your group’s presentation.


Your task is to prepare a written action plan.

You must submit this to the lecturer the week BEFORE your group presentation.

1. Read either “Ways of thinking about our Values”, “Giving Voice to Values: A brief introduction” – or both – which are available on the Moodle page.

2. Read the scenario your group has been assigned.
Place yourself in the position of the person in your assigned scenario: what should you say, to whom, when and how?

In order to answer these questions consider the following:

  • What are the main arguments you are trying to counter? That is, what are the reasons and rationalizations you need to address?
  • What is at stake for the key parties (including those who disagree with you)?
  • What levers/arguments could you use to influence those with whom you disagree?
  • What is your most powerful and persuasive response to the reasons and rationalizations you need to address? To whom should the arguments be made? When and in what context?

1. Contact other members of your group and arrange some times to meet for group work. Your lecturer may suggest that group work takes place during scheduled tutorial times.
2. During group meetings discuss the scenario your group has been assigned.
3. During group meetings each student will briefly discuss their individually prepared action plan with other members of the group and the other members of the group will verbally give feedback.
4. As a group you will then work together to write a group script, and allocate roles for your group presentation of the script including how you would work through the dilemmas arising from the scenario.
5. Again, place yourself in the position of the person in your assigned scenario: what should you say, to whom, when and how? Refer to the bullet points above for questions to consider.

On your presentation day:

On the date allocated for your group presentation, members of your group will role play the scenario using the script prepared by the group.

Your lecturer will ask three students (from other groups) to complete a peer report during your presentation, which will be collected by your lecturer at the end of your group presentation.

A Peer Report form is at the end of this guide.

  • Please submit the group script to the lecturer at the end of your presentation for assessment.
  • You must include a cover page with every group member’s name and student number – and the name of your group’s allocated scenario.


Action Plan
Refer to: Individual Assessment Criteria Sheet Page 14

Group script, presentation content, presentation form
Refer to: Group Assessment Criteria sheet Page 15

Please note that the Peer Report will not be allocated marks, but is designed to be a part of your learning experience in this course. It may also be used as a guide by the lecturer.