Description/Focus: Research Proposal

Value: 50 %
Due date: Midnight Friday Week 12
Length: 3500-4000 words

Task: Write a research proposal. You need to justify and explain your arguments. See additional instructions below.

Presentation: Submission in a word document. Include appropriate headings; font Arial 11. CDU Harvard
referencing style required. Submissions via Learnline through safeassign submission point.

Assessment criteria: Refer to the assessment rubric on learnline

You are currently an employee of a large manufacturer of cereals. You have been asked by your boss to write a proposal on the prospects of introducing a new healthy on the go cereal product to the market. How would you conduct research to find out whether introducing a new cereal product is beneficial for the organization? Write a proposal for conducting research about this.

Proposal Presentation

  • Executive summary
  • Table of contents
  • Introduction
  • Literature Review
  • Research Question- State research questions and objectives
  • Methodology- What is your methodology? How do you propose to collect data to answer the question? Qualitative or Quantitative? Sample size? (Data collection, sample size, etc)
  • Analysis- How will your data be analysed?
  • Conclusion
  • References

For each of the above sections of your proposal you need to justify your selections for the proposed research. For example- Why have you selected to choose qualitative research data collection techniques rather than quantitative or why have you selected to use both?